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What is Rutgers Day?

What is Rutgers Day?. More than 500 family friendly programs Stage performances, hands-on activities, athletic events, art exhibits, historical tours, science demos, lectures and more April 28, 2012 From 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

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What is Rutgers Day?

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  1. What is Rutgers Day? • More than 500 family friendly programs • Stage performances, hands-on activities, athletic events, art exhibits, historical tours, science demos, lectures and more • April 28, 2012 • From 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. • Same day as Ag-Field Day and the NJ Folk Festival, Zimmerli Family Day, and the Scarlet & White Football Game

  2. What’s Happening this Year on CAC • Voorhees Mall theme: “Power of Imagination” • Arts and Humanities programs geared towards families that encourages using imagination • R Garden: Interactive art installation for children and families • Big R Stage • Dining Services BBQ • Rutgers Marching Band parades through Voorhees Mall and down College Avenue • Bishop House area • Scarlet Stage: programmed by students • Student organization tables and activities • Ballroom/dance team competition at the College Avenue Gym • Community Zone: community/non-profit organizations with partnerships with Rutgers • Old Queens: • Historic characters near Hamilton Street • Costumed gate greeters at each Old Queens gate entrance • Geology Museum and Kirkpatrick Chapel are open to the public • Old Queens building is closed to the public this year

  3. What’s Happening this Year on Busch • The Visitor Center and the Werblin Center are open to the public *Admissions counselors will be available at the Visitor Center to speak with prospective students in detail • Scarlet Knight Way is closed to automobile traffic and will have activities and family friendly programming coordinated by Rutgers Athletics • The annual Scarlet and White football game scheduled for 3:00 pm • The Engineering Open House • Life Sciences area: • Tours of the Cell Repository and the W.M. Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience/The Spinal Cord Injury Project • The Rutgers Business School programs and displays • The Faraday lectures, the Rutgers Science Bus, and chemistry department programs • Food vendors and Big R Stage • Busch Campus Center Area: • Career Services and SMLR programs • Continuing Studies interactive virtual reality displays • Display of University construction projects

  4. What’s Happening this Year on Cook • New information tent is located on College Farm Road, near the piggery and the barns • Golf carts will be transporting individuals between specific pick-up locations. Shuttle should be used primarily for elderly and those with mobility issues: • Squibb parking lot • Information tent on College Farm Road • The four-way stop sign • Lipman Drive • Ag-Field Day programming • Student organizations will be located on Red Oak Lane • Big R Stage located on lawn near Passion Puddle • The NJ Folk Festival is celebrating Bulgaria • 10:00 am – 6:00 pm, adjacent to Woodlawn/Eagleton Institute on the Douglass campus

  5. Rutgers Day Website • The Rutgers Day program booklet is posted on the website (rutgersday.rutgers.edu) • The booklet will be available at information tents and command posts • The booklet includes a listing of programs, a map of bus loop and individual campus maps • Facebook, Twitter, and Rutgers Day blog • Marketing materials are available on the website • Search function • Survey • Photo galleries/videos/marketing materials • Statistics

  6. 2012 Bus Loop

  7. Resources to Help You • Rutgers Day campus maps- Each campus map has a similar legend • Major areas are assigned a number • The same numbers are listed in the booklets next to program • descriptions to give guests a quick and easy way to locate buildings • Map symbols • Small crosses show the first aid station locations • Question marks on the maps are the information tent locations • The knife and fork symbol indicates areas where you can purchase food • The image of a bus indicates a bus loop stop • “YOU ARE HERE” signs at information tents and other strategic locations

  8. Resources to Help You Sample listing from the program booklet Busch Campus Busch Campus Center Area All-day events 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Build Your Career Busch Campus Center, by Career Services Center Use blocks to build your career. Center for Management Development BCC-402 Career Corner Busch Campus Center, Back Lawn Learn where unexpected career paths might take you, and match Rutgers alumni with their notable careers. School of Management and Labor Relations BCC-424 Construction on Campus Busch Campus Center, Fireside Lounge Learn about current and upcoming projects. University Facilities and Capital Planning BCC-290

  9. College Avenue Campus

  10. Cook/Douglass Campus

  11. Busch Campus

  12. Campus designations: B Busch CA College Avenue CD Cook/Douglass Zone designations: Busch BR Busch Big R Stage BW Werblin BCC Busch Campus Center Area BS Stadium Area BEA Engineering Area BV Visitors Center BLSA Life Sciences Area College Avenue CAR College Avenue Big R Stage CASCA Student Center Area CASC Scarlet Stage CABH Bishop House Area CAOQ Old Queens Area CACZ Community Zone Area CAVM1 Voorhees Mall-Pod 1 CAL Alexander Library Area CAVM2 Voorhees Mall-Pod 2 CACV Civic Square Area CAVM3 Voorhees Mall-Pod 3 CAVZ Zimmerli Art Museum Cook/Douglass CDF Far Area CDROL Red Oak Lane Area CDFW 4-Way Stop CDFF NJ Folk Festival CDPP Passion Puddle CDR Cook/Douglass Big R Stage CDLBA Loree Building Area Other O Other Location Codes

  13. Staffing Structure • Orange shirt: CIS information staff • Green shirt:Zone mangers who know all of the programming in their area. Rutgers Day materials tell guests, “Have a question? Ask anyone in a neon green t-shirt…” • Red shirt: Command post staff and program providers

  14. Staff Roles • Command post director • Zone or pod manager • Vendor manager/supervisor • Signage team supervisor • Administrative assistant • Program provider information table worker • Tech support • Dispatcher

  15. Campus Command Post Locations • Busch Campus • Busch Campus Center, room 174 • College Avenue (HQ and Command Post) • Graduate School of Education Building, 10 Seminary Place, main lobby and room 124 • Cook/Douglass • Lipman Learning House, Lipman Drive (Passion Puddle, Cook)

  16. How to prepare for Rutgers Day? • Review the Rutgers Day program booklet online • Review the map of your assigned area • Know where your Command Post is located • Understand the load in, load out schedules • Check the weather so you can dress appropriately Charge your cell phone!

  17. General Information You Might Need to Provide • Restrooms • Restrooms are available in all buildings open for Rutgers Day • Lost items • Info tent should notify their campus guest services manager so they can contact the command post • Lost person • Contact RUPD at 732-932-7211 • Emergency • Dial 911 for any injury or emergency, no matter how minor • Accessibility • All Rutgers Day buses and most buildings (except historic buildings) are wheelchair accessible. Passenger golf carts are available on Busch and C/D campuses for guests with mobility issues.

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