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Addressing Child Poverty in Barking and Dagenham: Data and Initiatives

Explore the rapid population growth and child poverty statistics in Barking and Dagenham over the last 10 years. Learn about measuring child poverty and initiatives to improve the situation, including food collection drives, warmer homes projects, and money matters courses.

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Addressing Child Poverty in Barking and Dagenham: Data and Initiatives

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  1. LBBD Demographics and Child Poverty

  2. Population Growth in LBBD • Rapid population growth; real term increase of 29% in 0-17 year olds in LBBD in last 10 years – significantly higher than London (and nationally)

  3. Population Growth 0-4 • 54% increase in the last 10 years in 0-4 year olds – significantly higher than London

  4. Measuring Child Poverty- Official Child poverty is *currently measured primarily by household income. Households are classified as poor if income is below 60% of median (average) household income before housing costs This equates to: • £301 per week for a lone parent with two children (aged 5 & 14). • £384 per week for a couple with two children (aged 5 & 14).

  5. Latest London Poverty Profile 2013 • Compiled by New Policy Institute (Npi) for Trust for London, the largest independent charitable foundation funding work which tackles poverty in London • 2013 report was the 4th report in a series begun in 2008 allowing comparison over time • Data is from a range of official sources • Next slide shows changes since 2011

  6. Child Poverty in London by borough

  7. Child Poverty in London by ward Source End Child Poverty 2012 mid year estimates

  8. Unemployment by borough

  9. Mortgage Repossession orders Source: Ministry of Justice English Housing Survey

  10. Landlord Repossession Orders Source: Ministry of Justice/ English Housing Survey

  11. Long term illness Source: Census 2011

  12. 19 year olds lacking Level 3 qualifications Source DfE

  13. Growth of working poor

  14. But… Fast improving GCSE results at 16 Source: DfE

  15. LBBD Child Poverty Children in low income families

  16. Groups in poverty in Barking and Dagenham

  17. BandD Together • We build relationships, co-ordinate activities that people of the borough are leading and share skills or resources ensuring Barking and Dagenham is a great place to live. • When the BanD Together symbol is used, it indicates an opportunity for people to receive or give support as needed. This is one of many initiatives across the borough to make life better for local people.

  18. Strands • Strengthening communication and engagement • Meeting immediate need • Developing sustainable solutions through community empowerment

  19. How can you help? Promote, use and participate in… • Food collection from civic buildings (blue boxes) • Warmer homes project • Money Matters courses at Children’s centres • Community connect online information tool

  20. Any questions? Mark Adams Strategic Data Manager l 14-19 Education, Employment and Training and Child Poverty Lead London Borough of Barking and Dagenham The Foyer, Streetbase Advice Suite, 50 Wakering Road, Barking| IG11 8DG Phone: 020 8724 3239 |

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