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Join us for a warm welcome to new international students at Jing-Ho Senior High School. Explore Taiwanese culture, attend classes, and engage in school activities. Dress in uniform, adhere to schedules, and enjoy a fulfilling academic experience in Taiwan.
臺北縣立錦和高級中學2010國際交換學生歡迎會臺北縣立錦和高級中學2010國際交換學生歡迎會 時間:99年9月3日(五) 地點:教學研究室 2010 Jing-Ho Senior High School Welcome Party for New international students
2010 錦中國際交換學生計畫 98學年度第二學期本校接待三位外籍學生:
2010 YEP學生輔導規劃 三位外籍學生班級導師:
2010 YEP學生課程規劃(1)2010 Schedule of Classes (1) • 中文密集課程 (Intensive Chinese Classes): 每週一、四 08:00~11:00 am 08:00~11:00 am every Monday and Thursday 經過文化大學華語中心建國本部報到參加測驗分班後,由文化大學資深華語教師於建國本部、延平分部、忠孝分部上課。
2010 YEP學生課程規劃(2)2010 Schedule of Classes (2) • 認識台灣文化課程 (Introduction to Taiwanese History and Culture): 每週六文化課程 From the second week of September, the course of the Intro to Taiwanese History and Culture will be held every Saturday. The exact location of the course is to be announced. 由扶輪社延聘教師授課於中崙高中及其他地點上課。
2010 YEP學生課程規劃(3) • 隨班附讀課程 除中文密集課程及認識台灣文化課程時段 外,本校所接待之外籍學生皆須留於教室 中,參與各班課程。 The intensive Chinese classes and the course of the intro to Taiwanese history and culture will be given outside school while the rest of classes are held in Jing-Ho senior high school. All the international students are asked to sit in the class at JHSH. Doing self-study in the library is STRONGLY prohibited and is against the school regulation.
2010 YEP學生課程規劃(4) • 融入課程 一同參加學校活動:英語歌唱比賽、社團、第二外語等 International students are encouraged to get involved in various school activities like singing contest, clubs and foreign language courses. • 特殊課程 (探索台灣) For international students, JHSH also offers classes to enhance students’ understanding of the culture, the festivals and the customs in Taiwan. Besides, Taiwanese teachers and students are also very curious about the culture in your home country. In these classes, you have ample opportunities to learn our culture and exchange yours with us.
2010 YEP學生課程規劃(5) • 社團活動 本校共有熱音社、熱舞社、烹飪社等16個學 生社團,包含動態及靜態社團,交換學生可 自由選擇所欲參加之社團。 JHSH has diverse student clubs and organizations. These student groups provide intellectual, recreational and cultural opportunities for students to interact.
2010 YEP學生生活規範2010 Rules and Conditions of Exchange • 交換學生到校需穿著校服(uniform)。 Always wear your uniform when you are at school. • 交換學生上下學時間 The Daily Time of Arrival and Departure of Each Student: You are required to arrive at school at/before 8:00 am and are dismissed at 4:00 pm every day. Also, you need to sign in and sign out at the Office of Academic Affairs. • 交換學生請假須由家長同意並知會實研組。 Permission from your host family members is required for each student absence and inform Powei, the Coordinator of International Student Affairs, of your absence in advance.
簡報完畢Thanks for YourListening& Wish You a Fruitful Intellectual Life in Taiwan By 實驗研究組 ~The End~