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European Detector R&D and FP7 - background

European Detector R&D and FP7 - background. Two CN (Construction of New Infrastructures – support for preparatory phase – including some detector R&D activities ) and Two Design Study proposals have gone in this year - plus many Marie Curie proposals

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European Detector R&D and FP7 - background

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  1. European Detector R&D and FP7 - background • Two CN (Construction of New Infrastructures – support for preparatory phase – including some detector R&D activities) and Two Design Study proposals have gone in this year - plus many Marie Curie proposals • New call for IAs (Integrated Activities) in November. • ESGARD preparing proposal for accelerator R&D (as follow up to CARE) for this call • IA potentially very useful for infrastructures related to common R&D – for detector development for SLHC, Linear Colliders, Neutrinos, etc. • also in this area we need coordination to set our own priorities, to improve our chances for success, • and also in this area we can benefit from better coherency/communication among all the actors in the field S.Stapnes

  2. European Detector R&D and FP7 – previous meetings • A Detector R&D planning group for FP7 – set up by RECFA • To coordinate the IA applications to maximize the chances for success, involving the European community as a whole. • Aim for a small number (one) good proposals allowing the European community to be correctly represented in them • Composition of coordination group: Need reps from CERN, DESY, ATLAS, CMS, EUDET, Neutrino detectors, plus someone covering flavour physics detectors (SuperB) – these are the major stakeholders/organisers of detector R&D currently, and the main future users of infrastructures for R&D. • In parallel: RECFA members are asked to help setting up a national contact group to help in the process of forming proposals, establishing national organisations/networks, making sure all potential partners are informed. • Mandate: Propose outline of IA application by Berlin meeting, and follow up in our meetings in December and Feb/March next year S.Stapnes

  3. A Committee for Detector R&D Dear RECFA members, In the Manchester RECFA meeting it was agreed to set up a coordination group for detector R&D submissions to the FP7 EU programs. Norman McCubbin and Steinar Stapnes will follow up and report again about this point in the Berlin RECFA meeting. An European Coordination Group for Detector R&D: The successful model for such a group is ESGARD covering accelerator R&D. For detector R&D the activities are much more widely distributed and the major stakeholders are the main experiments being planned for SLHC, ILC (EUDET), Neutrino and Flavour physics. It is therefore suggested to create a COORDINATION GROUP with representatives for these planned experiments plus CERN and DESY. The believe is that most of the European detector R&D are focussed and organised as part of these collaborations or proto-collaborations. The detector R&D coordination group must also have effective links to ESGARD to make sure the plans concerning submissions to EU programs in the areas of accelerator R&D and detector R&D are coherent. A reference group with national representatives:However, given that detector R&D is very widely distributed activity with many potential project partners, during this process it is important to have a DISCUSSION PARTNERS in each European country that can: - Help to identify the major detector R&D activities in each country - Help to identify one (or a few) potential contract partners for EU proposals in the area of detector R&D (this could typically be national labs taking on coordination roles within one country, or a leading institute) - Provide guidance to the co-ordination group during the planning phase (mails and information concerning the coordination groups work will be distributed to these national contacts). I would therefore ask you to suggest a NAME OF A NATIONAL CONTACT for your country for detector R&D activities becoming part of the reference group by answering this email as soon as possible. Until we receive a name from you we will use the RECFA representative as contact. Please reply to me with copies to Steinar Stapnes, Norman McCubbin and Peter Hansen. Best wishes, Karlheinz Meier Have received answers from 7 of you (Hungary, Austria, Poland, Finland, Czech rep, Israel, Netherland). S.Stapnes

  4. Steps • Arrange a meeting in September with the following participants: Joachim Mnich, EUDET and ILC Nigel Hessey and Jordan Nash, upgrade coordinators ATLAS, CMS One person representing CERN, Lucie Linssen One person representing DESY, Rolf Heuer One person representing neutrino detectors, Alain Blondel One person representing flavour factories, Francesco Forti One person from ESGARD (or at least communicate with ESGARD) The meeting will have four main points - the participants will be asked to provide information about these subjects: - Collect information about the EU call foreseen in November for Integrated Activities - Summarize infrastructures for detector R&D that can be supported - Overview of ongoing R&D - Discussion of how to organise the activities (to outline possibilities) and budgets Norman McCubbin and Steinar Stapnes will arrange this meeting. • Send a mail to RECFA asking the representatives to send names of national contacts to create a wider reference group. These are people who should make sure the national communities are informed and help set up link to the national communities later on during the writing phase. This is the mail above. • Understand better the ESGARD plans for this EU call and present detector R&D plans to ESGARD to make sure there is full coherence. • Report in Berlin meeting (6.10) – and send status report to National Representatives after meeting • Meet with FP7 representatives to learn more about the IA call and discuss preferable application models (in October - after the Berlin meeting). • Follow up meeting with planning group • If generally supported arrange 1-2 day working meeting early November outlining the proposal(s), WPs, organisation of the writing, budget envelopes, etc S.Stapnes

  5. FP7-Planning of calls and indicative budget R.Aleksans talk in ESGARD workshop S.Stapnes

  6. Call for IAs - summary • IA: Integrated Activities ... must combine three elements: networking, trans-national access (TNA) and joint research activities (JRA). • Used successfully and creatively by EUDET in FP6 to support test-beams and other common infrastructures for the R&D and integration activities, building some of the prototypes (used as part of infrastructures), and to provide travel funds for participants – for ILC detector R&D. • Also used by CARE for accelerator R&D of course • The IA call will be on 15 November, deadline 15 February 2008 and then again in spring 2010. These calls are for both the traditional IA activities and also the new Thematic IAs. • Scope 277 MEURO. • Typical size, 4-6 MEURO with 20 participants, can increase to 10-15 MEURO in special cases with more participants, for 4 years (2009-2012) • Expected to have similar structures to I3s in FP6 (as used by EUDET and CARE) S.Stapnes

  7. Agenda Link to talks: http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=20784 S.Stapnes

  8. EUDET/DESY (J.Mnich) EUDET runs until end 2009, nevertheless make plans for this IA call (DS maybe would have been preferred but timing wrong) Directions of interest for FP7: • Hadron test beam • ILC like testbeam timing structure (particle type not so important) • DAQ • Electronics (DSM) • Resources expected to be similar to EUDET • Meeting in Paris 8-9.10 S.Stapnes

  9. S.Stapnes

  10. ATLAS (N.Hessey) Activities (22 R&Ds ongoing – each with 5-10 groups): • Several Inner Detector proposals (sensors, FE elec, modules, cooling, powering, etc) • LAr high rate • Muon high rate • Forward areas Infrastructures: • Project Office – to document as built (technical coordination) • GIF (muon irradiation facility) • Testbeams w/magnet + irradiation • Clean room plus bonding facilities, assembly areas • Cooling plants Resources not given (but can be estimated for each R&D part). Both for ATLAS and CMS upgrade workshops typically draw 100 150 – mostly active – participants S.Stapnes

  11. CMS (J.Nash) R&D activities: • ID parts similar to ATLAS • Powering • Radiation studies/simulation • Track stub at lvl1 (lvl1 track trigger) • Machine interface • Muons and calos less critical to change than for ATLAS Resources – R&D, 20% of CORE estimate for upgrade (would be 30 MCHf) Infrastructures:Testbeams and irradiations, cleanroom S.Stapnes

  12. Neutrinos (NEUdet – A.Blondel) Detectors (costing similar to LHC experiments) – 2012-2021 (500 people) JRA Work packages • Test beam infrastructure (Radicioni) • Photon detectors (near and far detectors) (Soler, Cervera) • Cryogenic (liquid argon) detector studies (Rubbia) • Silicon detectors for near detectors (Soler) • Very large magnet development (NN) Networking activities: (Cervera) (two NA, management, and:) • putting it all together, co-ordintation of test beam, web master, etc.. • common simulation and performance and cost evaluation framework work towards forming a community consensus • conception of hybrid detectors and combined test beam measurements • link to industrial partners and other fields using similar detectors (LHC/LC) Transnational access (one) • access to test beam facilities S.Stapnes

  13. Flavour (F.Forti) Several areas similar to ILC, but timing structure (luminosity) a challenge Areas: • Thin silicon • Photo detection for PID • Crystals for calorimeters (LSO for example) • Large area muon … • System aspects of large silicon systems Infrastructures: • Beam structure, 4ns continuous • Testbeams at CERN and Frascati Interested in participating in IA (either alone or together) … S.Stapnes

  14. CERN (L.Linssen) Resources estimate given based on R&D included in white paper … covering 2008- 2011 Focus on common developments: • Radiation hard electronics and Common Building Block • On detector power management • Rad. hard optical links for experiments • RD50 - silicon • RD51 – micropattern (mentioned detector simulation tool – GARFIELD) • Interconnection (hybridisation) • Facilities and Components analysis for detector R&D • GIF+PS+component analysis for gas systems • Exploit multicore processes for simulation … • Virtual technologies Must avoid too large overlap with SLHC-PP Infrastructures: • Testbeams, irradiation facilities + GIF, cleanrooms, microelectronics, gas supply with gas analysis S.Stapnes

  15. S.Stapnes

  16. Conclusions • Progress is being made outlining an IA – following the plans outlined in our London/Manchester meetings • Need your continued help to make sure we manage to arrive at a coherent proposal • Timescale is very tight S.Stapnes

  17. More slides S.Stapnes

  18. Motivation for coordination • ATLAS and CMS have 10-20 active R&D areas each for SLHC upgrade - involving many groups across Europe and outside EUDET have ongoing EU project (FP6-I3) hosted by DESY - ends by end 2009 - as seen at the link above. In the neutrino area and flavour area specific detector R&D is foreseen or ongoing. CERN has R&D activities in white paper, overlapping partly with (and participating in) the activities above. Unless coordinated there will be a (large?) number of competing IA proposals from our community Furthermore, there is clear need to improve contact between R&D groups in these areas and also use European infrastructures for these R&D activities are efficiently as possible (testbeams, irradiation facilities, integration areas, facilities with magnets or cryogenic infrastructures, etc) Note: ESGARD have already decided to collect accelerator R&D in all the areas above (and CLIC) into one single IA application. S.Stapnes

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