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SIP Calculator

<br>we are providing online SIP Calculator so you can easily calculate your return amount which you have invested for a particular period

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SIP Calculator

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  1. SIP CALCULATOR Powered by www.sipcalculators.com

  2. Contents • Introduction • What is SIP? • SIP Calculator • How to Calculate SIP? • For Monthly • For Yearly • For Daily Powered by www.sipcalculators.com

  3. INTRODUCTION • By Investing money in Mutual Funds is a very good idea because it will help to secure future. • But while investing money you have to follow some particular plan which is convenient to you.  • So, the better way to follow while investing money is the Systematic Investment Plan. • Here we have explained the calculation of SIP by taking an example. Powered by www.sipcalculators.com

  4. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) • A SIP is a smart and free of inconvenience for investing money in mutual Funds.  • This allows you to invest a pre- determined money at regular interval i.e. quarterly, monthly, weekly. • The SIP is very convenient and easy investment plan. • Also, Systematic Investment Plan is a planned approach towards the investments and helps to make a habit of saving money for the future. • There is no need to go bank to deposit amount. The money which is there in your account is automatically transferred to the particular Mutual Fund Scheme.  Powered by www.sipcalculators.com

  5. SIP CALCULATOR • By the Systematic Investment Plan Calculator, you can easily calculate the return value of the investment that you have made for a particular period. •  So, here we have explained with an example. • Here we have given two examples i.e. one example for calculating the  SIP frequency for monthly and another example for calculating the SIP Frequency for yearly. Powered by www.sipcalculators.com

  6. How to Calculate SIP? • You can calculate your Maturity amount by using formula which is explained in example. • Here we have calculated the total or maturity amount by keeping SIP Frequency as • Monthly • Yearly • Daily Powered by www.sipcalculators.com

  7. Example for Calculating Mutual Amount for Monthly as SIP Frequency If you have take SIP Amount of Rs 10,000/-, No. of SIP Payments is for 12 months, and you can take expected annual rate as you wish as per the rules. But here we have taken as 10% as expected annual rate. Then finally by calculating the return amount after 12 months is The below formula can calculate the annual return value FV = P* (( 1+i)^n-1)/i) * (1+i) where, FV= Future value/ Maturity amount P= SIP Amount n=Number of SIP Payments i= periodic interest rate per sip payment period r= Expected return rate in % per year Powered by www.sipcalculators.com

  8. The returns are compounded every investment i.e. monthly SIP 's are compounded monthly, the periodic interest rate i is i= r/12 (SIP for monthly) i= r (SIP for yearly) i= r/365 (SIP for daily) The SIP return calculation is as follows: here p= 10,000/- n=12 months, r= 10% i = (10/100)/12 = (1/10)/12 = 1/120 Then FV= 10,000 * ((1+1/120)^12 -1) / 1/120) * (1+1/120) Therefore the total investment = 120000 & amount at the end of the tenure = 126702.81 Powered by www.sipcalculators.com

  9. Example for Calculating Mutual Amount for yearly as SIP Frequency If you have take SIP Amount of Rs.1000/-, No.of SIP Payments is for one year, and you can take expected annual rate as you wish as per the rules. But here we have taken as 10% as expected annual rate. Then finally by calculating the return amount after one year is The annual return value can be calculated by the formula FV = P * (( 1+i)^n-1)/i) * (1+i) here P = 1000/- , n=1 year, i = r for yearly as given above So, i= 10% = 10/100 = 1/10 Then Powered by www.sipcalculators.com

  10. The SIP return calculation is as follows: FV= 1000 * ((1+1/10)^1 - 1) / 1/10) * (1 + 1/10) Therefore, the total investment = 1000 & amount at the end of the tenure = 1100 Also, here we have provided SIP Annual amount by investing money for daily. So, for calculation, we have taken an example for calculating the maturity amount. Powered by www.sipcalculators.com

  11. Example for Calculating Mutual Amount for daily as SIP Frequency  If you have take SIP Amount of Rs. 1000/-, No. of SIP Payments is for 365 days, and you can take expected annual rate as you wish as per the rules. But here we have taken as 10% as expected annual rate. Then finally by calculating the return amount after 365 days is The formula can calculate the annual return value FV = P * (( 1+i)^n-1)/i) * (1+i) here P = 1000/- , n=365 days, i = r/365 for daily as given above So, i= 10% = 10/100 = 1/10/365 Then i= 1/3650 Powered by www.sipcalculators.com

  12. The SIP return calculation is as follows: FV = 1000*((1+1/3650)^365 -1)/ 1/3650)* (1+1/3650) Therefore, the total investment =365000  & amount at the end of the tenure = 383923.76 Powered by www.sipcalculators.com

  13. Thank You For more Details www.sipcalculators.com Powered by www.sipcalculators.com

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