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SC COMPANIA DE APA TARGOVISTE-DAMBOVITA SA Extension and Rehabilitation of The Water and Waste Water Infrastructure in Dambovita County. Damboviţa County: County surface : 4 054 km² County population : 535.000 inhabitants out of which - urban area : 31 % - rural area : 69 %

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  1. SC COMPANIA DE APA TARGOVISTE-DAMBOVITA SA Extension and Rehabilitation of The Water and Waste Water Infrastructure in Dambovita County

  2. Damboviţa County: • County surface : 4 054 km² • County population: 535.000 inhabitants out of which - urban area : 31 % - rural area : 69% • Relief: plain 33%, hill 33%, mountain 34% • Localities: 2 municipalities, 5 towns, 72 communes • Population density: 132 loc/km2

  3. PriorityAgglomerations IdentifiedAgglomerations

  4. Regional Operating Company – SC Compania de ApaTargoviste-Dambovita SA • Has been established since 31 of July 2007, through RAGC’s Targoviste transformation into a commercial company with integral public capital ; • Has a number of 16 shareholders: • Local Council of Targoviste (94,30546%), Local Council of Aninoasa ; • Dambovita County Council (5,579776%), Local Council of Dragomiresti ; • Local Council of Moreni; Local Council of Sotanga ; • Local Council of Fieni; Local Council of Razvad ; • Local Council of Gaesti; Local Council of Ulmi ; • Local Council of Pucioasa; Local Council of Voinesti ; • Local Council of Titu; Local Council of Branesti ; • Local Council of Racari; Local Council of GuraOcnitei ; • By means of IDA decision nr. 1/23.01.2008, SC Compania de ApaTargoviste-Dambovita SA has been nominated as a regional operating company in Dambovita county. • Since 16.06.2008, SC Compania de ApaTargoviste-Dambovita SA is operating in 2 municipalities, 5 towns and 34 communes from Dambovita County .

  5. Existing situation in Dambovita County in terms of water supply and wastewater • The situation in the water supply sector can be summarized as follows: • Number of water supply systems in the urban areas – 6; • The average connection rate to piped water supply in the urban area – 87%; • Number of water supply systems in the rural areas – 39; • The average connection rate to piped water supply in the rural area – 12%; • There are only 5 Water Treatment Plants: Targoviste (not working), Pucioasa, Gaesti and 2 in rural areas. For the remaining localities the water treatment consists of chlorination only; • Main deficits: Water losses caused by damages in the network; old pipes; worn-out or non-functional equipment; old or damaged structures such as reservoirs and pumping stations; chlorination facilities not in accordance with proper safety regulations

  6. C. Proposed investments for Dambovita County

  7. C. Proposed investments for Dambovita County

  8. C. Proposed investments for Dambovita County

  9. C.Proposed investments for Dambovita County

  10. Procurement Strategy

  11. CONTACT DATA GENERAL MANAGER - ENG. RADU VASILESCU MAIL : radu.vasilescu2002@gmail.com PHONE : 0040723645081 P.I.U MANAGER - ENG. CRISTIAN SGARBURA MAIL: cristian.sgarbura@catd.ro , csgarbura@yahoo.com PHONE : 0040722141374

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