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Discovering the Internet Complete Concepts and Techniques

Discovering the Internet Complete Concepts and Techniques. Chapter 1: Into the Internet. Objectives. Define the Internet Describe how the Internet is used Discuss the history of the Internet and the World Wide Web Describe how individuals and businesses connect to the Internet.

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Discovering the Internet Complete Concepts and Techniques

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  1. Discovering the Internet Complete Concepts and Techniques Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  2. Objectives • Define the Internet • Describe how the Internet is used • Discuss the history of the Internet and the World Wide Web • Describe how individuals and businesses connect to the Internet Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  3. Defining the Internet • The Internet is a worldwide network of computers that allows individual and business users to share information and other resources • The Internet is an interconnected network of networks where each Internet host has a number of other computers connected to it • Users who connect to the Internet to access information are online Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  4. The Internet is a worldwide network of networks. Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  5. Using the Internet • The Internet has profoundly changed nearly every aspect of life by revolutionizing how individuals and businesses: • Access information and electronic files • Communication personally and professionally • Shop for products and services • Share resources Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  6. People use the Internet for many different purposes. Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  7. Using the Internet (continued) • Who uses the Internet? • Students • Business professionals • Homemakers • Retirees • Hobbyists • Consumers • Health care professionals Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  8. Using the Internet (continued) • Internet Activities • Browsing and searching for information on the World Wide Web • Communicating with others via e-mail, chat, newsgroups, and mailing lists • Downloading and uploading files • Logging on to remote computers • Conducting business activities • Social Networking Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  9. Using the Internet (continued) • Internet Activities • World Wide Web (WWW or Web) • Web pages – created using HTML or Web authoring software connected by hyperlinks • Web site – groups of related Web pages • College, university, corporate, retail, non-profit, personal • Web server – computer on which Web pages are stored • Web browser – software used to view Web pages • Browsing or surfing the Web Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  10. Web sites include college and university, corporate, retail, non-profit, and personal sites. Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  11. Web pages are connected by text or graphic hyperlinks. Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  12. Using the Internet (continued) • Internet activities • Search tools – Web-based resource to help find specific information on the Web Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  13. Using the Internet (continued) • Internet activities • E-mail – sending messages and files over a local computer network or the Internet • Instant messaging – exchanging brief real-time messages with others on the Internet • Chat – real-time online discussions between two or more individuals • Mailing lists – online newsletters • Newsgroups – online bulletin boards Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  14. Using the Internet (continued) • Internet activities • Downloading and uploading files – using FTP to send or retrieve electronic files from a server • Music, video, data • Logging on to a remote computer – using Telnet to log on to a remote computer to use its computing power Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  15. FTP is used to download and upload files. Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  16. Using the Internet (continued) • Internet activities • Conducting business activities • E-commerce • E-business models • B2C • B2B • B2E • C2C B2C B2B B2E C2C Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  17. History of the Internet • Origins in ARPANET • Department of Defense founded ARPA to promote computer and scientific research (1958) • J.C.R. Licklider headed computer and information research (1962) • Leonard Kleinrock developed packet switching (1966) • ARPANET – prototype network connecting ARPA and university research centers (1969) • Growth and Development • Ray Tomlinson developed e-mail (1971) Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  18. History of the Internet • Growth and Development • Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn developed standard or protocol for communications over a network TCP and IP (1972) • Beyond Research, To the Public • NSFnet replaced ARPANET (1985) • Congress authorized commercial activity on the NSFnet (1992) • NSFnet moved connections to commercial network providers (1995) Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  19. The AT&T Backbone. Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  20. History of the Internet • The Beginnings and Rise of the Web • Gopher at University of Minnesota Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  21. History of the Internet • The Beginnings and Rise of the Web • Tim Berners-Lee (1991) • Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) • First Web browser and Web server • Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina (1993) • MOSAIC browser • Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark (1994) • Netscape Communications and Netscape Navigator browser Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  22. Berners-Lee’s original WorldWideWeb browser and HTML documents. Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  23. Connecting to the Internet • Connection Methods • Dial-up – home computers using standard telephone lines and modem to access the Internet Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  24. Connecting to the Internet • Connection Methods • Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) – home computers and businesses using an “always on” high-speed Internet connection over standard telephone lines • Broadband transmission splitting telephone wire into data and voice • Requires firewall protection to prevent intrusion by outsiders Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  25. Connecting to the Internet • Connection Methods • Cable – home computers and businesses can use an “always on” high-speed Internet connection over the same cable lines as cable television • Cable modem and line splitter to divide television signals from data signals • Requires firewall protection to prevent intrusion by outsiders Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  26. Connecting to the Internet (continued) • Connection Methods • Fixed wireless connections: • Satellite – One way or Two way Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  27. Connecting to the Internet (continued) • Connection Methods • Fixed wireless connections: • Microwave – line-of-sighttransmission Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  28. Connecting to the Internet (continued) • Connection Methods • Mobile Wireless – wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) technologies for notebooks that need to connect to a network • Wireless access point – hardware that connects wireless devices to a network • Hotspot – specific geographic location in which a wireless access point provides public Internet access Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  29. Connecting to the Internet (continued) • Connection Methods • Mobile Wireless • GSM/GPRS card installed in a computer to allow it to connect to a wireless network • Cell phones, PDAs, tablet PCs can connect to the Internet • High-Speed Business Connections • Businesses typically use high-speed fiber-optic cable such as a T1 line connected to their local area network to provide Internet access to employees Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  30. Connecting to the Internet (continued) • Internet Service Providers (ISPs) • Considerations for choosing an ISP include: • Speed of connection • Type of connection and cost of service • Availability of customer service and technical support Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  31. Chapter Review • The Internet is a worldwide network of networks • The Internet allows individuals to communicate, access information, and purchase products and services from online stores or other individuals • Businesses use the Internet and the Web to conduct a variety of business transactions Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  32. Chapter Review (continued) • People of all ages and interests use the Internet for school, work, hobbies, and personal enrichment • Browse the Web • Search the Web for specific information • Send e-mail or participate in mailing lists, newsgroups, and online chat • Upload and download files Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  33. Chapter Review (continued) • The Internet has its origins in ARPANET, a research network developed by ARPA under the auspices of the Department of Defense • Scientists developed and used packet switching technologies and the TCP and IP protocols that allow communications over and between networks Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  34. Chapter Review (continued) • Some scientists instrumental in the development of early network technologies • J. C. R. Licklider – concept of Internet • Leonard Kleinrock – packet switching • Robert Kahn – TCP and IP protocols • Vinton Cerf – TCP and IP protocols • Ray Tomlinson – e-mail Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  35. Chapter Review (continued) • The Web is a subset of the Internet consisting of Web pages containing text and multimedia content • Related Web pages are grouped together in a Web site • Web pages are stored on a Web server • Web pages are viewed with a Web browser • Web pages are linked together via hyperlinks • Tim Berners-Lee is the “father” of the Web Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  36. Chapter Review (continued) • The National Science Foundation (NSF) developed NSFnet to replace ARPANET • NSF turned research and commercial portions of NSFnet over to commercial network providers creating the Internet as we know it today Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  37. Chapter Review (continued) • Home computers can be connected to the Internet via • Dial-up telephone access • DSL high-speed telephone access • Cable access • DSL and cable access are “always on” connections • Should be protected by a firewall Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  38. Chapter Review (continued) • Businesses require high speeds and large capacity lines such as T1, T3, or other fiber-optic connections from local area network to their Internet Service Provider (ISP) • When choosing an ISP, key considerations include the cost of the equipment and monthly subscription, as well as the connection speed Chapter 1: Into the Internet

  39. Chapter 1 Complete Chapter 1: Into the Internet

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