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Europeanists, Eurogovernmentalists and Euroskeptics

Europeanists, Eurogovernmentalists and Euroskeptics. Zagreb, 12. – 13. April 2007. Petr Kaniok, Ph.D. Faculty of Social Science Brno, Czech republic. www.fss.muni.cz. Structure of the paper. Review of most important existing typologies: Taggart & Szczerbiak, Kopecky & Mudde, Flood

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Europeanists, Eurogovernmentalists and Euroskeptics

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  1. Europeanists, Eurogovernmentalists and Euroskeptics Zagreb, 12. – 13. April 2007 Petr Kaniok, Ph.D. Faculty of Social Science Brno, Czech republic www.fss.muni.cz

  2. Structure of the paper • Review of most important existing typologies: Taggart & Szczerbiak, Kopecky & Mudde, Flood • Weaknesses? • New typology of Euroskepticism • Testing new typology by voting in the European parliament and by program analysis www.fss.muni.cz

  3. Research to date • Taggart & Szczerbiak I • Soft euroskepticism:„...if a party does not oppose the EU and European integration in principle,but in its program it is possible to identify one or more objections, leading it to express qualified opposition to the EU, then this partycan be called soft Euroskeptic“ • Hard euroskepticism: „... opposition in principle to the EU and European integration, which in effect leads to the party’s demand to leave the EU. The political party is opposed to the project ofEuropean integration as such.“ www.fss.muni.cz

  4. Research to date • Kopecky & Mudde www.fss.muni.cz

  5. Research to date • Chris Flood • very thin theory • finer distinction both among pro-european and anti-european parties www.fss.muni.cz

  6. Research to date • Taggart & Szczerbiak II • Soft euroskepticism:„... the absence of principled criticism toward the EU, but the presence of opposition to the current or planned trajectory, the content of which is the growth of the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the EU” • Hard euroskepticism:„opposition in principle to the project of European integration in the form of the EU, mainly in the sense of rejecting the transfer of power to supra-national institutions” • Other typologies (Conti, Riishøj) www.fss.muni.cz

  7. Constructive review a) General objections • What is Europeanism? • The only correct integration? b) Objections against soft euroskepticism • Reflection of intergovernmental concept of European integration rather than an expression of its rejection • Definition by reform of the EU (i. e. Conti, Taggart & Szczerbiak) • Unstable category www.fss.muni.cz

  8. A new typology • Including both positive and negative attitudes to the European integration • Pro-european position includes both supra-national and inter-governmental model • Euroskepticism applied only to the opponents of the very idea of European integration • Party programme documents • Party rhetoric • Three categories www.fss.muni.cz

  9. Europeanists • Europeanists support European integration as a matter of principle. The integration process is not judged from the standpoint of benefits and advantages to the nation scene or the party; instead, deepening integration is seen as the key goal in and of itself. • Therefore the party advocates the creation of strong supra-national institutions, etc. • A relatively important, if not decisive indicator is the content of the communication from the given subject. Its message is the celebration of the European idea, and clearly stresses positive information about the EU. www.fss.muni.cz

  10. Euro-governmentalists • Conceptual base is mainly the inter-governmental paradigm of the integration process • more reserved and critical stance towards today’s model of integration • A typical indicator of Euro-governmentalism is the lack of strong conviction on the necessity of building or identifying political entities like a European nation or a European identity • Acceptance of the idea of European integration, but emphasizing its gradual implementation • Languageis restrained, constructive, and measured. From the standpoint of program emphasis, support or opposition to European integration is not the key issue for these parties www.fss.muni.cz

  11. Euroskeptics • Real and open opposition to European integration as a value • Prevailing negative and critical language in party rhetoric • Idea of dissolving the EU (or demand for withdrawl from the EU) • Objections both to the supra-national and inter-governmental paradigma www.fss.muni.cz

  12. Hypothesis • Euro-governmentalists would be closer to the Europeanists than to the Euroskeptics: • In terms of program, • In their votes in the European Parliament, • In correspondence with majority in the European Parliament, • In voting attendance www.fss.muni.cz

  13. Testing of typology • Several political parties from different EU countries (ideological and geographical diversity) • Programme analysis and roll-call votes analysis (January – March 2005) • Europeanists: CDU, PF • Euro-governmentalists: Cons., ODS, PiS, M (so far labelled as a soft eurosceptical parties) • Euroskeptics: UKIP, DF, LPR, Mp www.fss.muni.cz

  14. Program analysis • Based on the EP electoral manifesto or party program (its parts dedicated to the European integration) • Conclusion Euro-governmentalists are even more closer to the Europeanists than to the Euroskeptics www.fss.muni.cz

  15. Roll-call votes analysis • 196 different votings • 3 months • Differencies between categories • Correspondence with the majority in the European parliament • Attendance in plenary session www.fss.muni.cz

  16. Correspondence with EP majority (%) www.fss.muni.cz

  17. Mutual correspondence (%) www.fss.muni.cz

  18. Voting attendance (%) www.fss.muni.cz

  19. Conclusion • Hypothesis was confirmed in every case • Division of Euroskepticism does not represent two varying degrees of the same phenomenon, but instead two differently-motivated and differently-behaving stances • inter – governmental and less supra-national EU • Real opposition to the EU www.fss.muni.cz

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