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This talk discusses the development of a control model for the Charging and Accounting Problem in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs). Motivated by the lack of infrastructure in MANETs, the model incentivizes node cooperation through rewards and penalties, monitored by police nodes. Contributions include a theoretical game model, optimum inspection strategies, and realistic assumptions. Simulation results show effectiveness in discouraging cheating. The proposed game model addresses rational node behaviors, detection of cheating, and Nash equilibrium solutions for node control.
A Node Control Model for the Charging and Accounting Problem in MANETs Inna Kofman Uyen Trang Nguyen, Hoang Lan Nguyen University of Düsseldorf York University Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science and Engineering Düsseldorf, Germany Toronto, Canada
Outline of the Talk • Motivation • Contributions • Model • Simulation results • Conclusion and future work
Motivation • Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) [5] • Mobile nodes with limited transmission ranges • Lack of infrastructure • Co-operations needed for proper MANET functioning • Mobile nodes tend to save their own resources (e.g. battery power) => reluctant to forward packets for other nodes • Motivation of our work • Schemes using strong cryptography [13][22][27][7] [23] [9] [24] [16] [17] [15] • Schemes using temper proof/resistant devices [4] [14] [25] [23] [26] • New approach in [12] encourages co-operation by rewards: • But nodes may cheat to get more than what they deserve. • Node’s behaviours are monitored by police nodes (PNs). • Cheating nodes are penalized. • Monitoring costs to the network owner are covered by fines.
Contributions • We use the “rewards” approach • Giving advice to the network operator about the allocation of resources for monitoring mobile nodes • Developing a theoretical game model based on the Passenger Ticket Control (PTC) model [1] • Finding an optimum strategy of inspecting to discourage nodes from cheating using Nash equilibrium • Accommodating realistic assumptions • Finite punishment • Imperfect monitoring • Simulation results
A Charging and Accounting Scheme for MANETs (1) • Incentive for cooperation by means of remuneration • No need for temper proof or resistant devices • Model Sender:- estimates the number of hops to the destination - purchases coins - forms a packet that contains coins and a message encrypted by the public key of the destination Intermediate node: - takes one coin for forwarding a packet - forwards the packet to the next node - collects coins and later submits to the network operator to redeem rewards
A Charging and Accounting Scheme for MANETs (2) regular nodes police nodes • Police nodes (PNs) • Distributed throughout the network randomly • Observe node behaviors • Report all collected data to the network administrator • Police nodes (PNs) can be dynamic or static • Existing urban infrastructure can be used for PNs distribution: buses roofs, gas stations, traffic lights, crowded public buildings like exhibition halls or a university campus, etc. • Network administrator (NA) • Uses reported information to reward cooperating nodes • Identifies cheating nodes and imposes fines
A Charging and Accounting Scheme for MANETs (3) • Examples how attacks can be detected
A Charging and Accounting Scheme for MANETs (4) • Assumptions To cheat or not to cheat 1. Nodes are rational 2. Loss of being 3. Gain from cheating caught is infinite is finite Node will not cheat if there is a potential risk of being caught 4. Perfect monitoring – the information reported by PNs to the NA is error-free • Relaxation of 2: provide an optimal strategy to the NA => nodes are indifference whether or not to act illegally • Relaxation of 4: extend the game model to adapt the relaxation
The Proposed Game Model for Node Control (1) • Two-player inspection game problem [2] • PN (representing the NA) – inspector (first player) Regular node (a user) – inspectee (second player) • Monitoring of nodes ~ inspection of passengers in the PTC • Purpose: to give an advice to the CA about the allocation of resources for monitoring mobile nodes • Normal form of the game f – average expenditure of a node when it acts legally, g – nodes average gain from illegal actions, b – penalty for a misbehaving node, e – cost of monitoring Fig. 2. The nodes control game in Ad Hoc Networks. per node including a deployment cost (e < b) • Expected cost of a PN (E1) and gain of a regular node (E2): E1 (p, q) = (f − e)pq + (b − e − g)p(1 − q) + f (1 − p)q – g(1 − p)(1 − q) E2 (p, q) = −fpq + (g – b)p(1 − q) − f(1 − p)q + g(1 – p)(1 – q)
The Proposed Game Model for Node Control (2) • Solving Nash equilibrium • Cyclical preferences of the players (see the direction of arrows in Fig. 2) => no pure strategy equilibrium p* = (f + g)/b, q* = 1 – e/b • Equilibrium payoffs of the PN (E1*) and the regular node (E2*): E1* = f (1 − e/b) – eg/b, E2* = −f • Costs of PNs compensated by collected fines ep is the expenditure for monitoring per node bp(1 – q) is the gain from the penalty ep – bp(1 – q) = p(e – b(1 – q*)) = 0 • Node is indifferent in choosing his strategy: same cost for both strategies pays -f when choosing the legal behaviour strategy pays (-bp* + g) = -f when choosing the illegal behaviour strategy
Solution Extension • Imperfect monitoring • PN may report inaccurate information to the CA (due to interference, receiving errors, etc.) • It could be attractive for nodes to act illegally when g − p(1 − ϵA)b > −pϵCb ϵC – probability when a honest node mistakenly penalized ϵA – probability when an offender mistakenly exonerated • To discourage nodes from cheating, p must satisfy: p ≥ g/(1 − ϵA − ϵC)b
Experiments • Objective PNs capabilities <> Human inspectors capabilities Mobile nodes <> Human passengers Simulations needed to verify PN capability to observe the majority of network traffic • Proposed monitoring scheme is to encourage cooperation and deter cheating (not to punish cheaters) => the observation rate does not have to be 100% • Performance Metrics T– the total number of packets transmitted in the network, i.e. original packets transmitted by the sources + the copies forwarded by intermediate nodes R– the total number of packets observed (only once) by PNs The average packets observation rate: POR = R/T
Simulation Parameters • Simulation Environment and Parameters • GloMoSim Network Simulator [8] • Simulation parameters settings Routing protocol: DSR [11] MAC protocol: CSMA/CA with RTS/CTS/DATA/ACK Terrain size: 1200 m x 800 m Number of nodes: 30 Simulation time: 900 seconds per experiment Propagation model: Two-ray [21] Transmission range: 272 m Channel capacity 2 Mbps Mobility model: Random way-point [10] Data traffic: CBR with transmission intervals chosen randomly from 0 .005s, 0.01s and 0.015s Payload size: 512 bytes Confidence interval: 95% • Assumptions PNs technical characteristics = regular mobile nodes technical characteristics PNs distributed evenly in the network All nodes in the network have unlimited queue size • Each data point is the average of 10 runs, and in each of those PNs were relocated, but still distributed evenly in the network
Varying Number of PNs • Simulation Results and Discussions • Varying the number of PNs: 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 • Mobility speed of mobile nodes range: from 0m/s to 1m/s • Average transmission rate of the sources: 2.06 packet/s • Number of PNs increase => POR increases (from 80% to 98%) • With reasonable amount of resources 6 PNs (20%) a majority of the network is observed (POR = 92%) • CA can achieve optimal p* by taking into account f, b and g
Varying Node Mobility Speed • Varying node mobility speed: increasing from 0m/s to 20m/s • 6 PNs monitoring the network • Average transmission rate of the sources: 2.06 packet/s • Average POR varied between 88% and 92% • Node mobility speeds do not have • much impact on the POR (see • confidence intervals) • Mobility speed increases => POR • goes up slightly since when nodes • move they get close to PNs • Mobility speed too high => connection • between a regular node and a PN may be broken (see 20 m/s)
Varying Source Rate • Varying the average sending rate of the sources: 2.06 packets/s, 4.12 packet/s, 6.18 packet/s, 8.21 packet/s and 10.30 packet/s • 6 PNs monitoring the network • Mobility speed: from 0m/s to 1m/s • POR is not impacted much by the • network traffic load (between 92% and • 94%) • Network traffic load increases => R increases • linearly • Results assert PNs effectiveness • POR depends on packet delivery ratios of flows that depend on the routing algorithm [3] => future work
Conclusion and Future Work • Theoretical game model is presented to offer advice to the NA about resource allocation for node monitoring in a charging and accounting scheme based on “rewards” • Solution extended to accommodate realistic assumptions • Effectiveness and usefulness of proposed scheme are confirmed via simulation results • Future work: • To investigate methods to optimally distribute PNs • To study punishment schemes • To implement the full algorithm of the scheme • To deploy it in real networks (test beds) and evaluate its performance and overheads
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The Passenger Ticket Control (PTC) Model (1) Two-player inspection game problem [2] The control system – inspector (first player), passenger – inspectee (second player) Purpose: to give an advice to the Munich Transport and Fares Tariff association (MVV) how to deploy inspectors economically attractive Normal form of the game f – normal passenger fare, b – fine, e – cost of control per passenger (e < b) Fig. 1. The PTC game model. Expected payments of the inspector (E1) and the passenger (E2): E1 (p, q) = (f − e)pq + (b − e)p(1 − q) + f (1 − p)q E2 (p, q) = −fpq − bp(1 − q) − f(1 − p)q 22
The Passenger Ticket Control (PTC) Model (2) Nash equilibrium [18] (p*, q*) – the pair of mixed strategy equilibrium, where p* - inspector’s “best response” to the passenger’s choice of q*, q* - passenger’s “best response” to the inspector’s choice of p* Cyclical preferences of the players (see the direction of arrows in Fig. 1) => no pure strategy equilibrium Solving Nash equilibrium p* = f/b, q* = 1 – e/b Equilibrium payoffs of the inspector (E1*) and the passenger (E2*): E1* = f(1 − e/b ), E2* = −f Costs of inspectors compensated by collected fines: ep – bp(1 – q) = p(e – b(1 – q*)) = 0 Passenger is indifferent in choosing his strategy pays -f when choosing the legal behaviour strategy pays -bp* when choosing the illegal behaviour strategy 23
Solution Extensions (2) ϵA and ϵCdecrease the deterrence => the social welfare is also decreased [20] Node will cheat <=> g ≥ pb Social welfare represented by [6], [19]: ∫ (g – m)z(g)dg – r(p) ∞ pb m – the expected harm of the society, z(g) – density function of gains, r(p) – function that shows the amount of resources required to achieve probability p (r’ > 0, r’’ ≥ 0) • The first-order condition to find the optimal detection probability results m> pb, • i.e. the value of the harm (m)> the expected punishment (pb) => • some “under-deterrence” is optimal [6], [19] m > pb p ≥ g/(1 − ϵA − ϵC)b => m > g/(1 - ϵA − ϵC) • g increased by (1 − ϵA − ϵC) to g ≤ m => it is beneficial to the node behave illegally [20] • Inequality is satisfied => no incentive to cheat • Percentage of erroneous monitoring ~ percentage of interference/errors 24