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Strategic Planning Proposal for West Tennessee College

SJC STRATEGIC PLANNING CONSULTANTS. Strategic Planning Proposal for West Tennessee College. Presented by: Joyce Kidd Chandra Harkins Steve Kreider. Strategic Planning. Reason for Strategic Planning Strategic Planning for Higher Education. Bryson’s Strategic Planning Model.

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Strategic Planning Proposal for West Tennessee College

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  1. SJC STRATEGIC PLANNING CONSULTANTS Strategic Planning Proposal for West Tennessee College Presented by: Joyce Kidd Chandra Harkins Steve Kreider

  2. Strategic Planning • Reason for Strategic Planning • Strategic Planning for Higher Education

  3. Bryson’s Strategic Planning Model Source: Bryson (1994)

  4. Step 1:Initiate and agree upon a strategic planning process • Selecting Key Decision Makers • Identifying the Policy Making Body • Make Agreements

  5. Step 2: Identify organizational mandates • What must you do? • How constrained are you? • What are you really allowed to do? Step 3: Clarifying Organizational Mission and Values • What is the mission? • Does it need revamped?

  6. Step 4: Assessing the Organization’s External and Internal Environments • External Environment • Forces/Trends • Key Resource Controllers • Competitors/Collaborators • Internal Environment • Resources • Present Strategy • Performance

  7. External Environments Forces/Trends • Political • Economic • Social • Technological • Educational • Physical Key Resource Controllers • Clients • Customers • Payers • Members • Regulators

  8. External Environments Competitors • Competitive Forces Collaborators • Collaborative Forces

  9. Internal Environments Present Strategy • Overall • Department • Business process • Functional Resources • People • Economic • Information • Competencies • Culture Performance • Indicators • Results • History

  10. Step 5: Identifying the Strategic Issues Facing the Organization • Conflict based issues • Define the issue • Can you do something about it? • Suggested Issues

  11. Suggested Personnel Issues • VP of Finance is viewed as a tightwad • Conflict between VP of Finance and VP of Academics • VP of Finance does not see the importance of Student Affairs • VP of Student Affairs is still getting acclimated to the organizational culture • Faculty Senate President is subversive and militant • CIO does not have relationship with Academics

  12. Suggested Organizational Issues • Academic Ranking has declined • Lack of Resources for Development • Mission needs revamped • Need for enhanced fundraising • Further IT staff training and development • Involvement of the board • Lack of funding for athletics • Increase of library staff • Decreased state budget

  13. Step 6: Strategy Formulation • Determine all options • Determine barriers for each option • Select best option Step 7: Strategy and Plan Review and Adoption • Review all strategies • Present strategies to appropriate departments for adoption

  14. Step 8: Establishing an Effective Organizational Vision • Description of Organization in the Future • Sets goals for all stakeholders

  15. Step 9: Developing an Effective Implementation Process • Implementation roles and responsibilities • Specific objectives and expected results and milestones • Specific action steps and relevant details • Schedules • Resource requirements and sources • A communication process • Review, monitoring, and midcourse correction procedures • Accountability procedures

  16. Step 10: Reassessing Strategies and the Strategic Planning Process • Constant Assessment and Evaluation • Monitor Changes and Continue Strategic Planning Process

  17. References • Bryson, J.M. (1994). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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