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THE COLD WAR AS HISTORY. BY: LOUIS J. HALLE Power Point Created By: Dylan Lucas.
THE COLD WAR AS HISTORY BY: LOUIS J. HALLEPower Point Created By: Dylan Lucas
“ There are on earth today two great people, who, from different points of departure, seem to be advancing toward the same end. They are the Russians and the Anglo-Americans. The American struggles against the obstacles that nature places before him; the Russian is at grips with humanity. The one combats wilderness and savagery, the other combats civilization decked in all its armament: moreover, the conquests of the American are won by the plowshare, those of the Russian by the sword.” Page 10 • At this point the authors opinion is that the Americans and Russian are so different that they might as well be two different species. The Americans are at a constant struggle against nature and the environment, but on the other hand, Russians are more comfortable with their harsh environment and humanity. Americans struggles are won by economics and more specifically farming but in the case of the Russians, they are bred to go to war, almost like its in their blood.
“Europe and European Countries seem like they have been having a lot of difficulty getting along in history, or at least more than America, but I would have to attribute that to the simple fact that America hasn’t been around any where near as long as them. If they were though, the states would get annoyed with each other, just as the countries of Europe and Asian have… their little annoying quirks seem to amplify over time… eventually leading to tension and overall disgust of your neighboring countries and any outside civilizations or nations interfering.” Page 198 • The author believes there is no way to stop war completely. He has realized that after being around someone for a while that their annoying traits become seemingly more noticeable and start bothering you even more over time. He concludes that the European powers have grown tired of each other simply because they have been around each other for so long and are sick of witnessing their quests for power.
“Russia, The Soviet Union, U.S.S.R., whatever you wish to call them has behaved badly before, but it is not totally the peoples fault. Their behavior closely resembles that of a child who has a daycare mother or care taker that has a negative influence on them. Evil beings like those such as Hitler or Stalin use their twisted control schemes to take over the minds of their less powerful but not at all weak followers. These men could have been leaders of a caliber that far exceeds those of King Leonidus of Sparta or Pharaoh Tutankhamen of Egypt if they had just known how to lead in a more effective way, sure leading by way of dictative force will accomplish something but if they had focused more on economics or peoples needs, both Russia and Germany would today be immensely prosperous.” Page 256 • The quests for power of Germany and Russia weren't the peoples faults at all, it was there leaders feeding them lies about how if they continue on there lives would be better. Hitler and Stalin could have been the some of the best leaders ever if they had the right mindset.
“The implications of this seem to me essential to an understanding of the Cold War. The behaviour of Russia under the Communists has been Russian behaviour rather than Communist behaviour. Under the Communists, Russia has continued to behave essentially as it behaved under the czars… there has been the same conspiratorial approach to international relations. There has been the same profound mistrust of the outside world. There has been the same obsession with secrecy and with espionage… there has been the same effort to achieve security by expanding the Russian space, by constantly pushing back the menacing presence of the foreigners across the Russian border.” Page 11 • Russia has always been and most likely always will be a paranoid, secretive nation. They are afraid of the outside world and what it could find out about them so they resort to secrecy and putting as much space between them and outsiders as possible.
“… but on the other foot there was Viet Nam, a tropical land of pre-industrial people engaged largely in rice-farming” • The author is giving us a back ground on Viet Nam saying that it is a country in poverty and can barely sustain its self and it has gone through a lout of different corrupt leaders.