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Project “ My social responsibility ” LLIV-322 “ My response ” Communication – publicity plan. 14.08.2012. Objectives. I nformation spreading and educating about needs of the people with disabilities, Universal design and social integration

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Project“My social responsibility”LLIV-322“My response”Communication – publicity plan 14.08.2012.

  2. Objectives Information spreading and educating about needs of the people with disabilities, Universal design and social integration Ensuring information exchange among various project implementer groups Attracting attention to the project activities and results to promote Project partners and the Program

  3. Target groups • Project partners. • People with disabilities, their relatives and otherwise related and closely living people. • Local municipality and NGO stakeholders. • Local inhabitants of the Kurzeme (Latvia) and Lithuania North West regions.

  4. Message: Information about Universal design and social integration Information about social integration, Universal design as tool, needs of people with disabilities 2 new web-page sections about UD 30 articles in local media of Latvia (15) and Lithuania (15) 2 movies prepared and broadcast Society campaign in municipalities Seminar „Needs and integration opportunities for peoplewith disabilities” Seminar „Promoting social integration of peoplewith functional impairments by using Universal Design principles”,

  5. Message: Information about Universal design and social integration (2) Responsibility of everybody making environment more accessible and attractive to people with disabilities Information campaign in social networks Article's competitions for different audiences, MS4

  6. Message: Information about Universal design and social integration (2) About seminars Advertisements in regional press

  7. Message: Information about Universal design and social integration (4) Social services available in Latvia and in Lithuania in project area Data base and virtual map

  8. Message: Project progress (1) Information about Project and Program Pens, notebooks for seminars Mobile exhibition (pictures and descriptions of adapted places), 50 project posters

  9. Message: Project progress (2) Ongoing project progress information Opening forum „Common view providing accessibility for all people – UD as social integration promoting factor” in Siauliai Steering group meetings Work group meetings Management team meetings Information publishing in project partners’ web pages 12 Press releases (2 - MS1; 3 - MS2, 3 - MS3, 4 - MS4)

  10. Message: Project progress (3) Project results and evaluation • Experience exchange trip • Closing conference in Latvia

  11. Message: Orienteering in the environment, premises Tactile maps - 2 in Liepāja: 3 in Kuldīga

  12. Monitoring and evaluation Monitoring indicators: Articles in the newspapers published, estimated people that have read …. Partners please estimate size of the audience of the newspapers where you`ll be publishing articles; Information on Partner webpages read by …/month, Partners please estimate how many readers your webpages have/month; Planned participant numbers in the public events reached: Virtual data base visited by … people/month; PI "Siauliai region develompent agency", please estimate; 5 Tactile maps viewed regularly by … people/month. Liepāja and Kuldīga, please estimate;

  13. P.S. Program publicity guideline reminder Logos (EU, program, slogan): colour, B&W, grey; togather with partner logo, same size; websites, publications, events (printouts), equipment (stickers or at least EU emblem), infrastructure, project documenation (releases, contracts, meeting memos etc.) EU flag: public events Information in www.latlit.eu (2 weeks before event PP send information to LP) On publications: logos, project (short) title, main activities, funding, contact information Save copies

  14. Paldies! Ačiū! Lead partnerKurzeme planning regionAdministration Pulkveža Brieža street 4, floor 3 Contactperson: Ilze Ārniece, PR specialist E-mail: ilze.arniece@kurzemesregions.lv Phone: +371 29579488 www.kurzemesregions.lv

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