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The calculation of child support is a relatively objective process based on the Federal Child Support Guidelines. The most important factors are the number of children and the income of the person paying child support. Visit http://www.russweninger.com/legaladvice/divorceandfamilylaw/ for more information on child support and other family law legal help or call 403-265-4496 today.
The Divorce Act and Family Law Act provide grounds for spousal support for both married and common law spouses.
While spousal support may be awarded, especially when there is a significant difference between the incomes of the spouses, entitlement tosuch support and the amount of the support is not as certain as with child support.
The federal government has developed The Federal Spousal Support Guidelines to provide some guidance in calculating an appropriate amount for spousal support.
However, unlike with the Child Support Guidelines, the courts are not obliged to follow the Spousal Support Guidelines.
For More Information: • Call: • 403-265-4496 Or Simply Visit: • www.RussWeninger.com/LegalAdvice/DivorceandFamilylaw