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Tasks of TT-EUP. Promote participation in initiatives and projects supported by the European Union (EU), which provide opportunities for development and enhancement of the hydrometeorological infrastructure and services in the less developed parts of the Region
Tasks of TT-EUP • Promote participation in initiatives and projects supported by the European Union (EU), which provide opportunities for development and enhancement of the hydrometeorological infrastructure and services in the less developed parts of the Region • Identify the needs and support the establishment of projects with EU, World Bank and other strategic partners
Members • Adrian Broad, UKMO • Christophe Jacob, EUMETNET • Joseph Schiavone, Malta (Replacing Charles Galdies) • Ivana Pavicevic, Montenegro • Valery Spiridonov, Bulgaria • Joachim Saalmüller, Germany
Before next RA VI Meeting TT intends to complete the following tasks • Gain feedback from Members on specific experience with EU and WB support mechanisms (questionnaire) • Develop the TT-EUP report for RA VI Meeting as a baseline for a partnership scenario with the EU • After conducting the TT solely on Telecon, a first meeting was held last week in Offenbach (Adrian Broad, Christophe Jacob, Joseph Schiavone, Axel Thomalla, Joachim Saalmüller).
Developing an overview of funding mechanisms • TT EUP Matrix will be wraped up • Main documentation in Report to RA VI • Focus on EU and related funding mechanisms
TT EUP Survey to Members • Provide a baseline to establish lessons learnt in applying for funding from multilateral funding sources in RA VI • Provide concrete examples of projects conducted and lessons learnt • Establish information requirements of RA VI Members as regards grant funding • Establish training requirements for RAVI Members in terms of grant funding application
TT EUP Survey to Members (cont.) • Target group The questionnaire is addressed to the international advisors within the RA VI NMHSs (through intad6 mailing list), and has as a central target group NMHS staff members who have experience in the application for grant funding or loans under various instruments • Means of implementation: Survey Monkey
Focus of the Questionnaire • Past experience with multilateral funding instruments • Future information requirements & in-country support • Perhaps also baseline for future mentoring
Reporting to RA VI Meeting • Possible title: EU Opportunities for the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services of RA VI -Working together in Weather, Climate and Water
ToC TT EUP Report 1. Introduction 2. Previous support mechanisms and their relevance to the NMHSs a. FP7 (Cooperation, research infrastructures, ideas, …) b. Structural funds understanding is lacking in the larger services (Cohesion, preaccession, EFRD) c. Neighbourhood policy d. INTERREG e. COST f. DG-specific ITTs (DG CLIMA, DG ECHO, EFAS) 3. Project examples with NMHS involvement Based on Survey
ToC TT EUP Report (cont.) 4. Outlook to the regime under the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 and GCF? a. MFF February 2013 screening for NMHS relevance and possible matching to NMHS capabilities b. Horizon 2020 (also incl. §185 story and possible examples for future application in the area of Meteorology) c. COPERNICUS d. GCF very brief introduction to the possible relevance of the GCF to the Region e. Challenges of NMHSs Use 3-4 major challenges emanating from survey of RAVI on priorities
ToC TT EUP Report (cont.) 5. Elements of a Partnership with the EU • EU policy and legislative development of relevance to the NMHSs • Single European Sky • COPERNICUS Data Policy • Marine 2020 • Water Framework Directive • Clean Air Act (or something similar?) • Climate Change and road/rail transport systems • Energy/Renewable energy – smart grids • Climate Change Adaptation b. Opportunities for stronger Members Engagement with the EU
Partnership scenario for RA VI • Baseline to build on: • MoU WMO-EU (expression of will but no implementation activity) • EUMETNET EU Roadmap • Shared understanding required on „Partnership“ Partnership not only about funding but also on policy engagement (e.g. linking climate resilience to NMHS capabilties) plus service delivery • INSPIRE as good example-- >influenced policy through EUMETNET WG
EUMETNET EU Goals 1 & 2 • EU1: During this decade, the EU institutions are kept informed and updated of EUMETNET and its Members capabilities and always seek to utilise these capabilities for delivery of relevant policies and projects. • EU2: EUMETNET and its Members will be partners in a range of weather, climate and water projects funded (partially or fully) by the EU institutions and which are consistent with the EUMETNET‟s role in the EMI.
Partnership scenario for RA VI (cont.) • How can the positive examples be shared effectively between different NMHSs?--> Twinning/Mentoring as a possible next step. • Horizon scanning on policy development: Infrastructure investments on the line due to EU policies (Aviation as prime issue)
Timelines • Mid June is our tentative working deadline for our report • Inputs to formal RAVI report as required earlier (guidance from SDP-3) • As more details emerge, an update on Horizon 2020 is required in October 2013, to prepare Members for the first (biennial) set of Calls coming up in 2014
Possible proposals for next intersessional period • Outlook on H2020 (October 2013) • Mentoring Team based on EU Focal Points Network initially (essential to have a growth of this network), complemented by respondents of survey • EU Funding opportunities come up early (first half 2014), therefore Workshop on EU opportunities early in the H2020 cycle (e.g. Q1 2014) (EUMETNET/ECMWF/EUMETSAT as potential organizer with invitation to RAVI???) • 4-year WMO cycles not appropriate for connecting with EU
Possible proposals for next intersessional period (cont.) • „Some information sharing facility is useful“ (central facility) • Call monitoring & alert process (call alert format available) • „Opportunity for engagement monitoring“ • two way process, i.e. more resources from Members (also on national and subregional scale (SEE, Mediteranean/Iberian areas) • integrate into EU Affairs focal points network • ICCED as a platform to promote stronger involvement from subregion
As concern outlook for Task Team EUP • Core team functions but heavily biased towards EU • EUMETNET EU Focal Points network plays a crucial role • Extended Team desirable • SMHI desired as additional team member in next intersessional period • 2014/2015 timeframe crucial for EU MFF 2014-2020 to prepare NMHSs, therefore possible extension of TT to be reviewed after those initial years