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Personal and Social Responsibility Inventory

Personal and Social Responsibility Inventory. Dr. Robert D. Reason Iowa State University. Introduce myself. Dr. Robert D. Reason Associate Professor Iowa State University. Introducing the PSRI. Five Dimensions of PSR : Striving for Excellence Cultivating Academic Integrity

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Personal and Social Responsibility Inventory

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Personal and Social Responsibility Inventory Dr. Robert D. Reason Iowa State University

  2. Introduce myself Dr. Robert D. Reason Associate Professor Iowa State University

  3. Introducing the PSRI Five Dimensions of PSR: Striving for Excellence Cultivating Academic Integrity Contributing to a Larger Community Taking Seriously the Perspectives of Others Developing Competence in Ethical and Moral Reasoning and Action

  4. Student Outcomes • Development along Dimensions • Openness to Diversity and Challenge • Flourishing Scale – Mental Wellbeing

  5. What we are Learning: • Students report strongest growth in • Developing a strong work ethic • Developing perspective taking • Students report least growth in • Developing academic integrity • Developing a commitment to contributing to a larger community

  6. What we are Learning: • Meaningful discussions improve outcomes of community-based programs • Particularly in “importance of community” • Course-related variables strongest predictors of Openness to Diversity and Challenge

  7. What we are Learning: • Bridging Theory to Practice findings • Flourishing Scale • All PSR Dimensions are related to Flourishing Scale • Contributing to a Larger Community strongest predictor • Striving for Excellence weakest predictor • Social Responsibility Dimensions strongly predictive

  8. Registration and Administration • Homepage • Registration form

  9. Administration Process • Sample contact information • Institutional profile data • Liaison • 21-Day administration cycle in Spring • Note from “well-known” campus official • Invitation from us • 3 to 4 follow-up reminders

  10. The Survey • Demographic section • Example dimension

  11. What you get from us • Cleaned data set with weights and factor scores • Student data is identifiable • Professional data is de-identified • A report including open-ended responses

  12. The Report • Using the report • Items frequencies • Factor Means • Factor with composite items • Open-ended

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