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NASA CEA Tutorial. Problem Types Rocket Examples References. Timothée Pourpoint. Online Access & Documentation. CEA: calculates chemical equilibrium product concentrations determines thermodynamic & transport properties. 2 supporting documents:
NASA CEA Tutorial Problem Types Rocket Examples References Timothée Pourpoint 1
Online Access & Documentation • CEA: • calculates chemical equilibrium product concentrations • determines thermodynamic & transport properties • 2 supporting documents: • Detailed analyses of chemical equilibrium calculations • User manual and program description Request a download http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/CEAWeb/ceaWhat.htm 2/15
Installation Overview • Download desired version (Windows) • CEA GUI Download consists of the following files: 1) CEAgui-jar.zip 2) CEA+Fortran.zip 3) CEAexec-win.zip • Notes from: Readme_CEAgui-win.txt • If your local system has NOT installed the Java2 SDK (J2SDK), you must install the Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) which consists of Java Virtual Machine, the Java platform core classes, and supporting files. It is the runtime part of the J2SDK. j2re1_4_1_03-windows-i586.exe can be downloaded from "http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/" for Java2 SDK from Sun Microsoft Inc. • The CEAexec Package installation procedures for Windows: 1. Create the installation Directory on your local machine (e.g. mkdir C:\CEAexec) 2. Download all three ZIP files and the executable file into the SAME directory (e.g. cd C:\CEAexec) 3. Unzip the Fortran Source Code (CEA+Fortran.zip) and save into the SAME directory. 4. Unzip the CEA GUI Execution file(CEAexec-win.zip)and save into the SAME directory. 5. Unzip the CEAgui JAR file (CEAgui-jar.zip) and save into the SAME directory. 6. Double-click on the file (j2re1_4_1_03-windows-i586) to install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) by using the system DEFAULT directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java Soft\JRE\1.4) 7.Execute the batch file (CEAexec-win.bat) for using the file CEAgui.jar. 3/15
Problem Types (1/2) • Assigned Temperature and Pressure – tp Chemical equilibrium composition and properties will be calculated for selected temperatures and pressures. • Combustion (Enthalpy and Pressure) – hp Enthalpy held constant resulting in an adiabatic flame temperature, equilibrium mixture properties and composition. • Assigned temperatures and volumes – tv Chemical equilibrium composition and properties are calculated for assigned temperatures and a set of either assigned specific volumes or densities. • Combustion (Internal energy and volumes) – uv Chemical equilibrium composition and properties are calculated for assigned internal energies and assigned total reactant specific volumes or densities. • Rocket – rkt Theoretical rocket performance parameters can be calculated for: • infinite-area or finite-area combustors • chemical equilibrium for all points or freeze composition after combustion, throat, or any exit point. • thermal transport properties 4/15
Problem Types (2/2) • Shock tube – shock Calculates shock properties in terms of assigned velocities. • Chapman-Jouquet detonation – det Chapman-Jouguet detonation properties are calculated for a set of unburned gaseous reactants at assigned temperatures and pressures. • Assigned entropy and pressures – sp Converges on both the gaseous and condensed products for a reactant mixture with an assigned entropy and set of pressures. • Assigned entropy and either specific volumes or densities – sv Chemical equilibrium composition and properties calculated for assigned entropy and each assigned total reactant specific volume or density. 5/15
Rocket Problems • INFINITE-AREA COMBUSTOR • All points are isentropic with respect to the combustion point. • Can assume chemical equilibrium or products frozen after a specified point. • Freeze points selections are combustion, throat, or exit1. • FINITE-AREA COMBUSTOR • In this chamber combustion is a non-isentropic, irreversible process. • During the burning process, part of the energy released is used to raise the entropy, and the pressure drops. • Expansion in the nozzle is assumed to be isentropic. • Can only assume chemical equilibrium. 6/15
Example • Continue with our example from class: • Oxidizer: O2(l) • Fuel: CH4(l) • Pc = 1000 psi • O/F = 4.0 (near stoichiometric) • Ac/At = 3.0 • Ae/At = 10.0, 25.0, 50.0 7/15
Inputs to Example (1/4) Problem Tab Click • Notes: • Make sure all inputs are validated by clicking outside of input cells • Make sure there is no space before an input 8/15
Inputs to Example (2/4) Reactant Tab Reactant Selector • Notes: • Propellants can be in gaseous, condensed (solid/liquid), or atomic form • Use the search function to quickly find desired propellant 9/15
Inputs to Example (3/4) Output Tab • Thermal transport properties are very useful for calculations related to cooling requirements in chamber or at nozzle throat. • Parameters typically used in Bartz equation (Ref. 3): • Output properties from CEA include: • Viscosity [millipoise] • Specific heat, [kJ/kg-K] • Thermal conductivity, [mW/cm-K] • Prandtl number 10/15
Inputs to Example (4/4) RUN CEA2 • Save input file (File, Save) • View input file • Click on “Activity” • Click on “View Current INPUT file Ctrl+I” 11/15
Output from Example (1/3) Equilibrium Frozen 12/15
Output from Example (2/3) Equilibrium Frozen 13/15
Output from Example (3/3) Equilibrium Frozen 14/15
References • Computer Program for Calculation of Complex Chemical Equilibrium Compositions and Applications I. Analysis, Sanford Gordon and Bonnie J. McBride, National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Lewis Research Center, NASA RP-1311 • Computer Program for Calculation of Complex Chemical Equilibrium Compositions and Applications II. User's Manual and Program Description, Bonnie J. McBride and Sanford Gordon, National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Lewis Research Center, NASA RP-1311-P2 • Modern Engineering for Design of Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines, Dieter K. Huzel and David H. Huang, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Volume 147, AIAA 15/15