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Chapter 15 Multithreading. Threads Concept Creating Threads by Extending the Thread class Creating Threads by Implementing the Runnable Interface Controlling Threads and Thread Status Thread Groups Synchronization Creating Threads for Applets Case Studies. Threads Concept.
Chapter 15 Multithreading • Threads Concept • Creating Threads by Extending the Thread class • Creating Threads by Implementing the Runnable Interface • Controlling Threads and Thread Status • Thread Groups • Synchronization • Creating Threads for Applets • Case Studies
Threads Concept Multiple threads on multiple CPUs Multiple threads sharing a single CPU
Example 15.1Using the Thread Class to Create and Launch Threads • Objective: Create and run three threads: • The first thread prints the letter a 100 times. • The second thread prints the letter b 100 times. • The third thread prints the integers 1 through 100.
Example 15.1Using the Thread Class to Create and Launch Threads, cont. TestThread Run
Example 15.2Using the Runnabel Interface to Create and Launch Threads • Objective: Create and run three threads: • The first thread prints the letter a 100 times. • The second thread prints the letter b 100 times. • The third thread prints the integers 1 through 100. TestRunnable Run
Controlling Threads and Thread States • void run() Invoked by the Java runtime system to execute the thread. You must override this method and provide the code you want your thread to execute. • void start() Starts the thread, which causes the run() method to be invoked. Called by the runnable object in the client class. • static void sleep(long millis)throws InterruptedException Puts the runnable object to sleep for a specifiedtime in milliseconds.
Controlling Threads and Thread States, cont. • void stop() Stops the thread. (deprecated in JDK 1.2) • void suspend() (deprecated in JDK 1.2) Suspends the thread. Use the resume() method to resume. • void resume() (deprecated in JDK 1.2) Resumes the thread suspended with the suspend() method.
Thread Priority • Each thread is assigned a default priority of Thread.NORM_PRIORITY. You can reset the priority using setPriority(int priority). • Some constants for priorities include Thread.MIN_PRIORITYThread.MAX_PRIORITYThread.NORM_PRIORITY
Thread Groups • Construct a thread group using the ThreadGroup constructor: ThreadGroup g = new ThreadGroup("timer thread group"); • Place a thread in a thread group using the Thread constructor: Thread t = new Thread(g, new ThreadClass(), "This thread");
Thread Groups, cont. • To find out how many threads in a group are currently running, use the activeCount() method: System.out.println("The number of “ + “ runnable threads in the group ” + g.activeCount());
Synchronization A shared resource may be corrupted if it is accessed simultaneously by multiple threads. For example, two unsynchronized threads accessing the same bank account causes conflict.
Example 15.3Showing Resource Conflict • Objective: create and launch 100 threads, each of which adds a penny to a piggy bank. Assume that the piggy bank is initially empty.
Example 15.3, cont PiggyBankWithoutSync Run
The synchronized keyword To avoid resource conflicts, Java uses the keyword synchronized to synchronize method invocation so that only one thread can be in a method at a time. To correct the data-corruption problem in Example 15.3, you can rewrite the program as follows: PiggyBankWithSync Run
Creating Threads for Applets In Example 12.1, "Displaying a Clock," you drew a clock to show the current time in an applet. The clock does not tick after it is displayed. What can you do to let the clock display a new current time every second? The key to making the clock tick is to repaint it every second with a new current time. You can use the code given below to override the start() method in CurrentTimeApplet:
Creating Threads for Applets public void start() { while (true) { stillClock.repaint(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(InterruptedException ex) { } } } What is wrong in this code? As long as the while loop is running, the browser cannot serve any other event that might be occurring.
Creating a Thread to run the while loop public class MyApplet extends JApplet implements Runnable { private Thread timer = null; public void init() { timer = new Thread(this); timer.start(); } ... public void run() { ... } }
Creating a Thread to run the while loop, cont. public void run(){ while (true){ repaint(); try{ thread.sleep(1000); waitForNotificationToResume(); } catch (InterruptedException ex){ } } }
Creating a Thread to run the while loop, cont. private synchronized void waitForNotificationToResume() throws InterruptedException { while (suspended) wait(); }
Creating a Thread to run the while loop, cont. public synchronized void resume(){ if (suspended){ suspended = false; notify(); } } public synchronized void suspend(){ suspended = true; }
Example 15.4 Displaying a Running Clock in in an Applet Objective: Simulate a running clock by using a separate thread to repaint the clock. ClockApplet Run Applet Viewer
Example 15.5Controlling a Group of Clocks Clock ClockGroup Run