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Walking a Patient into (for an unscheduled visit) CHCS December 17, 2012

Walking a Patient into (for an unscheduled visit) CHCS December 17, 2012 Merle D’Alba, DHIMS Training. Implementation and Training Directorate Delois Klemm, Director 703-882-3918; delois.klemm@tma.osd.mil Ronald Anderson, Deputy Director, Garrison Products

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Walking a Patient into (for an unscheduled visit) CHCS December 17, 2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Walking a Patient into (for an unscheduled visit) CHCS December 17, 2012 Merle D’Alba, DHIMS Training Implementation and Training Directorate Delois Klemm, Director 703-882-3918; delois.klemm@tma.osd.mil Ronald Anderson, Deputy Director, Garrison Products 703-882-3950; ronald.anderson@tma.osd.mil

  2. Type “MCP”, Enter Disclaimer: Patient names shown in this training are certified as fictional, are created only for training, and without intended correlation to real people."

  3. Type “CDSK”, Enter

  4. Type “USV”, Enter

  5. Type “W”, Enter/ or just Enter

  6. “Enter”

  7. Highlight Search Criteria (using the “end”) key, Enter Use your down arrow and end key to select search criteria

  8. Search Patient Using Standard Criteria, Enter

  9. “Enter”

  10. “Enter”

  11. Type Clinic Name ,Enter

  12. Type Provider Name, Enter

  13. Select Appointment Type, Enter Walk in appointment type should always be “acute”

  14. Choice: C=change criteria, F=File appointment, Q=quit (then Enter)

  15. Enter to Verify Appointment

  16. Enter to Verify MEPRS Code or Change Code Here and Enter

  17. Comments should always be the initials of the person making appt, enter Opportunity to make comments

  18. Type Reason for Appt, Enter

  19. Defaults to No, Same as AHLTA, Enter

  20. Form Defaults to No, Enter

  21. Enter

  22. You are ready for a new walk in appointment-same doctor/clinic, Quit (Q) or Enter for next Patient

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