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Lecture 3. LaTeX and LyX. LaTeX. TeX Computer program by Donald Knuth for typesetting text and formulas (1977) LaTeX Predefined professional layout You need to write code to create documents ( for ex. scientific papers) Code is compiled to PDF or PS or other files LyX
Lecture 3 LaTeX and LyX
LaTeX TeX • Computer program by Donald Knuth for typesetting text and formulas (1977) LaTeX • Predefined professional layout • You need to write code to create documents ( for ex. scientific papers) • Code is compiled to PDF or PS or other files LyX • Graphical interface that allows using mouse instead of writing codes (compare: Word) • Produces LaTeX code that you can see and compile Introduction to academic studies
LaTeX vs MS Word • LaTeX is more often used for writing scientific reports and papers • Once publisher provides it’s style file, it can be embedded into your TeX file easily (in Word, you need to adjust the style manually may take hours or days) • Formulas can be enumerated and updated automatically (one new formula is inserted – not a big deal, compare with Word) • There is a citation and referencing function (in Word, manually) • Word provides a better grammar control tool than LaTeX Introduction to academic studies
Installing LaTeX and LyX Windows OS • InstallMikTeXhttp://www.miktex.org/ • Install an editor, TeXnicCenter (ifyou do not plan touseLyX): http://www.texniccenter.org/ • InstallLyXifyou like graphical interface: http://www.lyx.org/ Introduction to academic studies
Document structure Try to do yourself! \documentclass{…} \usepackage{…} \begin{document} …Write your text here… \end{document} Introduction to academic studies
Text, characters and comments • New line is ignored Make a blank line to begin a new line • Several ”space”s treated as a single one • # $ % ^ & _ { } ~ \ can not be used in text directly use \# \$ \% … • LaTeX commands are case sensitive • LaTeX commands start with backslash • \command[optional param]{parameter} • Comments start with % Introduction to academic studies
Document classes • \documentclass[options]{class} • class • article • proc (Proceedings) • report (small book, thesis) • book • slides • options • 10pt, 11pt, 12pt (size of main font) • a4paper, a5paper,… • onecolumn, twocolumn • twoside, oneside • landscape • … Introduction to academic studies
Language support • Swedish \usepackage[swedish]{babel} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} Introduction to academic studies
Titles, chapters and sections • Define the frontpage: • \title{…} • \author{…} • \date{…} • \maketitle • \section \documentclass[12pt]{paper} %Some more commands here, skipped \begin{document} \title{Bootstrap confidence intervals for large-scale multivariate monotonic regression problems} \author{Oleg Sysoev, Anders Grimvall, Oleg Burdakov } \maketitle \begin{abstract} Monotonic regression (MR) computes a response that is increasing or decreasing with respect to each of explanatory variables... \end{abstract} \textbf{Keywords: }Confidence intervals, monotonic regression, bootstrap, percentile... \section{Introduction}\label{intro} ... \end{document} Introduction to academic studies
Alignment • \begin{x} … \end{x} • x = flushleft flushright or center \section{Introduction}\label{intro} \begin{center} Monotonic regression is a nonparametric method... \end{center} Introduction to academic studies
Quotation • Use quote environment As it is specified in \cite{strand}: \begin{quote} Unfortunately, there are no efficient MR algorithms when ... \end{quote} Introduction to academic studies
Referencing • Use \label{} and \ref{} • Proper in many situations: formulas, tables, graphs, chapters… \section{Introduction}\label{intro} As it is specified in section \ref{intro}... Introduction to academic studies
Font sizes and styles • Bold \textbf{…} • Italic \textit{…} • Small font {\small ….} {\scriptsize \begin{tabular}{l | c l l l l l l c l l l l l l} … \end{tabular} } Introduction to academic studies
Formulas • Formula in the text $...$ • Formula at the new line: \begin{equation}…\end{equation} • Formula at the new line without number: \[ … \] \begin{equation} Y_i=\phi(X_i, \theta)+ \epsilon_i \label{addit} \end{equation} Introduction to academic studies
Formulas: building blocks • Subscript: $X_i$ $A_{low}$ • Superscript: $x^2$ $Y^{t^2}$ • Greek letters: \lambda \Phi \phi… • Comparison: > < = \geq \leq • Square root: \sqrt{x^3} • Ratio $\frac{x}{y^2+1}$ • Product $A \cdot B$ • $\hat{Y}$, $\vec{X}$ • Brackets $\left( X^2+1 \right )$ • Series of sums, product: \sum and \prod • $Y_i= \sum_{j=1}^{n_i} Y_{ij}/n_i$ • Integral \int Introduction to academic studies
Arrays, matrices • Use array environment: • Use ”c” ,”l” or ”r” for alignment • Separate elements with ”&” • End line with ”\\” \[ \mathbf{X} = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} x_1 & x_2 & \ldots \\ x_3 & x_4 & \ldots \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots \end{array} \right) \] Introduction to academic studies
Arrays, matrices \begin{equation} Y=\left\{ \begin{array}{rl} e^x,& if \: x>0,\\ \sqrt{x^2+1},& otherwise \end{array} \right. \end{equation} Introduction to academic studies
Creating tabbing • Define position by \= • Moveto the position by \> \begin{tabbing} 1. \ \=Compute the fitted response values $\hat{Y}_1, \ldots, \hat{Y}_n$ \\ \> and block partition $B_1, \ldots, B_K$ by applying SBR\\ 2. \>For \= each $j=1, \ldots, B$ and $i=1, \ldots, n$\\ \>\>Find $k$ such that $i \in B_k$. \\ \>\>Compute $l$ by sampling from $B_k$\\ \>\>Set $Y^*_{ij}=Y_{l}$\\ \end{tabbing} Introduction to academic studies
Creating tables • Use \begin{tabular}[pos]{table_spec} …\end{tabular} • Use ”c” ,”l” or”r” for alignment. For a fixed width, use p{width}. For drawing of vertical lines, use ”|” • Separate elements with ”&” • End line with ”\\” • Draw lines with \hline Introduction to academic studies
Creating tables \begin{tabular}{|l|ccc|} \hline $\frac{Bootstrap\ method}{CI\ approach}$ & $Parametric$ &$\stackrel{Non-parametric,}{mid-point}$ & $\stackrel{Non-parametric,}{worst-case}$\\ \hline Percentile& Method 1 & Method 3 & Method 5 \\ BCa& Method 2 & Method 4 & Method 6\\ \hline \end{tabular} Introduction to academic studies
Creating tables • To merge several cells, use \multicolumn or \multirow: {\scriptsize \begin{tabular}{l | c l l l l l l c l l l l l l} & \hspace{2mm} & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$n=10,000$} & \hspace{3mm} & \multicolumn{6}{l}{$n=50,000$}\\ \hline $Slope$ & &$dev$ & $t_{seg}$ & $t^{tot}_{gpav}$ & $t_{gpav}$ & $m_{seg}$ & $m_{gpav}$ & &$dev$ & $t_{seg}$ & $t^{tot}_{gpav}$ & $t_{gpav}$ & $m_{seg}$ & $m_{gpav}$ \\ \hline 0.2 & & 0.63 & 10.9& 35.3 & 6.6 & 28.4 & 253.6 & & 0.72 & 128.3 & 1152.3 & 142.6 & 32.6 & 1876.3\\ 2 & & 1.38 & 25.1& 30.8 & 1.4 & 37.2 & 253.4 & & 6.80 & 397.9 & 1046.2 & 26.1 & 181.0 & 1878.2\\ \hline \end{tabular} } Introduction to academic studies
Creating tables • \usepackage{multirow} • \multirow{''num_rows''}{''width''}{''contents''}. \begin{tabular}{ |l|l|l| } \hline \multicolumn{3}{ |c| }{Registered breakpoints} \\ \hline 1981 & January & 13.7 \\ \hline \multirow{2}{*}{1982} & February & 12.6 \\ & March & 13.9 \\ \hline \end{tabular} Introduction to academic studies
Floating tables Sometimestables and graphsarelargeto be placeddirectlyafter a specific text automaticplacement • Placement: • h= here • t=top • b=bottom • p=at the special page \begin{table}[placement or nothing] \begin{tabular}{...} ... \end{tabular} \caption{} \label{} \end{table} Introduction to academic studies
Floating tables \begin{table}[b] \begin{tabular}{ |l|l|l| } … \end{tabular} \caption{Registered breakpoints in the time series of oil consumption, mtones.} \label{oil} \end{table} Introduction to academic studies
Including graphics • For publication, eps-format is normal. • \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} • \includegraphics[width=,height=,scale=, angle=]{filename} \includegraphics[width=10cm]{f10k.eps} Introduction to academic studies
Floating graphics \begin{figure} \includegraphics[...]{filename} \caption{…} \label{…} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \centering \begin{tabular}{cc} \includegraphics[height=4.3cm]{time10K} & \includegraphics[height=4.3cm]{f10K} \\ \end{tabular} \caption{Processing time $Time$(to the left) and objective function $SSR$(to the right)} \label{fig2} \end{figure} Introduction to academic studies
Bibliography • To write bibliography, use • Cite: • \cite{marker} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{marker} TEXT… \bibitem{marker} TEXT… … \end{thebibliography} Introduction to academic studies
Bibliography \newpage ...we presented an algorithm called GPAV (Generalized PAV) which is a generalization of the PAV algorithm \cite{ayer}. \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{ayer} Ayer, M., Brunk, H.D., Ewing, G.M., Reid, W.T., Silverman, E.: An empirical distribution function for sampling with incomplete information. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 26, 641--647 (1955) \bibitem{barlow} Barlow, R.E., Bartholomew, D.J., Bremner, J.M., Brunk, H.D.: Statistical inference under order restrictions. Wiley, New York (1972) \end{thebibliography} Introduction to academic studies
LyX Introduction to academic studies
Home reading • http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/english/lshort.pdf • http://www.latex-project.org/ • http://www.lyx.org/ Introduction to academic studies