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Can I help you with anything?

Speaking. Can I help you with anything?. Thanks very much, but I can manage. Come on, let me give you a hand. No, thanks. I'm OK. Oh, that would be good. Thanks a lot. If you want, I could …. Do you have good qualities to be successful?. hard-working 勤奋的,努力工作的

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Can I help you with anything?

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  1. Speaking Can I help you with anything? Thanks very much, but I can manage. Come on, let me give you a hand. No, thanks. I'm OK. Oh, that would be good. Thanks a lot. If you want, I could …

  2. Do you have good qualities to be successful? hard-working 勤奋的,努力工作的 curious 好奇的 talented 有才能的 intelligent 有才智的 confident 自信的 brave 勇敢的 determined 坚决的

  3. Independent 独立的 able 有才干的,能干的 active 主动的,活跃的 careful  仔细的 clever  机灵的,聪明的 cheerful  开朗的 creative  富创造力的  cultured  有教养的 easy-going  随和的

  4. reasonable  讲道理的  responsible  负责的  smart  精明的  spirited  生气勃勃的 sporting  光明正大的 strict  严格的 strong-willed  意志坚强的 thoughtful  体贴人的

  5. understanding  理解人的 funny  有趣的,古怪的 gentle  有礼貌的 knowledgeable  有见识的 learned  精通某门学问的  open-minded  虚心的 friendly  友好的

  6. greedy 贪婪的 forgetful  健忘的 lazy  懒惰的,懒散的 selfish  自私的 mean  吝啬的 helpful 助人的,有益的 honest 诚实的  humorous 幽默的  just 正直的 kind 仁慈的,和蔼的 kind-hearted 好心的 Bad qualities

  7. Joyce is doing some housework at home. Tony is visiting her and offers to heip. Work In pairs to complete their conversation. Hello, Joyce, you look (1) ________. (2) _______ you, with anythings? (Refuse Tony’s offer. (3) ___________. (Offer help again.) (4) ______________. (Refuse the offer again.) (5) ______________. If (6) ____________ wash the dishes. Wash the dishes? Oh, that (7) _____________ a lot.

  8. 请根据以下情景编一段对话。 Tina is busy working on the school newspaper. Peter offers to help. Read their conversation and fill in the blanks. Peter: Hello, Tina, you look (1) _____. (2) _________ you with anything? Tina: Thank you, but (3) ____________. busy Can I help I can manage

  9. let me give you a hand I’m OK Peter: Come on, (4) _______________________. Don’t be so independent all the time! Tina: No, thanks. (5) ______. Peter: If (6) ________, I could do some drawing. I can draw some flowers or cartoon characters. Tina: Drawing? Oh, that (7) _______________. I didn’t know you could draw. Thanks a lot. you want would be good

  10. Writing

  11. 1. have a gift for… 对……有天赋 2. for free 免费地 3. forget about 忘记 4. give sb. a hand 帮助某人 5. save up 储蓄 6. on one’s own 独自的

  12. 选择最佳答案填空。 1. These tickets are ______. The film company gave them to us ______. A. for free; free B. free; free C. free; for free D. for free; for free 2. Did you forget ______ how to open the box? A. to B. on C. about D. in C. free; for free C. about

  13. 根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 我无法独自携带它,它太重了。 I can’t carry it _____ _____ _____; it’s too heavy. 2. 他总是给任何有困难的人提供帮助。 He would always ____ _____ _____ to someone in difficulty. on my own give a hand

  14. 3. 他说他正在储蓄,准备买座房子给家人住。 He says that he is ______ _____ to buy a house for his family. 4. 安有音乐天赋。 Ann ____ ____ ____ ____ music. saving up has a gift for

  15. 1 When and where were you born? 2 Did you have a happy childhood? 3 What were your best subjects at school? 4 What are you parent’s jobs? c a b d a Yes, I did. b Art. I always loved drawing and making things, and I was good at English too. c Here, in 1976. d My mother owns a grocery and my fatherworks in a bank.

  16. 5 What did you do when you left school? 6 What did you do then? 7 Did you keep that job? f e g e I got a job in a shop, selling clothes. Then I started. f I went to university in London, to study law, but I hated it. g No. I decided to study design. I studied at art college for three years.

  17. 8 Did you return to Guangzhou after that? 9 And then you started your own company? 10 How big is your company now? h j i h Yes, I came back here and worked in a clothing company for four years, designing clothes. i Well, we have our own factory in Dongguan, ten shops, in Guangzhou, and two in Shanghai. j That’s right. I save up my money and started my own company. At first it was very small.

  18. 【要求】 你们学校的校刊这个月的主题是介绍一位著名的 成功人士,你作为报纸的记者,打算给大家介绍 Bill Gates。 【内容】 Bill Gates于1955年10月28日出生于西雅图。在 13岁时,他就对软件感兴趣,并开始编写程序。 在1973年,他进入哈佛大学读书。在校期间,他 开发了编程语言BASIC的一个版本。

  19. 两年后,他和童年好友Paul Allen合伙开公司并 命名为“微软”。为了更好地投入精力到公司中 去,他离开哈佛大学,并与好友为个人电脑开发 软件。他与Melinda French于1994年结婚,并生 了两个孩子。除了对电脑和软件的热爱,他还对 生物科技和公益事业感兴趣。他们还成立了一个 基金去支持全球健康和学习的发展。

  20. 【提示】 1. 软件:software 哈佛大学:Harvard University 版本:version 生物科技:biotechnology 公益:philanthropy

  21. 2. 注意不要逐字逐句地翻译,要注意句子的简洁性与完整性。 The story of Bill Gates Bill Gates is the richest person in the world. He was born _______________________ ________________________________ They have set up a foundation to support the development of global health and learning.

  22. The story of Bill Gates Bill Gates is the richest person in the world. He was born on October 28, 1955 in Seatle. He was interested in software and began to write computer programms at the age of 13. In 1973, he went to Harvard University for further study. While at Harvard, he developed a version of the programming language BASIC. Two years later, he started a company named Microsoft with his childhood friend Paul Allen.

  23. Later, in order to put his energies to his company, he left Harvard. They began developing software for personal computers. He was married to Melinda French in1994. They have a daughter and a son. In addition to his love of computers and software, Gates is interested in biotechnology and philanthropy. They have set up a foundation to support the development of global health and learning.

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