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Be fearless. There are few businesses with the ongoing experience with digital transformation strategies. However, this simply means that there are opportunities for talented individuals to rise above the pack.
Digital Transformation Success – A Quick Cheat Sheet Here is a cheat sheet on succeeding at digital transformation. Lead with a digital vision. Most organisations today employ a bottom- up approach to their digital initiatives, often delegating the immense task (that perhaps they don’t quite understand) to the IT or marketing departments. However, it is only the very upper echelons of a business’ management that can craft the nuanced vision of the future and deliver it succinctly to the organisation. Digital leaders and innovators successfully integrate their digital plans into their all-encompassing vision. They must successfully align all resources (people, processes and capabilities) to enhance and deliver innovation and improvements to the customer experience across the entire organisation.
Keep the customer as the focus of your vision. The digital sphere is changing faster than most businesses can adequately respond to, but customer expectations aren’t subsiding because of this. In fact, they expect even more! It is ultra important to have everything in your organisation working toward successfully satisfying your customers’ desires and needs. Be fearless. There are few businesses with the ongoing experience with digital transformation strategies. However, this simply means that there are opportunities for talented individuals to rise above the pack. The concept of "continuously iterate and fail fast” is so foreign to so many leaders, especially among those with experience in non-digital, traditional business models. It’s critical to not become scared off by the associated costsof new technologies, potential challenges, and complex communication and operational strategies; instead, embrace them. Digital transformation is about reframing traditional business methods. The challenges put to leaders are to drive this change while still balancing traditional expectations. Understand and appreciate the journey. Digital business transformationis not over in 12 months; instead, look to manage the program over multiple business cycles. They are corporate-wide efforts that require sufficient resources to maintain the execution and evolution of the program. Goals are never concrete and can be in constant flux as new technological advancements surround you. Customer behaviour is frequently changing; why doesn’t your business? Talk to the experts at Indietech about digital businesstransformation today!