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Enriching Doctoral Preparation: The National Leadership Consortium in Sensory Disabilities. Brooke Smith, Ph.D., COMS, Salus University Michael Berhmann , Ph.D., George Mason University Kimberly Avila, M.A., COMS, NLCSD Fellow, George Mason University OSEP Project Directors’ Conference
Enriching Doctoral Preparation: The National Leadership Consortium in Sensory Disabilities Brooke Smith, Ph.D., COMS, Salus University Michael Berhmann, Ph.D., George Mason University Kimberly Avila, M.A., COMS, NLCSD Fellow, George Mason University OSEP Project Directors’ Conference Washington, D.C. July, 2013 The contents of this publication were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H325V090001. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government Project Officer, Glinda Hill.
NLCSD Mission To increase, through specialized doctoral training, the number and quality of leadership personnel competent in the areas of higher education and research to improve education services for infants, children and youth who have sensory disabilities (deafness/hard of hearing, blindness/low vision, and deafblindness),including those with multiple disabilities.
NLCSD History Expansion of National Center for Leadership in Visual Impairment (NCLVI) Began 1/2010 Salus is fiscal agent
NLCSD Community 23 IHEs with doctoral programs in DB, DHH, BVI (18 IHEs have Fellows) 27 Fellows in 2 cohorts (4 DB, 11 DHH, 12 BVI) 24 Public Advisory Council members (advocacy, policy, parent& education groups) 4 Leadership Team members (Audrey Smith, BVI; Brooke Smith, BVI; John Killoran, DB; Heather Hayes, DHH) OSEP FPO is Ms. Glinda Hill
Project Objectives • Produce 27 doctoral leaders in D/HH, DB, B/VI B/VI • Create and utilize a Consortium to provide participatory guidance in the design and implementation of a multi-university, doctoral-level leadership preparation program in the special education sensory disabilities • Develop and implement a Research-Based Enrichment Program • Create an inclusive Community of Learners composed of professionals, including individuals with disabilities and parents, who are involved in the education of students with sensory disabilities.
Enrichment Program • Four-year program that augments Fellows’ work in their respective universities • Includes technologically-mediated (Blackboard, webinars) & face–to–face components (meetings, conferences) • Led by Consortium member faculty and Fellow volunteers
Enrichment Program • Focus on research and leadership in sensory disabilities • Year 1: Research in Low Incidence Populations • Year 2: Development of a Research Topic • Year 3: Grant Writing • Year 4: The Professoriate
Opportunities for Interactions Fellow-to-Fellow Fellow-to-Faculty Faculty-to-Faculty
Project Information • Fellows receive full tuition & living stipend which is differential based on location • Travel to conferences and annual NLCSD meetings • Fellows may not work more than 20 hours / week and are required to maintain an on-campus physical presence • Service obligation: • 1 for 1 if enter IHE/personnel preparation • 2 for 1 if enter non-IHE • Anticipated graduation dates: • Cohort 1: Spring 2014 • Cohort 2: Spring 2015
Impact of NCLVI & NLCSD • Upon graduation, there will be: • 27 doctoral leaders trained in sensory disabilities (BVI, DB, DHH) through NLCSD • 19 doctoral leaders were previously trained in vision impairment (NCLVI) • A total of 46 highly qualified leaders in our field
Enrichment Program • Community of learners – research on low incidence • Vehicle for: • National networking • Pulling people from outside their university into Fellows’ dissertation research • July 2011 Face to Face • Fellows reported that one of the most important aspects was the time spent in roundtable discussions with consortium and PAC members • Hearing from Consortium and PAC on research needs
Coordination and Integration • Fellowship participation takes careful coordination and integration in order to meet all requirements presented by the Fellowship and University doctoral program. • Advisor skillfully planned how these two elements will interact during my doctoral program. • Program of studies and logistics must be re-visited periodically throughout
Focus • NLCSD requires: • Completion within four years • Requires Fellows to make decisions to leave full time work and other obligations • Participation in enrichment program • Attendance at conferences, webinars and other programs • NLCSD requires fellows to be FOCUSED! • Doctoral program and enrichment can be intense! • Obtainable: • Despite intensity, a doctorate is obtainable in four years
Opportunities • Learning from leaders in our fields • Conference attendance • Special events and presentations • Dr. Larry Wexler Grant presentation • Funding • NLCSD has made it possible to work toward a Ph.D with the support
Collaboration and Networking • Collaboration and networking with • The Fellows!!! • Diverse backgrounds, experiences and research interests • Leaders/professors/researchers in the fields • researchers who understand the complicated and unique considerations for conducting studies on low-incidence populations and in highly esoteric areas of inquiry that have multiple safety considerations • Example: orientation and mobility research • Other universities • Research opportunities • Possible employment opportunities
Future Prospects • Extraordinary opportunity with life long connections • Promotes life long learning • NLCSD employment requirement criteria • Considerations • Personnel Preparation
Questions for Discussion How does this differ from your existing leadership program? What type of activities could enhance the enrichment program? How could these be shared with you outside of the Consortium?