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AN OVERVIEW of Child & ADOLESCENT Health program under NHM

AN OVERVIEW of Child & ADOLESCENT Health program under NHM. Dr Ajay Khera Public Health Specialist Deputy Commissioner In-charge (Child & Adolescent Health) Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Government of India. A Snapshot of Child & adolescent Health in India.

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AN OVERVIEW of Child & ADOLESCENT Health program under NHM

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  1. AN OVERVIEW of Child & ADOLESCENT Health program under NHM Dr Ajay Khera Public Health Specialist Deputy Commissioner In-charge (Child & Adolescent Health) Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Government of India

  2. A Snapshot of Child & adolescent Health in India • 50% adolescents anemic, 30 % undernourished • 10-30% practicing risk behaviour, mental disorder, physically inactive • 7-8% adolescent Pregnancy

  3. Areasof Concern • 62% children die in first 28 days , 75% deaths during first week of life, 20% on day of birth • Four States namely UP, Bihar, MP and Rajasthan account for 57% of total under-5 deaths Gender differential: 4 points at National level Huge intra-district and inter-district variations More children are dying in rural areas- 18 point differential

  4. Why are the Children Dying…..

  5. CHILD & Adolescent HEALTH Interventions

  6. Strategic Interventions under Child Health Programme Birth Defects Surveillance Stillbirth Surveillance Child Death Review

  7. Activities under Newborn Health

  8. Activities to address Diarrhoea & Pneumonia • 1) Promotion of Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses (IMNCI) for early diagnosis and case management and F-IMNCI at facility level • 2) Increasing access to community-based case management leads to 35% reduction in child pneumonia mortality 93% childhood diarrhoeal mortality reduction ORS Use Rate is 50.6% and Zinc use rate <25% Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight (IDCF) observed during 28 May-8th June 2019, with the ultimate aim of ‘zero child deaths due to childhood diarrhoea’

  9. Activities to improve Child Nutrition Early initiation of BF (41.6%) and exclusive BF rates (54.9%) are low • Breastfeeding averts 13% of U5 Deaths • Complementary Feeding averts 5% deaths

  10. Anaemia MuktBharat (6x6 approach) !.Ensure supply chain 2. Demand generation 3. Monitoring

  11. Diseases: dental caries in 50-60% school children, RHD: 1.5/1000 children Defects at birth: 17 lakh babies each year Developmental delays & disabilities: 10% children Deficiencies: 58% anaemic; 36% underweight Rashtriya Bal Swasthaya Karyakram (RBSK) Systemic approach for early identification and management of4Ds - Defects at birth, Deficiency, Diseases at childhood and Developmental Delays forchildren of 0-18 years. Referral • Free of cost management of children identified with ailment in District Early Intervention Centre and referral at pre-identified tertiary level institutions for surgery • Screening for defects at birth • Screening of children at AWCs and in schools • Early Intervention Centre (DEIC) at District hospital for confirmation, further assessment and as referral linkage to appropriate health facility Screening Management

  12. Elements of Rashtriyakishoreswasthyakaryakaram(RKSK)

  13. Approaches under RKSK

  14. Issues and Priorities Priorities Issues • Strengthening of paediatric care facilities • Implementation of Home Based Young Care and Anaemia Mukt Bharat Program • Anemia Mukt Bharat for addressing anaemia through life-cycle approach • Newborn Screening at the time of Birth • Strengthening AFHS and Expanding the scope of preventive & promotive services to school going children through School Health Ambassadors , engaging civil society to reach marginalised adolescents • Implementation of Early Childhood Care and Development through use of revised MCP Card • Quality of services in SNCUs, underutilization of NBSU & NRC • Quality of HBNC • Slow implementation of newer interventions for newborn health • Procurement Issues- IFA and Zinc • Implementation of RBSK Software • Challenges in establishment of DEIC • Convergence with allied departments for implementation of interventions like WIFS, Deworming • Less attention to adolescent health issues

  15. Impact of various intervention packages on child survival


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