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THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. “And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.”. THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. REVELATION – CHAPTERS 8-9 REVELATION “7’s” Each set of seven -“unfolds” into the other
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST “And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.”
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST REVELATION – CHAPTERS 8-9 REVELATION “7’s” Each set of seven -“unfolds” into the other Not Chronological – 3 vignettes interspersed with other vignettes, signs and scenes. The 7 Seals – unfolding of general history The 7 Trumpets – unfolding of “last days” – a focused look at the generation of the “End Times” The 7 Bowls – The outpouring of God’s Wrath after the rapture.
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST In scripture, trumpets are used at the following occasions: 1. To announce disaster because of sin, Is.58:1, Jer.4:4-6, 6:1,16-19, 51:25-29, Ezek. 33:1-8, Hos.7:16, 8:1, Amos 3:6. 2- To announce the coming of God to Mt. Sinai, Ex.19:16 3- Calling the people together and having the camp move on, Num.10:2. 4- To announce the start of a battle, and feast days, Num.10:9-10. 5- When the Israelites entered Jericho, Josh.6:3-9 6- To announce the coronation of the king (Solomon), 1K.1:34. 7- To announce the winning of a battle, 1Sam.13:3 8- Warning of the second coming, Joel 2:1 9- To announce the second coming, 1Thes.4:16, Zep.1:14-18, Mat.24:31, 1Cor.15:51-52. 10- To announce the day of atonement, Lev.25:9. 11- Dedication of the temple, 2Chr.5:12-13. 12- To announce the arrival of the ark of the covenant into Jerusalem, 1Chr.15:24.
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST REVELATION – CHAPTERS 8-9 Chapters 8-9 - the “7” (perfect, complete) trumpets (sounds of warning, announcing a coming battle and coming King!) These trumpets mark the “end time generation” Jesus – Matthew 24: “I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” The 7th SEAL opens up into the 7 Trumpets…a backing up of the general revelation of the seals and a focused look on the very end time..
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST Important to remember: The word “trumpet” is used only 6 times in the New Testament OUTSIDE the book of Revelation. In FOURof those times it refers to the LAST trumpet… or the trumpet that is blown at the return of Jesus! (I Corinthians 15:52 –2x, Matthew 24:31, I Thessalonians 4:16) The other two – Hebrews 12:19 refers to the O.T. trumpet blown on Mt. Sinai at the giving of the Law and the other… I Corinthians 14:8, refers to speaking in “intelligible” tongues as opposed to “gibberish” or “ecstatic utterances”. AND…The ONLY place in the New Testament where a “series” of Trumpets is mentioned that would include a “LAST TRUMPET” is in Revelation! If we let the Bible interpret the Bible, then the “last trumpet” of the Second Coming mentioned elsewhere in the New Testament would have to correspond with the7th trumpet of Revelation, and indicate the second Coming of Jesus! (Interesting note: the ONLY other place in the Bible where 7 TRUMPETS are mentioned is in Joshua – when at the blowing of the 7th trumpet – God’s people took and defeated JERICHO (the world) and ENTERED THE PROMISED LAND! (Heaven) READ THE TEXT – REVELATION 8: 1- 13
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST REVELATION 8:1-11 THE FIRST THREE TRUMPETS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER – 1. Written in apocalyptic, symbolic imagery… 2. John was shown things He had never seen nor could imagine! 3. He tried to describe things the very best he could with the words he had. 4. This style writing was given by the Holy Spirit…because it serves ALL GENERATIONS and has its ULTIMATE revelation when it occurs in the End Generation. 5. 1/3 – a symbolic number (perhaps literal in some cases) indicating a significant amount but NOT ALL, not even MOST… 2/3’s of the “earth” DOESN’T EXPERIENCE these things! 2 billion people affected, 4 billion people of the earth not affected. Also consider that these things may happen PRIMARILY in the MIDDLE EAST and EUROPE …since this is where most Bible activity and prophecy centers! Trumpet One – Perhaps ecological disasters. Trumpet Two - Perhaps saltwater pollution on a large scale. Trumpet Three – Perhaps freshwater pollution on a large scale. (If this is the interpretation – Then…we are in the TRUMPET DAYS!)
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST BUT…THERE ARE THOSE WHO SEE THINGS even more related to our times… For example… Why would WWII, not be mentioned in the scriptures and especially in REVELATION? It was the LARGEST WAR in the History of the EARTH, involving more nations from practically the whole globe than any other war in history- and more people were killed in it than in ANY other WORLD in HISTORY! It was the FIRST war to use a NUCLEAR WEAPON! Consider the following 4 or 5 facts of history…
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST 1. Hitler had a “scorched earth” policy – he left behind devastating disaster of burned trees, grass, fields, homes, towns, cities… He did this with bombs from the air, tanks, flame throwers, set fires, etc. “ and there came hail, and fire, mixed with blood, and it was hurled down upon the earth.” / “…and 1/3 of the earth, grass and trees were burned up…” The devastation of this type to Europe left by ALL THE FORCES in the war was UNSPEAKABLE. Could this be what John saw, but couldn’t describe in any other way? THEN JOHN SAID…I SAW… 2. “Something like a huge mountain, ALL ABLAZE was thrown into the sea.”…
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST 2. “SomethingLIKE a huge mountain, ALL ABLAZE was thrown into the sea.”
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST Captain Robert Lewis, the co-pilot of the plane that dropped “the bomb”, stated, "Where we had seen a clear city two minutes before, we could no longer see the city. We could see smoke and fires creeping up the sides of the mountains."Within three miles of the explosion, 60,000 of the 90,000 buildings were demolished. Clay roof tiles had melted together. Shadows had imprinted on buildings and other hard surfaces. Metal and stone had melted. Unlike many other bombing raids, the goal for this raid had not been a military installation but rather an entire city. The atomic bomb that exploded over Hiroshima killed civilian women and children in addition to soldiers. Hiroshima's population has been estimated at 400,000; approximately 70,000 died immediately from the explosion and another 70,000 died from radiation within five years.”
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST * 140 million of 400,000 people died! Right at 1/3 of the entire population! * 200 million soldiers fought in WWII from all the countries involved. There were 61 million casualties – again…right at 1/3 of all who fought! * 105,000 ships were used in WWII and over 36,000 of those ships were destroyed in battle - almost EXACTLY1/3of the ships!! COINCIDENCE?
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST THE MOST AMAZING AND LITERAL fulfillment IS TRUMPET NUMBER THREE… “A great star – blazing like a torch fell from the sky” – Something called “wormwood” causes large amounts of water to turn “bitter” and many people die from “drinking the water”! Wormwood – is a bitter and sometimes poisonous herb. It yields a bitter oil and contains the toxic chemical thujone, is used to flavor some distilled liquors
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST Wormwood– translated to RUSSIAN = Chernobyl (The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 6th edition and - The Dictionary of the Russian Language by S. Ozhegov) Remember the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant meltdown in Russia? The plant exploded on April 26, 1986, sending a radioactive cloud over much of Europe Listen to the testimony of Hans Blix, Executive Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, in a speech given before the UN General Assembly on October 23, 1990. To this great body he quoted Revelation 8:10-11 and then said… “In Slavic languages, including the Ukrainian and Byelorussian languages, there is a word ‘chernobyl’, which means wormwood, bitter grass. This has a striking relevance to the Chernobyl tragedy. I am no fatalist. I do not believe in the blind inevitability of fate, but who can fail to be moved by these tragic and mournful words from Revelation, which must leave their indelible imprint on the heart.”
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST EXCERPT FROM: The Chernobyl Disaster, a secular book by Soviet-born Viktor Haynes “Relatively speaking, the number of deaths that resulted directly from the meltdown itself, about 125,000, were few compared to the millions who have been poisoned with radiation. Over 200 million are estimated to have experienced excess exposure, 3.5 million seriously. But are the deaths linked to the water? The first explosion came with such a force it blew the two million pound concrete lid off of the reactor. It went into the air, and came down cocked leaving the atmosphere fully exposed to a nuclear fire for the next three weeks. (“blazing like a torch, it fell from the sky…onto the rivers”) A second explosion hit just a. few seconds after the first explosion. Radioactive material was blasted one mile up into the sky. The wind caught the radiation, and carried it into Scandinavia, Northern Italy, Germany, Great Britain and, in a diluted form, to the east coast of the United States. Then the rains came. It rained incessantly for the next five days. The radioactivity was transferred from the clouds down into the soil. The most deadly thing about the rain was that the water flowed into the rivers. These deadly rivers then wound their way throughout all of Europe. As these waters flowed through Europe, everyone who drank of those waters absorbed the nuclide Cesium 137 into their body. Cesium 137 has a half-life of thirty years. It goes into the bone marrow and can lay there for thirty years (until 2016!) before it causes cancer. Doctors and scientists say that the worst is yet to come. Generations will be affected. They do not even know how to predict the far reaching implications of the Chernobyl nuclear accident.”
THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST 1. Something like a huge mountain ALL ABLAZE (Nuclear Bomb?) 2. 1/3 of the “creatures in the sea” (WWII soldiers?) destroyed 3. 1/3 of the “creatures in the sea” (Population of Hiroshima?) 4. 1/3 of the ships destroyed… exactly the number in WWII destroyed. 5. 1/3 of grass, trees and earth – BURNED UP (Results of WWII?) 6. Hail and fire mixed with blood coming from above (Bombs, rockets, mortars, bullets, air wars, ship wars, etc.?) 7. Wormwood (Chernobyl?) – (if you were reading a RUSSIAN BIBLE it would read –”and the name of the star was CHERNOBYL…”) The waters turned bitter (poisoned) and 1/3 of the people in the area DIED. Coincidence… or EXACTING PROPHECY?