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Forcing Open the Pod Bay Doors. Harnessing IT in the Service of an Anatomic Pathology Service. Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology Venice, FL. Who we are. Suncoast Pathology Three pathologist independent laboratory William G. Roth, MD Tamara L. Densmore, MD
Forcing Open the Pod Bay Doors Harnessing IT in the Service of an Anatomic Pathology Service Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology Venice, FL
Who we are • Suncoast Pathology • Three pathologist independent laboratory • William G. Roth, MD • Tamara L. Densmore, MD • Richard E. Whisnant, MD • Hospital, outpatient, cytology services • ~15,000 surgical accessions/year • Disclosures • Patent pending and ownership/financial interests Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
What we set out to build Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
What we set out to build A comprehensive information technology solution to the most significant problems in our own anatomic pathology practice, including quality, workflow, and staffing. Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
System Overview- Auto-Dx • “AP Middleware” system • Interfaces to existing AP-LIS • Site of every interaction by every staff member with every case the laboratory handles • Technical details • Filemaker Pro 6.0 database (desktop pseudo-server) • 10 workstations • 3 pathologists, 3 grossing room, 4 histology • Barcode scanner (2D) and laptop/desktop (<$10K) Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
If it were an IT challenge, it would be easy (or at least someone else’s problem) Possible IT Solutions Culture Workflow X X and over here You are here… Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Our actual starting state Culture Workflow X X Possible IT Solutions and over here You are here… Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Two projects in one, neither IT Process Redesign Culture Workflow X X Social Engineering Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
User Interface Overview • User Interface • Pointing methods- mouse, touch screen, voice • Quality of interface design • Metric: total # of mouse clicks per case signed out! • Centrality of programmable bar code scanners Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Function List • Autopilot • Tasked with preventing errors and other lapses of quality at every interaction with a case • Air traffic controller • Improves workflow and efficiency • Flight Data Recorder (“Black Box”) • Collects detailed data on all near-misses and errors • Flight Simulator Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Autopilot functions • Clerical checks, broadly defined. • Production of text for gross and final diagnosis • Decision support functions. • Automated coding. • QC supervision and selection. Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Auto-Dx: operator manual • Scan slide • Follow prompts from there Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Acknowledge Header/Gross information Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Surgical/Cytology history review Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Screen for and highlight the highlights Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Diagnosis entry Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Diagnosis entry-2 Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Diagnosis entry-3 Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Review Interfaced and customized Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Review Interfaced and customized Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Interpathologist Communication Log (aka Deep Thoughts) Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Diagnosis entry revisited Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Text Generation Overview • Text Generation: Coded versus Freestyle • More efficient freestyle dictation = pyrrhic victory • Asynchronous: traditional dictation, digital dictation • Synchronous: voice recognition, self-typed • Coding challenges • Our own preconceived notions and biases (“natural language”) • Technical challenges Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Simple skin excision gross (partial) • skin_shape_text & "measuring " & skin_size1 & " x " & skin_size2 & " x " & skin_size3 & " cm. There is a" & If( skin_lesion1 <> "irregular epidermal surface", " " & skin_lesion_location & "ly located ", "n ") & If( skin_lesion_size <> "", skin_lesion_size & " cm " , "")& skin_lesion1 & " noted. " & "The specimen is inked" & If( scored_margin <> "" and scored_margin <> " ", " and the " & scored_margin & " margin is scored" & If( twelve_designation? <> "already clocked", " (relative to the " & twelve_designation? & " being designated 12:00). ", ". ") ,". ")& "Sectioned " & If( number_of_blocks= 1, "and entirely submitted in a single cassette labeled " & part_letter & ". ",If( skin_lesion1 <> "irregular epidermal surface", "with the lesion in cassette", "with central sections in cassette") ) & If( number_of_blocks= 1, "", If( (cassettes_for_lesion > 1), "s " & part_letter & "1 through " & part_letter & cassettes_for_lesion & ". "," " & part_letter & "1. ")) & If( number_of_blocks= 1, "", If( entirely_submitted? = "no", "Representative sections of the remaining tissue submitted as ", "Remaining tissue entirely submitted as ") & part_letter & (cassettes_for_lesion + 1) & If( (cassettes_for_lesion + 1) < number_of_blocks, " through " & part_letter & number_of_blocks, "") & ".¶") Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Skin excision- grossing workstation Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Coding colon resections Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Colon resection output format • B) POLYPS ASCENDING: • *INVASIVE LOW-GRADE ADENOCARCINOMA, 3 CM. • -pT2: Tumor invades into, but not through, muscularis propria. • *pN1: METASTATIC TUMOR PRESENT IN (2/17) PERICOLIC LYMPH NODES. • -Margins clear: Proximal and distal mucosal margins widely (>5 cm) • free of tumor. • Other cancer summary data: • -pMx: Status of distant metastases not known. • -Circumferential radial margin status: • -Resection type: Sigmoid colectomy. • -Tumor location: Sigmoid colon. • -Lymphatic (small-vessel) invasion: absent. • -Venous (large vessel) invasion: absent. • Note: The above report includes all data recommended by the College of American Pathologists for complete reporting of colon tumors. Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Function List • Autopilot • Tasked with preventing errors and other lapses of quality at every interaction with a case • Air traffic controller • Improves workflow and efficiency • Flight Data Recorder (“Black Box”) • Collects detailed data on all near-misses and errors • Flight Simulator Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Histology performance measures- individual (4x objective) Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Histology performance measures- individual (40x objective) Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Histology performance- group (4x objective) Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Histology performance- group (40x objective) Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Pathologist performance-individual Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Pathologist performance-group Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Function List • Autopilot • Tasked with preventing errors and other lapses of quality at every interaction with a case • Air traffic controller • Improves workflow and efficiency • Flight Data Recorder (“Black Box”) • Collects detailed data on all near-misses and errors • Flight Simulator Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Flight Data Recorder (Black Box) function • Detailed event data (timestamps, pathologist communication, changes, etc.) on errors • Allows retrospective answers to questions • Increases error identification through blinded review process. • Allows (and forces) near-miss evaluation Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Second Review Design Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Automated Quality Conference Cover Sheet Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Flight Simulator- work in progress • Combination of blinded review routine workflow and known baseline detailed performance characteristics allows production of meaningful quality exercises. Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology
Auditing effectiveness • Possible triggers • Random cases • High-risk histories • Recent performance Richard E. Whisnant, MD Suncoast Pathology