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Software Engineering Research at RMIT

Software Engineering Research at RMIT. Distributed Software Engineering Architecture Heinz Schmidt, Ian Peake, Ian Thomas Human Informatics Modelling Margaret Hamilton Educational Technologies and Innovative Teaching & Miscellaneous James Harland ‏.

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Software Engineering Research at RMIT

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Platform Technologies Research Institute Software Engineering Research at RMIT Distributed Software Engineering Architecture Heinz Schmidt, Ian Peake, Ian Thomas Human Informatics Modelling Margaret Hamilton Educational Technologies and Innovative Teaching & Miscellaneous James Harland ‏

  2. Distributed Software Engineering and Architecture • architecture-based software engineering processes, methods and tools, • improving quality, trustworthiness, productivity and industrial practice • leveraging mathematical methods and foundations • Component-based software architecture / enterprise architecture • For services, embedded computing, control systems, Grid computing.. • Concurrent or parallel systems, or systems involving massive data • Extra-functional properties: reliability, timing, space, etc. • Testing, model checking, model-driven design • E.g.: Sensor Network Architecture - Ian Peake, Flora Salim (SIAL) • Survey current embedded programming practice • Benchmark power consumption footprint of software components Embedded Control Systems Behavioral Modeling Architectural Modeling

  3. DSEA Summer Projects Distributed robotic sorting (Ian Peake) - Lego Mindstorm + Lejos NXJ (Embedded JVM) Enhanced spring graph layout (Amir Aryani) - extend MS nodeXL - applications e.g. in software maintenance The Sensor and Actuator Hub (with Flora Salim, SIAL) - for e.g. bioclimatic skin (airflow/shading) / responsive media facade - web services interface aggregating sensor data - evaluate Arduino vs MICA platforms and tools Service Composition Architecture (Nick May) - behaviour model editing in Eclipse (SCA tools project extension)

  4. Human Informatics Modelling • Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) • Social Networking as an Information Tool • Data Visualisation

  5. Educational Technologies, Innovative Learning and Miscellaneous • Electronic Exams • Online interactions between students • Mobile and ubiquitous computing technologies in the classroom • Busy Beaver machines and Universal Turing machines • Agent Reasoning • Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning • Mine Clearance in Vietnam

  6. Questions?

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