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Final pre-matrix analysis incorporating previous and new analyses with available corrections. Significant oil differences observed for TGC, TLC, and TGF. Relationship analysis between deposit measures and oil consumption changes presented. Various calculations and variables analyzed. Results remain consistent with or without Cat test and outlier screening.
Cat C13Pre-Matrix Data AnalysesUpdate #4Presented to C13 Task ForceMarch 14, 2005 Jim Rutherford (510) 242-3410 jaru@chevrontexaco.com
Summary • This could be the final pre-matrix analysis. It incorporates all previous analyses, adds some new ones, and includes all available corrections. • The oil consumption measure that maximizes discrimination between oils A and D with six tests is percent increase from average of 100 and 150 hours to the average of 450 and 500 hours. (Slide 5) • There were significant oil differences for TGC, and TLC. There were marginally significant oil differences for TGF. Oil differences were not significant for AWD. The differences were affected very little by whether the Cat test was included, whether outlier screening was employed, or using the maximum across the six cylinders instead of the average. (Slide 6) Cat C13 Pre-Matrix 4
Summary (continued) • Not included in this presentation but available upon request, data explorations don’t show any significant relationship between any of the above deposit measures and oil consumption percent change beyond the differences between the two oils. There are stronger relationships between the average and outlier screened outlier averages and the end of test oil consumption. • There were significant ALSCT (top ring loss of side clearance) differences between the oils. ALSCI (intermediate ring lsc) and ASCO (oil ring lsc) oil differences were not significant. None of these conclusions was impacted by whether the Cat test was included or by outlier screening. (Slide 7) Cat C13 Pre-Matrix 4
Summary (continued) • Among other variables, there were significant oil differences for OCONPINC (earlier version of oil consumption percent increase), and TGA_H500. Marginally significant oil differences were seen for IRINH500 and FEWMH500. (Slide 8) • OCONPINC changed to only marginally significant oil differences and IRINH500 became not significant when the Cat test was deleted. (Slide 9) Cat C13 Pre-Matrix 4
Various Calculations of Percent Increase p=0.15 p=0.03 p=0.03 p=0.13 p=0.49 p=0.02 p=0.30 p=0.18 OilA OilA OilA OilD OilD OilD Cat C13 Pre-Matrix 4
Pre-matrix Piston Deposits with and without Cat test Cat C13 Pre-Matrix 4
Pre-matrix Side Clearances with and without Cat test Cat C13 Pre-Matrix 4
Pre-matrix Other Variables with Cat test Cat C13 Pre-Matrix 4
Pre-matrix Other Variables without Cat test Cat C13 Pre-Matrix 4