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AAP Country Conference Evidence based policy “Celebrating our Successes” 115 November 2012

AAP Country Conference Evidence based policy “Celebrating our Successes” 115 November 2012 Republic of Congo. Political intention. UNDAF. 2 nde communication. VISION 2025. ‘chapter 12 ’. Sectorial Plans. Adaptation Framework & Green Economy Transition. PRSP II (2012-2016).

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AAP Country Conference Evidence based policy “Celebrating our Successes” 115 November 2012

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  1. AAP Country Conference Evidence based policy “Celebrating our Successes” 115 November 2012 Republic of Congo

  2. Politicalintention UNDAF 2nde communication VISION 2025 ‘chapter 12’ Sectorial Plans Adaptation Framework & Green Economy Transition PRSP II (2012-2016) National SustainableDevelopmentStrategy SNAT (2012-2016) Vulnerabilityassesements Mapping of extremesandvulnerabilities (GIS) Extrapolationofclimatic to prioritary socio economicsectors Land use planning Act Land use allocation strategy Physical infrastructure for data access Early warning system DisasterRiskReductionStrategy Adaptaioncoststudy

  3. Political intention

  4. Strategy • Biggest challenge: lack of capacities => Efforts focused on capacity development • Establishment of a Climate Change Information Centre (CICC) at the National University which serves as a portal to host and manage robust information => data is anchored in a permanent institutional context with an open access to all stakeholders • Crossing of raw climate data and socio economic data • Capitalization on regional expertise and expertise of international experts

  5. Whatwasachieved • Physical infrastructure for access to raw data: • HPC server set up • Deployment of a grid consisting of 12(6 acquired /6 ordered) meteorological, climatic and hydrological automated stations, connected to a GPRS/GSM network, to transfer collected data • Setting up of the Internet system (wireless & white space) for basic integrated management of climate data on the server • Analytical data • Sectorial vulnerability assessments • Mapping of risks and extremes • Institutional infrastructure • Setting up a technical committee composed of members of the University and Meteorological services directorate • Establishment of the COCC at the university • Human infrastructure • Identification and training of 5 engineer and technicians at Trieste based ICTP (Italy) and in Congo on the usage of systems • Training on the economics of adaptation

  6. Nextsteps =>Installation of 12 stations on the sites identified by the national meteorological services (ANAC) • Installation of the Wireless and ‘White Spaces’ internet systems • Make the CC Information Centre operational • Through the acquisition of the additional systems required to set up the early warning system, it is important to: • follo- up on risks and follow on risk related information and • ii) a project focusing on the integration of the cost benefit analysis in public expenditure frameworks

  7. Apprentissages • Capacity development an absolute pre-requisite to develop any integrated architecture aimed at informing policy • Institutional set-up/anchoring: • There is a greater capacity at the university level, limiting any institutional & political risk=> need to officialise the joint committee (university/Met services) • Activities to be pursued by the national Environment protection agency • CIC institutional arrangement should have been spelt out from the start

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