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The Civil War. SS8H6(b): Student will state the importance of key events of the Civil War: Antietam, Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Union blockade of Georgia’s coast, Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign, Sherman’s March to the Sea, and Andersonville. Fort Sumter.
The Civil War SS8H6(b): Student will state the importance of key events of the Civil War: Antietam, Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Union blockade of Georgia’s coast, Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign, Sherman’s March to the Sea, and Andersonville
Fort Sumter • The fort, located in Charleston (SC) Harbor, came under Confederate fire on April 12, 1861. • Union Commander: Major Robert Anderson • Confederate Comm.: Brig. Gen. G.T. Beauregard The Civil War had begun!
Civil War Facts • Fought in 10,000 different places. • 7 future U.S. Presidents had fought during this war. • War to end slavery! • 618,000 people died during the war. Picture of 1st Bull Run Dead Soldiers at Gettysburg
Union War Strategies • Blockade: prevent the South from selling cotton and getting war materials from other countries. • Early in the war, Union ships steamed up and down the Atlantic and Gulf coasts to prevent ships from moving into or out of the harbors • 1863: by this time, the South had to import *everything* and they found it difficult to get supplies (esp. needed were farm supplies) • Hard to get household items, feed for animals, oil, gas, medical supplies, replacement tracks for war-damaged rail lines, replacement parts for manufacturing machinery, etc. • Life in the South became very difficult • Blockade runners: private ships that slipped around the blockade and sped into and out of blocked ports—as the war progressed, it became more difficult for this to happen; around 6000 blockade runners made it through, carrying $200 million worth of supplies • Prevent other nations from recognizing the South as an independent country. • Anaconda Plan: capture of the Mississippi River to isolate Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana. • Capture of the Confederate Capital of Richmond, VA. (Failed) • Destroy the Confederate army and lay waste to the land so that southern civilians would not support the war.
Confederate War Strategies • Wear down the invading Union armies. • Rising casualties would cause northern civilians to tire of the war. • Raiders: fast, lightly armed ships used to capture Union merchant ships. • Blockade Runners: fast merchant ships hired to move past Union blockade • King Cotton Diplomacy: the South believed that by stopping the sale of cotton to Europe would cause them to side with the Confederacy.
War Preparations • Training and supplying troops. • SOUTH: • Population: 9 million (4 ½ million were slaves) • Did NOT have a strong navy. • Did NOT have a well-trained army. • Not enough factories. • Railroads were too light to carry troops and guns • War fought mostly in the South-familiar…defense of homes and families. Gen. Stovall, GA Infantry Alexandria Railroad
War Preparations • NORTH: • Population: 22 million • Strong well-trained army and navy (Experienced) • INDUSTRY that could readily make war supplies • Many miles of railroad capable of moving troops and munitions. • FUNCTIONING GOVERNMENT!!! 12th New York Regiment
Great Britain and the Civil War Wheat Harvesting Charles Francis Adams • If Great Britain had recognized the South as an independent country, they could have entered the war as an ally to the Confederacy. • Charles Francis Adams, Ambassador sent by Lincoln to England, prevented this from happening. • In the end, Great Britain needed northern wheat more than southern cotton • Poor wheat harvest in England. • Great Britain was anti-slavery-abolished in 1863!
Battle of Antietam • Battle: September 17, 1862 • Bloodiest one day battle • 23,000 soldiers killed, wounded, or missing • Battle of Antietam was the Army of N. Virginia’s (led by Robert E. Lee) first invasion into the North • Union victory gave Lincoln the opportunity to issue the Emancipation Proclamation
Emancipation Proclamation • September 22, 1862 • Abraham Lincoln stated that unless the South surrendered by January 1, 1863… ”all slaves in states or districts in rebellion against the U.S. on January 1, 1863 will thenceforth and forever be free.” • Confederate leaders chose to continue to fight Abraham Lincoln
Battle of Gettysburg • July 1-3, 1863 • Resulted in a Union victory that ended Gen. Robert E. Lee’s second invasion of the North • Led to Lee’s retreat to Virginia and ended the hopes of the Confederacy for victory • Bloodiest battle of the Civil War: 51,000 casualties
Chickamauga Creek • “River of Death” • 15,000 Union and 18,000 Confederate troops were killed, wounded, or missing. • Confederate troops forced the Union back to Chattanooga • The mistake came in allowing the Union forces to reinforce with troops from Gen. Ulysses S. Grant • This forced Bragg to retreat south to Dalton
Chattanooga • Union General William Rosencrans attacked Chattanooga in Sept. 1864 (Fell in November of 1864). • Major ammunitions and supply depot • Transportation center
Sherman’s March thru Georgia General Tecumseh Sherman Union Commanders at Pickett’s Mill General Joseph Johnston “March to the Sea”
Sherman’s March • Confederate General Braxton Bragg allowed the Union to capture Chattanooga. • Battles at Dalton, Resaca, and New Hope. • Confederate Gen. Joseph E. Johnston replaced Bragg. • As he retreated he did everything possible to slow, disrupt, and cause casualties to the Union forces as they were outnumbered almost 2 to 1. (Defensive Strategy) • It took Sherman 4 months to march from Chattanooga to Atlanta. • Battle of Kennesaw Mountain • Johnston repeatedly turned back Union attacks • Frustration set in with Lee and Davis who wanted Johnston to attack…replaced him with Gen. Hood • Hood attacked the Union lines and lost 11,000 men in 2 days, allowing Sherman to continue on to Atlanta. • Union troops laid waste to Atlanta destroying businesses, farms, homes and transportation—stayed for 2 months • Sherman’s “March to the Sea” destroyed everything in a 60 mile wide path 300 miles to the Atlantic…$100 million damage • Chose not to burn Savannah—bales of cotton, unable to be exported due to the blockade, had been accumulating in warehouses; Sherman sent it to the North and it sold for $28 million • Lower South cut off from the rest of the Confederacy!!! • This effectively ended the war for Georgia
The Cost of War Destruction in Atlanta Destruction in Charleston • Devastation of towns and cities…especially in the South • Split the U.S. in two for 5 years • $6 Billion dollars to fight the war (Union) • $11.5 Billion in veteran benefits • $4 Billion spent by Confederacy • 620,000 soldiers died in the Civil War
Credits • Page 2: http://www.civilwarhome.com/ftsumter.htm • Page 3: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/cwphtml/tl1861.html • Page 3: http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?cwar:16:./temp/~ammem_RMxc:T11: • Page 6: http://www.civilwarphotos.net/files/images/086.jpg • Page 6: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/9743/ • Page 7: http://www.picturehistory.com/find/c/298/p/15/mcms.html • Page 8: http://www.uua.org/uuhs/duub/articles/charlesfrancisadams.html • Page 8: http://www.shop.com/op/aprod-p28940720-k24-g4-~Wheat+Harvester-nover?sourceid=13 • Page 9: http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/al16.html • Page 10: http://www.aotc.net/Chattanooga.htm (Both Pictures) • Page 11: http://ngeorgia.com/history/chickam.html • Page 13: http://www.nps.gov/fopu/local/ • Page 14: http://ngeorgia.com/people/shermanwt.html • Page 14: http://ngeorgia.com/history/picketts.html • Page 14: http://www.swcivilwar.com/ConLeaPhotos.html • Page 14: http://sciway3.net/clark/civilwar/march.html • Page 16: http://www.swcivilwar.com/DestructionPhotos.html