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Explore differential gene expression in Leishmania amastigotes vs. promastigotes using iterative hierarchical clustering. Investigate variations among log-phase promastigotes, stationary-phase promastigotes, and amastigote-like forms induced by temperature and pH shifts across 10 clusters.
Figure S1. Iterativehierarchicalclustering of differentiallyregulated genes in amastigoteswithrespecttoculturedpromastigotes and Pro-Pper. Logarithmic and stationaryphasepromastigotes are considered, as well as amastigote-likeformsinducedbytemperature and pH shift. Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 Cluster 6 Cluster 7 Cluster 8 Cluster 9 Cluster 10 Amas/Log Amas/Stat Amas-like/Pro Amas/Pro-Pper Amas/Log Amas/Stat Amas/Log Amas/Stat Amas-like/Pro Amas-like/Pro Amas/Pro-Pper Amas/Pro-Pper