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Introduction. BITS is a comprehensive employee tracking and site monitoring software solution aimed at increasing both overall company efficiency and employee safety. This presentation will explain how these lofty goals are accomplished as well as what BITS is capable of offering.
Introduction BITS is a comprehensive employee tracking and site monitoring software solution aimed at increasing both overall company efficiency and employee safety. This presentation will explain how these lofty goals are accomplished as well as what BITS is capable of offering. Please navigate this presentation with the arrows in the bottom left and right. The arrow pointing right advances the presentation and the arrow to the left moves the presentation back to a previous slide. The button in the center puts this presentation in full screen.
Employee Certifications - Alerts BITS’ robust employee tracking functionality is designed to allow employers the ability to immediately identify all employees as well as their specific certifications, their certificate numbers, and their certificate expiry dates. The BITS system accomplishes this by visualizing this information in an immediately recognizable way as well as alerting the user to upcoming certificate expiry. Pictured: This screen indicates which employees have certificates that are about to expire. This is the first screen visible when opening the program. The time between when a warning is issued and the certificate expires (Shown: 90 days) can be modified by the user. When a warning is first issued an email is generated alerting the individual in need of recertification as well as a designated HR department.
Employee Certifications - Database Navigating to the “Employee Certifications” button on the program’s left side will provide the user with a full employee database including visual cues as to the validity or expiry date of any certificates the employee has. Employee’s can be added to the database with the “Add Employee” button or they can be managed by hitting the relevant “Modify” button. Pictured: Clicking “Employee Certifications” displays a list of all company employees and their certifications. Green=Valid, Yellow=Expiring, Red=Expired, and Black=N/A
Employee Certifications - Actions The employee database is easily updated to reflect changes of required certification and recertification. Simply clicking “Modify” in the actions column adjacent to any employee will allow the user to add or remove certifications and requirements. Clicking “View” will bring up detailed information about that employee such as full name, certificates, and contact details. Pictured: Clicking “Modify” next to employee “Bill Gerrard” reveals Bill Gerrard’s detailed certificate information. We will add a requirement of the Driver Training certificate to Bill Gerrard to simulate him moving to a different job site, and the following picture will indicate how the program reacts.
Employee Certifications - Dynamic The Employee Certifications system is designed to be dynamic so as to best fit the needs of each individual company. Each of the certificates named at the top of the graph can be modified. Certificates can also be added or removed. This is accomplished through the “Manage Certificates” button on the left. The period of time in which the program will warn the user that a certificate is expiring can also be modified through the “Preferences” menu item. Pictured: The Employee Database has responded to Bill Gerrard’s new Driver Training requirement by signalling he does not have the certificate. Navigating to the “Home” page would also alert the user that they need to immediately input a valid Driver Training certificate for Bill Gerrard.
Employee Certifications - Protection The BITS system is designed to be used from the bottom up, accommodating the needs of the manager as well as the average employee. To protect the company’s information BITS features a protected mode – designed for use by lower level employees and those without privileged Pictured: Viewed from protected mode. The “Modify”, “Delete”, “Add Employee” and “Manage Certificate” buttons are removed in this demo. access. When engaged, the user interface adapts to disallow specific actions such as deletion of employees, adding of employees or modification of employee information. Any specific information security concerns can be individually addressed with this setting.
Inspections - Introduction The Inspections client in BITS serves a dual purpose – first, to standardize the inspection of worksites for safety hazards and liabilities and second, to aggregate safety related statistics accumulated from worksite inspections to identify key areas of potential improvement, as well as provide solutions to avoid accidents before they happen. This sophisticated software will provide relevant local statistics and trends indicating which sectors of the company are the best and worst at avoiding potential accidents. More importantly, this software will indicate why these trends occur. The Inspections client manages information dependant on location. The user is able to create and edit locations or remove locations as the company requires. Each location is comprised of sub-locations. For this demo we will be using the locations “Plant” and “Sites”, and the sub-locations “Yard”, “Shop”, “Batch Deck” and “Site A-C”.
Inspections - Reporting The first goal of BITS Inspection functionality is to standardize inspection information across different locations and sub-locations. This is accomplished with a “sheet”. A sheet is simply a list of safety related criteria and a scoring metric of 1 through 5. These sheets are fully customizable and may be created and removed at the users leisure. The program supplies the user with a printable PDF questionnaire to provide to safety personnel, which the safety personnel will then fill out for each appropriate site and return it to the program user. Pictured: An electricity inspection sheet. Each question, sheet, and location can be tailored to fit the company’s needs.
Inspections - Adding Reports Once safety personnel have a filled out a report the BITS user may input the information back into BITS. The reports are digitally stored and are easily located for future reference. As well, the information from each report contributes to the overall statistical information for each given location that reports are filed in. Pictured: A completed electricity inspection sheet is being input into the Inspections database. Information such as the name of the observer (The safety personnel who filled out the printed off sheet), the contractor responsible for the inspected area, the date, the location, and the sub-locations inspected are all recorded along with the report itself and the observer’s comments.
Inspections - Alerts BITS monitors the frequency of sheets completed and for which location they are completed. With this monitoring capability a schedule is formed for each site, designating that each specific sheet is to be completed every “x” number of days. In this way the user is consistently informed and aware of any inspections that should be completed. Clicking on any sheet will generate the corresponding printable PDF for that sheet, ready to hand to an inspector. Pictured: The user is warned about sheets that have not been completed recently. The alerts are organized based on site, with a summary indicating how many sites require critical attention. Clicking “Expand” will provide the user details about recently completed sheets.
Inspections - Statistics The information collected by BITS is displayed for the user through the “View Leading Indicators” navigation item. Once this item is selected the user is provided with what BITS terms “Leading Indicators”. Leading Indicators are simply put statistics which indicate the progress of any site, contractor, or project as a whole in terms of safety measures being applied. The goal of the leading indicators is to identify potential hazards before they cause an accident, and then to keep statistics on these events to determine the cause of them. Pictured: These are the leading indicators for a “Plant”, including all locations in that plant, but specifically looking at information compiled regarding the Barricades and Signs sheet. A graph at the top visually indicates by colour which location each sheet was completed at, and what the score for the sheet was as well as the date. To the right of the graph are some general statistics about the barricades and signs sheets inspections at the plant. Below the graph is a list of the sheets that have been submitted.
Inspections - Sorting Statistics The information submitted to BITS' database is used to compile statistics about overall site safety, sheets, and individual sites. These trends can be compiled for any time period or any other specific recorded category. Results can be categorized by contractor, site, sheet, date, or by the individual filing the report. Conveniently placed graphs provide immediate information about whichever category or sub-category the user has chosen to investigate, as well as generalized statistics. All filed reports that are contributing to the given statistics are listed below the graphs. Pictured: A snapshot of “Plant” activity in the last 30 days. The top graph indicates an average score for each sheet. The bottom graph is a timeline displaying each sheet completed in the last 30 days as well as that sheet’s score .The graph is colour coded by sub-locations within the project, as indicated by the coloured boxes next to each location name under the graph. Clicking any heading will colour code by that category.
Inspections - Example The BITS Inspection system is used to indicate when and where safety protocols are not being met and how to solve the problem. This is best highlighted with a few examples. Let’s assume that over the course of the last 30 days, BITS has indicated there is a downward trend of 5% in a location’s overall safety scores. The colour coded graph indicates that green (The “Yard” sub-location) has been performing poorly. Clicking on “Yard” anywhere on the page will show the statistics for the Yard which confirms that it is experiencing a -15% trend. Pictured: Once it’s known that the Yard is responsible for the negative trend, it’s possible to look at specifically in which sheets the Yard is performing poorly. The user is then able to examine similar sheets from successful sub-locations to determine what those sub-locations are doing right that the Yard can correct. This is accomplished by comparing the comments sections on successful sheets vs. unsuccessful sheets. (Any scoring of a 5 requires a comment stating what is being done right. Any scoring of 2 or lower requires a comment stating what is being done incorrectly.)
Inspections - Dynamic Like the Employee Certifications system, Inspections are designed to be highly customizable. Locations, sub-locations, Contractors, Observers, Sheets, and questions on sheets can all be custom fit to the company. This allows for better management of locations as well as the staff on them, which keeps information provided by the leading indicators relevant. Pictured: Clicking the “Manage Sheets” button on the left displays for the user a sheet management interface. Also on the left are buttons for managing locations, questions, contractors, sub-locations, observers, and the reporting schedule.
Inspections - Printing and Archiving All completed inspections are saved to the programs database where they can be accessed for printing, emailing, or electronic access purposes. Sheets are provided to the user in two formats – one format within the program itself and another in PDF format for printing, emailing, and external storage. All sheets and database information can be easily backed up as well as relocated to prevent any archive loss due to hardware failure or employee fault. Pictured: An archive sheet ready to be emailed or printed.
Distribution Options - Introduction The BITS Software Suite has a number of distribution options to fit the needs of each purchasing company. The two main options available are our Server Package and our Localized Distribution Model. Both of these options will provide the full BITS Suite and capability, the only difference being how each option allows for the company to interact with it. The BITS client is sold on a per-license basis, in which a license is specific to X number of people at the company. For example, when a company of 10000 purchases the program it will require more licenses than a company of 1000. License price and number of employees per license is settled based on the size of the company, their support needs, and the bulk of their purchase.
Distribution Options - Server Package The Server Package distribution model is ideal for clients who require ease of use, full scale security and backup options, technical support efficiency, and potentially large scale application. The use of the program requires an internet connection and our lightweight client program. Our lightweight client interacts with the All Technology Solutions server to provide centralized access to the BITS Suite from anywhere with an internet connection. The BITS Client can either be installed on a computer or be provided on a USB stick to the user who is then able to run the client from any computer running Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7. There is no installation process, just immediate universal access to company tools. The flow chart below depicts how this process works:
Distribution Options - LDM The Local Distribution Model is perfect for companies that require the BITS Suite in more remote locations and offline access to their data. A install package is provided to the company which will then allow for the BITS Software Suite to be installed on any computer, deploying the BITS Suite on that specific computer. This option is designed to cater to those who would use the BITS Suite in the field without internet access.
BITS BITS is a powerful software suite which substantially eases the process of proving due diligence. The comprehensive inspection tracking application provides real time information demonstrating that the company is maintaining a rigorous inspection schedule. As well as providing records of inspection processes, all inspections can be provided in full as both physical and electronic copies to any interested party. The inclusion of the Leading Indicators tool in the Inspections application helps prevent incidents and property damage which may otherwise be unavoidable, and the Employee Tracking application assures all employees are properly certified for their specific job at all times. BITS saves companies time and money, giving them the resources to become a leader in their industry. To contact All Technology Solutions about the BITS software suite: All Technology Solutions 403-331-9381 alltech@alltechnologysolutions.com