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Bob Kinicki PEDS September 24, 2007. Current Wireless Networking Research Directions from MobiCom 2007 Conference. Outline. Observations from Workshop on Wi reless N etwork T estbeds, E xperimental evaluation and CH aracterization ( WiNTECH 2007) Keynotes and Panel Themes
Bob Kinicki PEDS September 24, 2007 Current WirelessNetworking ResearchDirections fromMobiCom 2007 Conference
Outline • Observations from Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation and CHaracterization (WiNTECH 2007) • Keynotes and Panel Themes • Notes, highlights and trends from MobiCom papers • Random thoughts based on poster sessions and student demonstrations PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
WinTECH Workshop • Keynote: GNU Radio as experimental platform • Publicly available tool for audio experimentation on wireless testbeds. • Several wireless testbeds within campus structure (e.g., Purdue) • Crossbow MicaZ seems to be the new sensor node of choice. • There was new activity involving PHY – MAC layer cross-layering. PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
WinTECH Workshop • Wireless testbed architectures include VINI (Princeton) and ORBIT (radio grid ‘emulator’ system available at Rutgers) • Physical Layer issues explored: • Capture effect of stronger signal • Inherent unfairness in overlapping AP domains (e.g. use ‘traffic shaper’ to throttle APs). PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
Keynotes and Panels • SIGMOBILE's Outstanding Contributions Award Lecture David CullerTinyOS and Low-Power Wireless Networking - a Study in Realistic Abstraction • Keynote AddressDr. David TseBreaking the Interference Barrier • Panel: Bonobos Vs Chimps: Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Behavior in Wireless NetworksModerator: Jean-Pierre Hubaux, EPFLParticipants: Ramesh Johari, StanfordP. R. Kumar, Illinois, Heather Zheng, UCSB PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
MobiCom Papers Session: Medium Access Control • Scheduling Algorithms for Multi-Carrier Wireless Data SystemsMatthew Andrews (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, US); Lisa Zhang (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, US) • Multi-carrier scheduling (CDMA, WIMAX, EVDO, LTE (OFDMA)) • Idea: Assign different user types to different carrier technologies. • Superimposed Code based Channel Assignment in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks Kai Xing (The George Washington University, US); Xiuzhen Cheng (The George Washington Univ, US); Qilian Liang (The University of Texas at Arlington, US); Liran Ma (The George Washington University, US) • Important to support both unicast and broadcast • CSMA/CA {802.11} is inadequate for mesh networks • Used an Interference Model • MIMO multi-channel used for interference reduction • How do mesh networks know which channel to listen to and which channel to transmit on? • Optimal Channel Probing and Transmission Scheduling for Opportunistic Spectrum Access Nicholas Chang (University of Michigan, US); Mingyan Liu (University of Michigan, US) • Channel quality is time-varying need probes • Probe for quality using RTS/CTS; receiver sends SNR in CTS • This is a joint probing and scheduling problem PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
MobiCom Papers Session: Sensor Networks • Trade-offs Between Mobility and Density for Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks Wei Wang (National University of Singapore, SG); Vikram Srinivasan (National University of Singapore, SG); Kee Chaing Chua (National University of Singapore, SG) • Coverage is the issue here. Worry about cascaded moving. • Considered homogeneous and heterogeneous WSNs where a limited number of mobile sensors can be matched to holes. • Rendered Path: Range-Free Localization in Anisotropic Sensor Networks with Holes Mo Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Techonlogy, HK); Yunhao Liu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK) • Automatic localization popped up all over the conference. Here, the believe is for some WSN applications, sensors need to know where neighbors are located. PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
MobiCom Papers Session: Sensor Networks (cont.) These two papers address a new ‘buzz’ topic – Barriers !! • Designing Localized Algorithms for Barrier Coverage Ai Chen (Ohio State University, US); Santosh Kumar (University of Memphis, US); Ten-Hwang Lai (Ohio State university, US) • Reliable Density Estimates for Achieving Coverage and Connectivity in Thin Strips of Finite Length Paul Balister (University of Memphis, US); Amites Sarkar (University of Memphis, US); Bela Bollobas (University of Memphis, US); Santosh Kumar (University of Memphis, US) PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
MobiCom Papers Session: Security and Privacy • DARWIN: Distributed and Adaptive Reputation mechanism for Wireless ad-hoc Networks Juan Jose Jaramillo (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US); R. Srikant (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US) • Concerned with rewards/punishments for forwarding packets • 802.11 User Fingerprinting Jeffrey Pang (Carnegie Mellon University, US); Benjamin Greenstein (Intel Research Seattle, US); Ramakrishna Gummadi (University of Southern California, US); Srinivasan Seshan (Carnegie Mellon University, US); David Wetherall (University of Washington, US) • The issue is location privacy (i.e., worrying about tracking people locations through trends in wireless node locations over time). • In this case, a unique MAC address is a problem!! • Robust Location Distinction using Temporal Link Signatures Neal Patwari (University of Utah, US); Sneha Kasera (University of Utah, US) • The idea is to develop unique transmitter signature. {Difficult to do!} • When transmitter moves or attacker impersonates source, receiver can tell by signature change. • Mining call data to increase the robustness of cellular networks to signaling DoS attacks Hui Zang (Sprint ATL, US); Jean Bolot (Sprint, US) • Used recorded cell phone behavior to speed up paging times on cell phones. PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
MobiCom Papers Session: Cross-layer Techniques • Adaptive Network Coding and Scheduling for Maximizing Throughput in Wireless Networks Prasanna Chaporkar (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO); Alexandre Proutiere (Microsoft Research, UK) • Picks up on COPE algorithm (XOR packet sending scheme) • Network Coding (NC) was another buzz word at conference. • This paper shows NCcan lower throughput. • Hence, transmission scheduling needs to be NC aware. • Beyond the Bits: Cooperative Packet Recovery Using PHY Information Grace Woo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US); Pouya Kheradpour (MIT, US); Dawei Shen (MIT, US); Dina Katabi (MIT, US) • SOFT is another cross-layering idea that recovers a correct frame from its faulty reception by using confidence values for 0 or 1 which are available in PHY. • They used GNU radio application and interfaces for implementation and testing. PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
MobiCom Papers Session: Mobility/Interference Models • Crossing Over the Bounded Domain: From Exponential To Power-law Inter-meeting Time in MANET Han Cai (North Carolina State University, US); Do Young Eun (North Carolina State University, US) • Claim: Inter-meeting time is a key wireless metric. • They show this time has exponential tail up to a point and then becomes power-law tail. • There results indicate this behavior is due to a finite boundary around the domain space. • A General Model of Wireless Interference Lili Qiu (The University of Texas at Austin, US); Yin Zhang (University of Texas at Austin, US); Feng Wang (University of Texas at Austin, US); Mi Kyung Han (University of Texas at Austin, US); Ratul Mahajan (Microsoft Research, US) • This paper is part of buzz on Interference Modeling for wireless networks. • They claim to develop a measurement-based interference model. • ‘Heavy’ queuing theory but used traces and simulation to show accuracy of theoretical model. PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
MobiCom Papers Session: Mobility/Interference Models (Cont.) • Power law and exponential decay of inter contact times between mobile devices Thomas Karagiannis (Microsoft Research, UK); Jean-Yves Le Boudec (EPFL, CH); Milan Vojnovic (Microsoft Research, UK) • Similar to first paper in session in results presented. • Study of a Bus-Based Disruption Tolerant Network: Mobility Modeling and Impact on Routing Xiaolan Zhang (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, US); James F. Kurose (University of Massachusetts at Amherst, US); Brian Levine (University of Massachusetts at Amherst, US); Don Towsley (University of Massachusetts at Amherst, US); Honggang Zhang (Suffolk University, US) • Some what obvious results in bus networks over UMass campus where laptops travel on buses and record information about closeness to facilitate relaying information. PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
MobiCom Papers Session: Challenges • Challenges: Towards Truly Scalable Ad Hoc Networks Zheng Wang (University of California Santa Cruz, US); Hamid Sadjadpour (University of California, Santa Cruz, US); J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves (University of California at Santa Cruz, US) • Very theoretical presentation – all big O notation. • Challenges: Peers on Wheels - A Road to New Traffic Information Systems Jedrzej Rybicki (Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf, DE); Bjorn Scheuermann (Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, DE); Wolfgang Kiess (Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf, DE); Christian Lochert (Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, DE); Pezhman Fallahi Khorasani (Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, DE); Martin Mauve (Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, DE) • VANETs was another buzz at the conference. • This talk focused on the fact that VANETs did not solve the problem wrt traffic and in the future these traffic systems would be used. • Challenges: Device-free Passive Localization for Wireless Environments Moustafa Youssef (University of Maryland, US); Matthew Mah (University of Maryland, US); Ashok K. Agrawala (University of Maryland, US) • More about localization. PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
MobiCom Papers Session: Measurements • Adaptive Contact Probing Mechanisms for Delay Tolerant Applications Wei Wang (National University of Singapore, SG); Vikram Srinivasan (National University of Singapore, SG); Mehul Motani (National University of Singapore, SG) • Interested in and measured contact patterns of volunteer cell phone users in Singapore. • A Measurement-Based Approach to Modeling Link Capacity in 802.11-based Wireless Networks Anand Kashyap (SUNY at Stony Brook, US); Samir Das (SUNY at Stony Brook, US); Samrat Ganguly (NEC Labs, US) • Developed an analytic model for 802.11 link capacity that put significant importance on AP interference/interaction. • ‘Validated’ model on a controlled WLAN and induced only UDP traffic through neighboring APs. • MDG: Measurement-Driven Guidelines for 802.11 WLAN Design Ioannis Broustis (University of California, Riverside, US); Konstantina Papagiannaki (Intel Research, US); Srikanth Krishnamurthy (University of California, Riverside, US); Michalis Faloutsos (University of California Riverside, US); Vivek Mhatre (Bell Labs, IN) • Interested in AP interference. • Measure and develop a new algorithm that considers frequency selection, user association to an AP and power control. PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
MobiCom Papers Session: Routing and Multicasting {I had to leave and did not attend this session} • Multicast Capacity for Wireless Networks Xiang-Yang Li (Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing; Illinois Institute of Technology, US); Shao-Jie Tang (Illinois Institute of Technology, US); Ophir Frieder (Illinois Institute of Technology, US) • On Designing Collusion-Resistant Routing Schemes for Non-Cooperative Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Sheng Zhong (SUNY Buffalo, US); Fan Wu (State University of New York at Buffalo, US) • Weak State Routing for Large Scale Dynamic Networks Utku Acer (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US); Shivkumar Kalyanaraman (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US); Alhussein Abouzeid (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US) PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
Posters and Demos General Observations: • The posters and demos were far more practical. • Many posters on Mesh networks, location detection, security and VANETs. • Several practical demos involving sensors. • Except for the more theoretical posters, WPI graduate students could produce comparable practical results if we had easily accessible testbeds. PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions
Questions? Thank You! PEDS September 24, 2007 – MobiCom 07 Research Directions