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DEMO OF ISO: 50001 ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUDITOR TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Product Code: C117 Price: 360 USD www.globalmanagergroup.com. What is the goal of ISO: 50001. To develop an international standard for Energy Management Systems Specifies core requirements for EnMS.

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  1. DEMO OF ISO: 50001 ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUDITOR TRAINING PRESENTATION KIT Product Code: C117 Price: 360 USD www.globalmanagergroup.com

  2. What is the goal of ISO: 50001 • To develop an international standard for Energy Management Systems Specifies core requirements for EnMS. • To incorporate the EnMS into the overall management system of a company. • To co-ordinate corporate functions such as planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources. • To develop, implement, achieve, review and maintain the energy policy and objectives. • Designed to facilitate auditing of ENMS core elements.

  3. An energy management plan that requires measurement, management, and documentation for continuous improvement for energy efficiency; Across-divisional management team led by a representative who reports directly to management and is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the strategic plan; Policies and procedures to address all aspects of energy purchase, use, and disposal; Projectsto demonstrate improvement in energy efficiency; Creation of an Energy Manual, a document that evolves over time as additional energy saving projects and policies are undertaken and documented; Identification of energy performance indicators, unique to the company, that are tracked to measure progress; and Periodic reporting of progress to management based on these measurements Typical Features of EnMS

  4. Structure of Standards as per ISO 50001-2011 4.6Management Review CONTINUAL TRADE LINKAGES & ENERGY SAVING • 4.5Checking • Monitor & Measure & Analyze • Evaluation • Internal audit • Non-conformance • Corrective/preventive actions • Records 4.2 Management Responsibility 4.3 Energy Policy • 4.4 Energy Planning • Legal & Other • review • Base line • Performance indicators • Objectives & Targets & MAP • 4.5 Implementation and Operation • Competence, Training, Awareness • Communication • ENMS Documentation • Operation Control • Design • Procurement, services, product

  5. 4.4 Energy Planning 4.4.6 Energy objectives, energy targets and energy management action plans • Establish, implement and maintain documented energy objectives and targets • Fix time frames for achievement of the objectives and targets. • Objectives and targets consistent with energy policy. Take into account: • Legal requirements and other requirements • Significant energy uses • Opportunities to improve energy performance • Financial, operational and business conditions, technological options • Views of interested parties. (Continue...)

  6. ISO:50001 Energy Management System EnMS Manual Procedures Manual Work Instruction/SOPs Registers/ Records Purchase & Stores Admin Medical/HRD Production Q.A. Despatch Packing

  7. Record for energy review Register of opportunities for improving energy performance Register of Legal & regulations Legislation and compliance) related to energy management system Energy Baseline Records of Energy performance indicators Energy Objectives & energy targets and energy management action plan Competence, training and skill records Energy management program reviews Plant/Machinery design records Actual and potential non conformity investigations Records of the results of the evaluations of compliance Monitoring / measurement and checking records Calibration & maintenance Corrective and preventive action records List of ISO 50001 EnMS Records

  8. Energy policy Continual improvement commitment Energy baseline results Energy performance indicators Energy action plans Opportunities to improve energy performance Initial review results (Significant energy usage) Legal and other requirements Technology options Technology options available Financial, operational and business conditions Views of interested parties Results of management review Inputs for Energy Objectives

  9. STEPS FOR CERTIFICATION OF ISO : 50001 ENERFY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM • Conduct iso-50001 awareness program (top + middle + bottom level). • Form a steering committee and task force for documentation • Analyse energy uses and consumption • Brainstorming on energy usage of all possible energy use and consumption past and present). identification of areas of most significant energy use. • Define energy policy, objectives and targets. record energy baseline and identify enpis. • Prepare documents of energy management system, records, legal requirements. • Train all for energy policy and for achieving objectives & targets. • Communication to all including suppliers and interested parties. • Implementation & train all personnel in the use of procedures & formats. preparation and implementation of energy action plan. • Train internal auditors. • Assess the system through first internal audit. • Take corrective actions for non-conformities. • Apply for certification. • Assess the system through second round of internal audit. • Avail onsite document adequacy and preaudit of certifying body. • Take actions on suggestions given by them. • Final audit by certifying body.

  10. Auditor is always fact finder and not fault finder. As per ISO:50001-2011 auditor looks for effectiveness of system, energy use and management and not only records. Auditors 4 key boundaries a.ISO:50001-2011 requirements b. Own written documents c. Energy performance indicators and significant energy use areas d. Statutory & regulatory requirements 4. Audit methodology a. Interview people b. Verify records c. Witness / process checking d. Own verification of process / product/service parameters TIPS TO TRAINED INTERNAL AUDITOR

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