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R basics workshop Part 9: flow control

R basics workshop Part 9: flow control. J. Sebasti án Tello Iván Jiménez. Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development. F low control. There are a number of constructs in R that allow you to control the flow of the code There are mainly 3 types:

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R basics workshop Part 9: flow control

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  1. R basics workshop Part 9: flow control J. Sebastián Tello Iván Jiménez Center forConservation and SustainableDevelopment

  2. Flow control • There are a number of constructs in R thatallowyouto control theflow of thecode • There are mainly 3 types: • Loops – for, while, repeat • Breaking loops – break, next • Conditionals – if, else and ifelse • Wewillfocuson: for, while and if • Forhelp: ?Control

  3. “for” loops • A loop is the repetition of a piece of code “n” times • for is the most common construct to create loops • This is the general structure of a “for” loop: for(i in v) { code… } tab Which means: For each value that itakes from vector v, repeat: { this code }

  4. “for” loops • Easy example 1: v <- 1:10 for(i in v) { print(i) } Which means: The vector v has values from 1 to 10 every 1 For each value that itakes from vectorv, repeat: print the value of i into the screen

  5. “for” loops • Easyexample 2: v<- letters v for(i in v) { print(i) }

  6. “for” loops • Easyexample 3: v<- letters length(v) result <- 0 for(i in v) { print(i) result<- result+ 1 } result

  7. “for” loops • Easyexample 4: v <- c(1,3,5,2,4) result <- 0 for(i in 1:length(v)) { print( c(i, v[i]) ) result <- result + v[i] } result

  8. “for” loops • Easyexample 5: col.v <- rainbow(100) cex.v <- seq(1, 10, length.out=100) plot(0:1, 0:1, type="n") for(i in 1:200) { print(i) points(runif(1), runif(1), pch=16, col=sample(col.v, 1), cex=sample(cex.v, 1)) Sys.sleep(0.1) }

  9. “for” loops • Open the file “9datos_MurciEnviroAmerica.txt” BatData <- read.table(file=file.choose(), header=TRUE, sep="\t") class(BatData) names(BatData) rich <- BatData$richness enviro <- BatData[,5:ncol(BatData)] enviro[1:5, ]

  10. “for” loops LM.R2 <- rep(NA, ncol(enviro)) LM.R2 for(i in 1:ncol(enviro)) { LM.i <- lm(rich ~ enviro[,i]) res.LM.i <- summary(LM.i) LM.R2[i] <- res.LM.i$adj.r.squared } LM.R2

  11. “for” loops LM.R2 names(LM.R2) <- names(enviro) barplot(LM.R2)

  12. “while” loops • while is sometimes also very useful • This is the general structure of a “while” loop: while(condition) { code… } Which means: While this condition is TRUE, repeat: { this code }

  13. “while” loops • Easy example 1: v <- 1:10 for(iin v) { print(i) } v <- 1:10 i <- 0 while(i < max(v)) { i <- i+1 print(i) }

  14. “while” loops • Easy example 1: i <- 0 while(i < max(v)) { i <- i+1 print(i) } v <- 1:10 Version 1 i <- 0 while(i < max(v)) { print(i) i <- i+1 } Version 2

  15. “while” loops • Easy example 2: Bp <- 0.1;Dp <- 0.1;Np <- 1-Bp-Dp max.t <- 100; time <- 0; abund<- 10 plot(c(0, max.t), c(0, 100), type="n") while(abund>0 & time<= max.t) { change <- sample(c(-1,0,1), size=abund, prob=c(Dp, Np, Bp), replace=TRUE) abund <- abund + sum(change) time <- time + 1 points(time, abund, pch=16, col="black") }

  16. “if” condition • if controls the flow by allowing code to run only if a condition is met • Easy example 1: v <- 1:10 for(i in v) { print(i) if(i == 5) print("Reached 5") }

  17. “if” condition and “break” • if controls the flow by allowing code to run only if a condition is met • Easy example 1: v <- 1:10 for(i in v) { print(i) if(i == 5) { print("Reached 5") break() } }

  18. “if” condition trait<- 0; max.time <- 100 plot(c(0,max.time), c(-20, 20), type="n", ylab="Trait Value", xlab="Time") points(0, trait, pch=16, col="black") for(i in 1:max.time) { trait.shift <- rnorm(1, 0, 0.5) trait<- trait+ trait.shift if(trait.shift> 0) COL <- "gold" if(trait.shift< 0) COL <- "lightblue" points(i, trait, pch=16, col=COL) Sys.sleep(0.2) }

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