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Forest & Farm Facility (FFF) Guatemala. Expected outcomes and first steps. Ogden Antonio Rodas, National Coordinator FAO/FFF Guatemala, april 2013. Implementing the FFF – Experiences from pilot countries. Background. The NFP Facility (2003-2009) The GFP Facility (2009-12) The Forest Connect
Forest & Farm Facility (FFF) Guatemala Expected outcomes and first steps Ogden Antonio Rodas, National Coordinator FAO/FFF Guatemala, april 2013 Implementing the FFF – Experiences from pilot countries
Background • The NFP Facility (2003-2009) • The GFP Facility (2009-12) • The Forest Connect • The National Alliance of Comunity Forests • The financial mechanism products • Sector Studies
FFF Guatemala – Pillars Policy dialogue Network of communities I. Organizing producer groups Business development Integration and Comunicaton Pillars National level: (GCI and others) II. Government cross-sector integration Local level (GCI operators) Training Research Workshops Specific process of support (technic, administrative, legal)
Pillar I – Platforms and specific issues Platforms and issues Policy dialogue National Alliance FC National Indigenous Network PINPEP Network Organizing producer groups Incentives, Illegal Login, REDD, FLEGT Business development Other small producers San Francisco Producers National Alliance of FC (Small producers) 64 mipymes
Pillar II – Platforms and specific issues Platforms and themes and results Gubernamental (Nationallevel) Policy and institutions Agriculture Food Security Government cross-sector integration Energy Water Policy instruments for forest and farms designed and visible in the national agendas National Alliance FC (Local level) Pilot A National Alliance of FC (Small producers) Pilot B Pilot C Policy instruments implemented in pilot areas and local vision of producers is considered
11 second level organizations • 300 + first level organizations • 388,000 indirect beneficiaries • More than 750,000 ha of forest managed (17.5% of national forest cover and more than 4% of forest cover in Central America) • Participate in national and international forums on forests ACOFOP National Alliance of Community Forests FUNDALACHUA ASOCUCH FEDECOVERA ENREDEMONOS FEDERAFOGUA ASILCOM ASORECH RENACOR UT’Z CHE’ COGMANGLAR
Output Pillar Ia: Participation in Policy dialogue of forest communities Impacts National Allliance Vision considered in public policy and international Forestry dialogue Probosque Comission Comission REDD FLEGT National Plan for reduce IIlegal Loggin Acofop Fedecovera Others OFCS
Output Pillar Ib Organising producers for business development Impacts: National Alliance Political incidence National Forestry Chamber (Gremial Forestal) Community Forestry Chamber (CFC) Access to financial and markets Enterprise development Mipyme I Mipyme 2 Mipyme 3
Output Pillar II Governmentcross-sector coordination MAGA Impacts: MEM Forestry sector visible in main government agendas Cross Sectoral Coordination SEGEPLAN Forestry Service SESAN Response: MAGA
Added value of FFF in Guatemala • Linking main public policy processes • Linking other projects and FAO support and others in the territories, in order to assure greater impacts and real results.
Added value of FFF in Guatemala • Provide skills and knowledge to small producers • Facilitate producers associations for policy dialogue and business development
Thank you More information: Ernesto Sinopoli Rep FAO Guatemala Ernesto.Sinopoli@fao.org Ogden Antonio Rodas National Coordinator FFF ogden.rodas@fao.org