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高等学校 操作系统课程 庐山研讨班 北京大学信息学院 陈向群 2005 , 07. 操作系统课程暑期研讨班 第四单元. 国外 OS 实习课程设计与部分教材使用统计. 若干国外大学 OS 实习课程介绍. 美国 Cornell 大学 2005 年 OS 实习课程安排. CS 414/415: Spring 2005 Systems Programming and Operating Systems -1. CS 415 Projects:
操作系统课程暑期研讨班第四单元 国外OS实习课程设计与部分教材使用统计
CS 414/415: Spring 2005Systems Programming and Operating Systems -1 CS 415 Projects: • This semester, the project component of the course will involve several projects which will start small and build up to an ad-hoc networking system on handheld computers. • The first two project assignments will involve building a prototype operating system.
CS 414/415: Spring 2005Systems Programming and Operating Systems - 2 • The first assignment is to implement our own threads, scheduling, and synchronization mechanisms at user levelon top of NT. • We will use the facilities provided by NT mostly to bootstrap our own OS. • The second one will add preemption and introduce interrupt-driven networking.
CS 414/415: Spring 2005Systems Programming and Operating Systems - 3 • For the third assignment, we will switch from NT to CE devices (Palmax 600's) donated by Microsoft. We have 30 Palmax 600's and 70 HP Jornadas with wireless networking cards for this course. • The "default" class project for this semester will involve peer-to-peer messaging in an ad-hoc network. • Students are encouraged to work in pairs and to modify their project.
Nachos Assignments • Lab 1: The Trouble with Concurrent Programming • Lab 2: Threads and Synchronization • Lab 3: Programming with Threads • Lab 4: Multiprogrammed Kernel • Lab 5: I/O • Lab 6: Virtual Memory
在模拟硬件环境上设计一个小型OS • The code for this semester is divided into two main parts: • OS/161: the operating system that you will augment in subsequent homework assignments. • System/161: the machine simulator which emulates the physical hardware on which your operating system will run. • This course is about writing operating systems, not designing or simulating hardware.
OS/161 & CS161 • The OS/161 distribution contains a full operating system source tree, including some utility programs and libraries. After you build the operating system you boot, run, and test it on the simulator. • We use a simulator in CS161 because debugging and testing an operating system on real hardware is extremely difficult. The System/161 machine simulator has been found to be an excellent platform for rapid development of operating system code, while still retaining a high degree of realism. Apart from floating point support and certain issues relating to RAM cache management, it provides an accurate emulation of a MIPS R3000 processor.
Assignments There will be an OS/161 programming assignment for each of the following topics: • ASST1 : Synchronization and concurrent programming • ASST2 : System calls and multiprogramming • ASST3 : Virtual memory • ASST4 : File systems • ASST5 : Wireless scavenger hunt using motes
CS140 Course Information-1 As part of the course, you will complete four large programming projects that each highlight a major subsystem of modern operating systems. Starting with a minimally featured instructional operating system, you will add more functionality over the course of the quarter until you have a small, fairly featureful OS.
CS140 Course Information-2 You are allowed to work in groups of up to three. Because of the scope of the projects, and because in the Real World projects tend to have more people, we highly recommend working with a full group. Groups of two (or one, which is highly discouraged) are acceptable, but be aware the size of the assignments is the same regardless of the size of the group. Team members will all receive the same grade on the programming assignments.
每个学生编写一个简单的整体式OS • Students, working individually, write a simple, monolithic operating system in C. • While not supporting the full set of features that most production operating systems possess, the OS written by each student is on par technically with any modern operating system. • Virtual memory (including copy-on-write fork()s and demand loading of files), threading, an extensible file system infrastructure (vnode/vfs), and a competent on-disk file system are a few of the things implemented by every student.
Princeton大学实习项目 - 1 The six projects in this course are designed to do exactly that. At the end of the class, you will have a small, real operating system kernel. This set of projects were co-developed with colleagues at University of Tromso in Norway. Project 1: Bootup Mechanism This project involves writing the bootup code for a simple operating system that we will be developing for the rest of the semester. In this project, the bootup code will be in the so called real mode (instead of protected mode).
Princeton大学实习项目 - 2 Project 2: Non-Preemptive Scheduling With the bootup mechanism built in the first project, we can start developing a operating system kernel. The goal of this project is to design and implement a simple multiprogramming kernel with a non-preemptive scheduler. Although the kernel will be very primitive, you will be dealing with several main mechanisms and apply techniques that are important for building multiprogrammed operating systems
Princeton大学实习项目 - 3 Project 3: Preemptive Scheduling The last project is a simple but useful non-preemptive, multi-threaded operating system. The main goal of this project is to transform the non-preemptive kernel into a preemptive kernel. You will also change the system call mechanism from a simple function call (like the last assignment) to an interrupt mechanism akin to current operating systems. Also, you will be required to add condition variables to augment the synchronization primitives designed during the last project.
Princeton大学实习项目 - 4 Project 4: Interprocess Communication and Process Management This project basically consists of two separate parts. The first part is Inter-Process Communication (IPC) mechanism, and the second is Process Management.
Princeton大学实习项目 - 4 Project 5: Virtual Memory This project will require you to implement a simple virtual memory mechanism in your operating system. The processes will now each execute in a separate virtual address space. These address space will be protected from each other, so one process may not access or modify data in another address space. Additionally the kernel will also be protected from the processes in a similar manner. In this project the kernel and the kernel threads run in kernel mode (privilege level 0) and the processes are executed in user mode (privilege level 3). Your task in this project is to implement a simple, demand-paged virtual memory system with a floppy diskette.
Princeton大学实习项目 - 5 Project 6: A File System In this project, you will implement a UNIX-like but greatly simplified file system in your operating system. The file system will reside on the floppy disk.
2005年7月OS教材采用统计结果 - 1 被统计大学: • 35所大学,包括美国、欧洲、亚洲和大洋州 • 其中包括复旦大学、南京大学、上海交通大学 西安交通大学、浙江大学和中国科技大学 • 采用Silberschatz and Galvin 的 《Operating System Concepts》 作为教材或参考书籍的有27家
2005年7月OS教材采用统计结果 - 2 • 采用Andrew S. Tanenbaum 的 《Modern Operating Systems》 作为教材或参考书籍的有15家 • 采用Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Albert S. Woodhull的 《 Operating Systems: Design and Implementation》 作为教材或参考书籍的有8家
2005年7月OS教材采用统计结果 - 3 依据Pearson Education有关Web站点在 2005年7月的介绍 至少有19所大学在其 Web站点上直接表明 采用 了William Stallings的 《Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles》教材
对国外若干大学OS课程的看法 - 1 • 从各个大学的OS课程的提纲和讲稿来看 绝大部分内容都和我们的课程内容类似 • 大多数学校使用的教材是 《Operating System Concepts》 或者《Modern Operating Systems》 很多大学就用配套的ppt
对国外若干大学OS课程的看法 - 1 值得借鉴之处 • 大多学校比较注重OS安全性方面的知识 • 一些学校比较强调体系结构的知识,例如剑桥 • 有些学校的课程中强调了OS对于网络的支持 介绍了SOCKETS,TCP/IP,网络OS等概念 例如UC Berkely,standford和牛津 牛津更是把网络和OS做为一门课程来学习
对国外若干大学OS课程的看法 - 2 • 美国大学内容比较新颖,介绍的系统比较多样 除了传统的系统还详细介绍分布式系统,实时系统、多处理器系统、嵌入式系统、多媒体系统的设计特点和实例 从不同的应用场景体会基本原理的具体实现 • 一些学校介绍虚拟机的基本原理和例子 • 很多学校鼓励学生读一些经典OS设计论文 拓宽眼界