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Engaging in God’s Mission in Urban environments, Anointed by the Spirit…

Engaging in God’s Mission in Urban environments, Anointed by the Spirit…. Becoming God’s Ecclesia in your city /community!. –Jona 4:11.

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Engaging in God’s Mission in Urban environments, Anointed by the Spirit…

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  1. Engaging in God’s Mission in Urban environments, Anointed by the Spirit… Becoming God’s Ecclesia in your city /community!

  2. –Jona 4:11 “And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?”

  3. God’s Mission in the world Jer. 29:4-10 4 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: 5 “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. 6 Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. 7 Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” 8 Yes, this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: “Do not let the prophets and diviners among you deceive you. Do not listen to the dreams you encourage them to have. 9 They are prophesying lies to you in my name. I have not sent them,” declares the Lord.

  4. SEEKING Shalom JER. 29:4-7 Case study • God Almighty - the Lord above all powers! • God of Israel —> the story of a people in God’s mission • Paradigm Shift: From Victims to Partners in God’s Mission • Jerusalem - Babel : place - presence… • The missional Calling for Incarnational Living • Intentionally Seeking Shalom for the City • The Role of Intersession and Spiritual Warfare • The Promise of Returned Blessings

  5. God’s Mission in the world HIs Missional nature God’s mission prior to the fall (Gen 1-2): Creating LIFE • creating - transforming - culture making • creating and building relationships - building community With: • celebration - it was good - very good! • delegation of stewardship / culture making to mankind The Trinitarian God is creator / transformer, culture maker and relationship builder

  6. God’s Mission in the world HIs Missional nature: Culture Mandate Gen 1:27-28 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground. ”

  7. God’s Mission in the world Effects of the Fall

  8. God’s Mission in the world Effects of the FALL When we lost our relationship with God, the whole world stopped ‘working right’. The world is filled with hunger, sickness, aging and physical death. …shalom is gone – spiritually, psychologically, socially and physically”(Keller) The four basic relationships (with God, self, others and the environment) are all affected by the fall, resulting in poverty in these areas: “poverty of intimacy with God…; poverty of being…; poverty of community…; and poverty of stewardship..."(Corbett & Fikkert)

  9. God’s Mission in the world Effects of the FALL God’s mission did not start and is not ended by the fall. However, from this point onwards this mission includes: • Redemption and salvation from sin and evil • Conquering the enemy • Restoring the brokenness that was a consequence of the fall Evil cannot overcome God’s grace and His mission!

  10. God’s Mission in the world God’s Partnership with people of the covenant Covenant partnership with the offspring of Abraham emerges: “and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” (Gen. 12:3) This blessing comprises all the elements of God’s mission… Exodus is a picture of deliverance from oppression of Pharaoh - which is a type in God’s mission.. “It is the exodus that provided the primary model of God’s idea of redemption, not just in the Old Testament but even in in the New, where it is used as one of the keys to understanding the meaning of the cross of Christ.” (C. Wright)

  11. God’s Mission in the world God’s Partnership with people of the covenant The law of Moses, received from God on the Mount Sinai, contains an outline on how to live as a nation of God, demonstrating wholeness and justice to all the nations of the world, when they follow His instructions. The year of jubilee is another motif in the mission of God : models transformation and the restoration of society. (“There shall be no poor amongst you” Deut 15:4) “If the exodus was God’s idea of redemption, the jubilee was God’s idea of restoration. Both are equally holistic.” (C. Wright)

  12. SEEKING Shalom JER. 29:4-7 Case study • God Almighty - the Lord above all powers! • God of Israel —> the story of a people in God’s mission • Paradigm Shift: From Victims to Partners in God’s Mission • Jerusalem - Babel : place - presence… • The missional Calling for Incarnational Living • Intentionally Seeking Shalom for the City • The Role of Intersession and Spiritual Warfare • The Promise of Returned Blessings

  13. Does Place matter? Place and human identity God is creating Adam (Hebrew: âḏâm) from the dust of the earth (ăḏâmâ): a significant connection between humankind and the concept of place. Place is part of the human identity that requires rootedness in a place to be whole: “to be rooted is perhaps the most important need of the human soul” (Weil) Postmodern persons have a lack of rootedness: shares this concern: “We live amidst a crisis of place. In our late-modern age we have lost that very human sense of place amidst the time-space compression characteristic of ‘postmodernity’ and globalization. Place has become something that one moves through, preferably at great speed, and virtual reality is no replacement.” — Bartholomew

  14. Does Place matter? Placement and displacement As a consequence of the fall, Adam and Eve are removed from the garden (Gen. 3). This is not an isolated action, displacement is part of God’s judgment throughout scripture and that being placed by God is a blessing.

  15. Does Place matter? Placement and displacement • Outside the Garden, Adam and Eve vind a place to live and God is present with them - re-placed. • Cain is displaced after the bloodshed.. but God did not leave him alone: he build the first city a new place. • Abraham was replaced to the land of promise. • Egypt was first a place of refuge; later a curse. God re-placed His people to the land of promise: A GOOD PLACE • The people of Israël and each tribe was placed in the land as a blessing. When they broke the convenant the were displaced (exile) • In every exile there is the promise of re-placement - return to Land and Jerusalem as God’s city.

  16. Purpose and Significance of the ciTY SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CITY Cities represent large communities of people living in a place. There are more than 1250 references in the scriptures Many parts of the Bible narrative are from cities “globally, more people live in urban areas than in rural areas, with 54 % of the world’s population residing in urban areas in 2014. …and by 2050, 66 % of the world’s population is projected to be urban.” — United Nations

  17. Purpose and Significance of the ciTY SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CITY “Cities have a transforming effect on people. Cities form a creative center. Cities create fertile ground for thinking and receptivity. Cities can help people live more efficiently and productively” — Swanson Cities provides safety, stability (systems and institutes), culture, diversity, innovation and a market place. (Keller) The element of a holy place was one of the reasons of existence of cities (Mumford)

  18. Purpose and Significance of the ciTY God’s view of Cities Study of cities in scripture “indicate that the city is part of God’s redemptive purposes and object of His blessing.” (Bos) They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.” (Isa. 61:4) Purpose of a city: “helpmate to God and even his designed ruling partner, as nations gather in her place and invest themselves” (Bos)

  19. Purpose and Significance of the ciTY God’s purpose for cities… Called to be God’s partner that provides five essential areas for the life of peoples from the nations of the world who find a place in the city. A city provides:

  20. SEEKING Shalom JER. 29:4-7 Case study • God Almighty - the Lord above all powers! • God of Israel —> the story of a people in God’s mission • Paradigm Shift: From Victims to Partners in God’s Mission • Jerusalem - Babel : place - presence… • The missional Calling for Incarnational Living • Intentionally Seeking Shalom for the City • The Role of Intersession and Spiritual Warfare • The Promise of Returned Blessings

  21. SEEKING Shalom Introducing the Concept of Shalom • The horizons of shalom are vast: shalom in the first place incorporates right, harmonious relationships to God and delight in his service. Secondly, shalom incorporates right harmonious relationships to other human beings and delight in human community. Thirdly, shalom incorporates right, harmonious relationships to nature and delight in our physical surroundings - Wolterstroff

  22. SEEKING Shalom Introducing the Concept of Shalom 3 Aspects of Shalom: • it refers to a material and physical state of affairs; • it refers to relationships; • it refers to the area of morality

  23. SEEKING Shalom Transformation Defined as Peacemaking If the word shalom = God’s intended state of affairs, then shalom-making is an action word that describes the transformation of everything that is not peaceful yet… Shalom is the end-result of God’s mission and a picture of the manifestation of God’s Kingdom Shalom-making summarizes God’s mission and ours!

  24. God’s Mission in the world Effects of the FALL “We should be actively and wholeheartedly engaged in an active, militant struggle for transformation so that the poor and the oppressed might experience shalom. … Love is basic to shalom justice, both people and structures need to be transformed” — Yoder “Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called repairer of broken walls, restorer of streets with dwellings” (Isa. 58:12).

  25. SEEKING Shalom JER. 29:4-7 Case study • God Almighty - the Lord above all powers! • God of Israel —> the story of a people in God’s mission • Paradigm Shift: From Victims to Partners in God’s Mission • Jerusalem - Babel : place - presence… • The missional Calling for Incarnational Living • Intentionally Seeking Shalom for the City • The Role of Intersession and Spiritual Warfare • The Promise of Returned Blessings

  26. The Calling of the CHURCH in the CITY Concept of Ecclesia • But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. (Mat. 16:15-18)

  27. Caesarea Philippi, Today..

  28. Caesarea Philippi, Today..

  29. Caesarea Philippi, in NT times

  30. The Calling of the CHURCH in the CITY Concept of Ecclesia • Ekklèsia was the ruling assembly of the Athenian democracy. … Subsequently, the Romans assimilated the concept and used the Ekklèsia as the vehicle for colonizing new territories. Their version consisted of a group of faithful subjects deputized by the emperor to ensure that his will was done in their region. In other words, people of the day understood Ekklèsia to mean both the institution and the system by which territories were impregnated with the style and customs of Rome.” (Silvoso)

  31. Moedig door de Heilige Geest!

  32. The Calling of the CHURCH in the CITY Concept of Ecclesia • The mission of the Church can be understood as a community of followers of Jesus that brings the life and values of the Kingdom in all spheres of life of the city.

  33. Purpose and Significance of the ciTY God’s purpose for cities… 1. A Spiritual context: this is the domain of worship and worldview. The Biblical ideal purpose is acity that worships God and partners with Him to establish a worldview that reflects the values of the Kingdom of God, the Lordship of Jesus and has the Holy Spirit as the source of life. 2. A Governmental / environmental context: this is the domain of governance, institutes, environment and infrastructure. The Biblical ideal is a righteous government and a life-giving environment: serving the people in the city with a working infrastructure, good services, safety, joy and a healthy development of urban life. 3. A marketplace:this is the domain of business, education and innovation. The ideal Biblical purpose is a fair and prosperous market place providing, meaningful work, fair business and trade, good and accessible education. 4. A cultural space: This is the domain of the arts, entertainment, media, sports etc.) The Biblical ideal is culture that is full of creativity, purity and truth. 5. A Community: This is the domain of families, neighborhoods, community life, care. The Biblical picture is communities full of shalom.

  34. Church in the city The Church is Called to be One • The role of the Church as God’s ecclesia in the city, is a collective responsibility of all the churches, ministries and individual believers in the city. • “…that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” (Joh. 21: 21 - 22).

  35. Six Essential Missional Elements for the EcclesiA In the City • Develop a contextualized Kingdom theology • To Pray for the City (Serving as Priests for the Community) • To Make Disciples of People from all Nations and Plant Relevant Churches • To Equip the Believers as Kingdom Leaders and Ambassadors in All Spheres of Society • To be a Community of Faith with the Neighborhood: a Model and Agent of Shalom • To Serve with Relevant Ministries for More Shalom in the City

  36. God’s Mission in the world The Kingdom of God as an Expression of God’s Mission The Kingdom is about the reign of God. When the reign of God emerges in society, this means a confrontation with the influence of the enemy: it is a rulership confrontation, resulting in transformation of people, and their communities “… God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.”(Acts 10:35) “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.” (1 Joh. 3:8b)

  37. God’s Mission in the world The Kingdom of God as an Expression of God’s Mission The eschatological component of the Kingdom of God: it is here, and it is still coming. When Jesus returns, the Kingdom will be inaugurated in fullness and will result in a complete wholeness.. Jürgen Moltmann urges believers not to be disappointed or without hope when we are confronted by the limits of the manifestation of the Kingdom in our current reality: “It is ours to begin, it is God’s to complete”

  38. God’s Mission in the world Kingdom Transformation by power of the Resurrection and the Work of the Spirit CENTRAL in the mission of God: the death on the cross and the resurrection of Christ. The curse is removed, death is defeated, sins are forgiven, and the new covenant of grace breaks forth: transformation from inside out.. “‘whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.’ By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive.” (Joh. 7:38 - 39) analog: Eze. 37 and Rev 22:1. The Spirit of God is the transformational power of the Kingdom of God.

  39. Six Essential Missional Elements 1) a contextualized Kingdom theology • Theological formation and teaching about concepts relating the scripture narratives of the Kingdom of God , Mission of God, Justice, Grace, Discipleship etc • Exegete - research, explore, engage - the community / city • Retell the story of gospel with contextual relevante • What is the good news the city needs? How does the Kingdom answers those needs?

  40. Six Essential Missional Elements 2) PRAYER - Serving as Priest for the City “The metaphor of priests defines the missional character of the Church as two-way dynamic: the Church represents the word before God and she represents God for the world.” (Paas) • Prayer movements a most often the starting point of city movement and rivals. • Prayer + Ministry : brings shalom to city and Church • Jeremiah 29:7 7 — Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper

  41. Six Essential Missional Elements 3)To Make Disciples • Go, serve, love people where they are, within their context and share your love for and experiences with the Lord. Speak words of wisdom, love and challenge people to engage in a relationship with Christ. • Make disciple of people within their contextual silo:“the disciple-maker facilitates and guides the discovery process, models leadership, develops leaders, and encourages obedience, ministry, and disciple-making—without creating a “church” silo” • Teach to read, obey the Word of God • Facilitate a process of personal transferkation - Healing and Lordship of Christ in our life / renovation of the heart

  42. Six Essential Missional Elements 3) To Make Disciples TRANSFORMATION OF THE PERSON IN CHRISTLIKENESS ~ Heart / will / spirit Mind / thoughts / emotions Body / senses Behavior / social interaction Integrated / whole person Marriage / relationship / family

  43. Six Essential Missional Elements 4) Train Ambassadors of the Kingdom … to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Eph. 4:12) • Theology of work, place, presence, business as/is mission - all my life • Servant leadership / stewardship / worship as a life style • Kingdom understanding, gifts of the spirit, prayer / spiritual warfare • 7 mountains of influence / all city purpose areas

  44. Six Essential Missional Elements 4) Train Ambassadors of the Kingdom Seven areas of culture that shape the mindset of the culture: These mountains are home (family); church (religion); education; media; government & politics; arts (including entertainment and sports); commerce (including science and technology) Coined by Loren Cunningham / Bill Bright (Johnson , Wallnau, & others)

  45. Six Essential Missional Elements 4) To Train Ambassadors TRANSFORMATION OF THE PERSON AS Kingdom Ambassadors of Christ Heart / will / spirit Mind / thoughts / emotions Body / senses Behavior / social interaction Integrated / whole person Marriage / relationship / family Church fellowship / ministry / work Community / city / all spheres

  46. Six Essential Missional Elements 5) To be a Community of Faith with the Neighborhood “the missional core of the nature of the Church includes the assumed intention of the transformation of the world in which the Church exists. The review of the relevant New Testament scriptures confirms this assumption.” (Reimer) “This adaptive presencing process is an integrative one that brings the postures of listening, discerning and acting together with one goal: faithful presence in your neighborhood. When all three facets are attended to within a community, the individual members function as a local expression of the family of God and are active participants in God’s family business, the renewal of all things.”(Sparks)

  47. Six Essential Missional Elements 6) To Serve with Relevant Ministries in the City Know the needs Know your gifts, resources, calling Minister with Love, Hope and Faith, in the power of the Spirit 1 Peter 4: 10-11: Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

  48. MAtt 9: 35-36 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

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