1. Winton Middle SchoolHayward USD Yvette Malamud OzerMarch, 2008
2. Winton Students
3. Winton Students
4. Winton Students
5. School Performance
6. School Performance
7. Current School Resources During School Time:
Counseling services: Outside agencies providing counseling include Tiburcio Vasquez, Our Kids, Adewole, & Project Eden
Family outreach worker
8. Current School Resources Outside of School hours:
Academic resources: Extreme Learning, language arts interventions, & math intervention classes
Cultural/Social: Hip-Hop Club, Latina Club, Asian-Pacific Islanders Club, & Golf Club
Conflict Mediation Training group
Parent/family education programs (including PIQUE, ELAC & Gear-Up)
9. California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS): HUSD 32% of HUSD 7th graders participated in CHKS in 2005
Even fewer Winton 7th graders participated
Therefore, CHKS data may not be a valid representation of Winton Middle School students
10. California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS): HUSD HUSD participation was low in 2005, and especially low at Winton. Results may not be representative of the student populationHUSD participation was low in 2005, and especially low at Winton. Results may not be representative of the student population
11. School Safety (CHKS) % of HUSD students who felt very safe at school (2005)
12. Violence
13. What Students Say In February, 2008, Dr. Elliot (Winton school counselor) distributed a survey asking Winton students about problems and stresses they experienced.
One hundred 7th graders responded
14. What Students Say
15. What Students Say
16. What Students Say
17. What Students Say
18. What Students Say
19. What Students Say
20. Dealing with Stress
21. Dealing with Stress Keep to myself
Walk away
Get angry
Work it out
Talk to self Eat, exercise
Punch wall
Have fun
Video games
Suicidal thoughts (3)
22. Dealing with Stress Gangs
Talk back
Go to streets
Act bad in class
Mess with someone else
23. What Teachers Say
24. What Teachers Say
25. Ongoing Needs Assessment Team effort: stakeholders include school counselors, administrators, psychology intern, and teachers
Focus groups:
Find out from stakeholders:
What’s going well at Winton?
What needs to change at Winton?
What can we do to make those changes?
Ask teachers and students about:
School safety: Gangs, harassment, culture/equity
Academic challenges and support needed
Emotional support needed: Peer and family relationships, coping strategies
26. Next Steps Hold focus groups:
2008 CHKS will be sent out in April
Team can use results from focus groups (and CHKS, if available), to come up with recommendations for Winton (resources, systemic changes)
Check out and tailor recommendations with stakeholders (teachers, students, families) using follow-up surveys.
Present recommendations to Administration and Winton COST Team.