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Supporting Policy Relevant Reviews and Trials Development of the Trial Funding Tool (TFT)

Supporting Policy Relevant Reviews and Trials Development of the Trial Funding Tool (TFT). Step-by-step.

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Supporting Policy Relevant Reviews and Trials Development of the Trial Funding Tool (TFT)

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  1. Supporting Policy Relevant Reviews and TrialsDevelopment of the Trial Funding Tool (TFT)

  2. Step-by-step • We developed three types of TFT questionnaires, based on the previously existing questionnaires and the first draft outline of the TFT: a questionnaire for SUPPORT members, a short questionnaire and a new questionnaire for funders and investigators. • The short questionnaire and the questionnaire for funders and investigators were later not used. The SUPPORT questionnaire was sent out to all members of the SUPPORT group in May 2008. • By September 2008 we had received responses from 27 persons by mail, phone interviews and one group session at IECS. • We then categorised and synthesized the responses of the questionnaires in a organized manner. • Based on this synthesis we designed a new TFT outline. • The first draft of the TFT is now based on the responses of the questionnaire and approximately five articles.

  3. Old TFT Outline 1 About the TFT 2 General tips and recommended reading 3 Step-by-step approach A Develop your concept B Identify funding sources (limit to agencies which fund trials?) Different funding possibilities and different ways of application mechanisms Description of the funders (who are they, what are their interests, links to their homepages, etc.?) Partnering with a developed country institution Applications as a research consortium V) How to look for funding or Finding the right funder for your proposal C Adapt your proposal to the funders´ requirements General tips II) Adapt your protocol to the application form III) Templates and examples D Prepare your application Writing your proposal II) Budget III) Obtain other needed documents IV) Revise your proposal E Finalize and submit Checklist II) Ensure the correct submission F Evaluation and response Evaluation process II) Response of the funder III) What to do with failed proposals 3 Library of resources and documents 4 Glossary of terms

  4. General tips on finding funding sources (general do’s and don’ts)--Tips on the concept development--Tips on finding funding possibilities for the protocol writing process--Tips on planning ahead and timeline--Tips on the identification of suitable funding sources--North/South partnerships--Tips on the applications as a research consortium-- Short Questionnaire

  5. 1 Shaun Treweek 2 José Belizan 3 Andy Oxman 4 Sarah Rosenbaum 5 Julie Cliff 6 Luciano Mignini 7 Edgardo Abalos 8 Dave Sackett 9 Lelia Duley 10 Justus Hofmeyr 11 John Lavis 12 Metin Gulmezoglu 13 Fernando Althabe 14 Sebastián García Martí 15 Adolfo Rubinstein 16 Andres Pichon-Riviere 17 Fernando Rubinstein 18 Patricia Hibberd 19 Curt Furberg 20 Iain Chalmers 21 Andy Haines 22 Pierre Buekens 23 Ana Garces 24 Miriam Mlczoch 25 Merrick Zwarenstein 26 Caroline Crowther 27 Godfrey Woelk Respondents of the TFT Questionnaire

  6. New TFT Outline About the TFT Brief introduction to the TFT: purpose, audience, usage Getting started TFT Tutorial (movie and PowerPoint) Commercial statement What do I need? 1 Concept development Start with a good question and estimate the necessary size of the study. 2 Skills, track record, mentorship Ensure that you have a strong multi-disciplinary team with the necessary track record. 3 Research cooperation Identify the required skill sets and then look for the right people. Where is the money? 4 How to find funding Identify potential funding sources and revise their sites regularly. 5 Funding agencies (separate by amounts of money offered) Know your funder and make sure your proposal fits the call.

  7. How do I get it?6 Preparation of the applicationDesignate a coordinator, read the call carefully and follow instructions exactly.7 Proposal writingBe clear, make the proposal reader-friendly and use their buzzwords.8 BudgetDo the budget in Excel and don’t leave it until the end. 9 Evaluation process and criteriaKnow the evaluation criteria and review process.10 Revision and submissionOrganize internal review mechanisms.11ResubmissionIf rejected, don’t give up: stay positive, analyze the reviewers critique and resubmit!Glossary of termsLibrary of resources and documents

  8. And now…

  9. Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present the first draft of the Trial Funding Tool

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