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So what are Garfield and Odie saying?. They’re animals, silly, they don’t say anything! But like the differences between cats and dogs, French & English may have some similarities, but also many differences too. One difference is when to use what ARTICLES!. WHAT ARE ARTICLES?.
So what are Garfield and Odie saying? They’re animals, silly, they don’t say anything! • But like the differences between cats and dogs, French & English may have some similarities, but also many differences too. • One difference is when to use what ARTICLES!
WHAT ARE ARTICLES? • Articles are used to clarify if a noun is specific or if a noun is not specific. • They are used before the nouns or adjective. • There are 2 kinds of articles: • Definite articles - are used for specific nouns.In English the definite article is “THE” . Ex: I see the dog. • Indifinite articles are used to refer to a noun that is not something or someone specific such as a pen, an apple, a bus. • " A“,"An“ or “Some” is used. Ex. I see a dog. I see some dogs.
KNOW THIS! NOUNS! • Nouns in English are NOT designated by gender! You just say the man or the car. • Nouns in French are either masculine or feminine. Male persons are almost always masculine. Female persons are almost always feminine. Exceptions: 1. Une personne (a person) is always feminine (even when it refers to a man) 2. Un professeur is always masculine (even when it refers to a woman)
NOUNS for ANIMALS, OBJECTS & THINGS: • In French, everything has a gender, unlike English! Masculine words: Un bureau-desk Un lit-bed Feminine words: Une chaise-chair Une porte-door
FRENCH ARTICLES There are INDEFINITE ARTICLES(A, An, Some) ………..(and definite articles…t.b.a!) HERE ARE THE INDEFINITE ARTICLES! UN—a, an (used for masculine words) UNE- a, an (used for feminine words) DES- some (used for all plural words)
HOWEVER, in the negative…. AFTER THE WORD “PAS”…CHOOSE “DE” or “D” for vowels. Ex. J’ai un livre. Je n’ai pas de livre! Ex. Il y a un vélo. Il n’y a pas de vélo. Ex. J’ai des amis. Je n’ai pasd’amis!
ENCORE DE “PAS DE” • J’ai des amis en France. Je n’ai pas d’amis ici. • J’ai des haricots ici, mais je n’ai pas d’haricots verts. • J’ai un livre, mais je n’ai pas de stylos! AFTER PAS USE De or D’!!! YOU NEVER SAY: “ PAS +UN +UNE+DES” (Except with ÊTRE) to see examples…..
ONE EXEPTION THOUGH: • After any form of Être (suis, est, es, sommes, êtes, sont) the DE after PAS does not work!!! KEEP THE UN, UNE or DES! (a, an, some) Ex. Paul est un voisin. Paul n’est pas un voisin. Ex. Marie est une mère. Marie n’est pas une mère. Ex. Ce sont des voitures. Ce ne sont pas des voitures.
Translate: • J’ai un livre= ______________ • J’ai un portable=____________ • J’ai une montre=____________ • J’ai une affiche=____________ • J’ai une chose=_____________ • J’ai des vélos=______________ • J’ai des raquettes=___________ • Je n’ai pas de livre=___________ • Je n’ai pas de pizza=___________ • Je ne suis pas une fille=___________
Remember: ***Before H or a vowel: Le/La becomes “L’”: L’herbe L’heure L’ami L’amie ***However for plurals: Les stays “Les”: Les heures
USE “LE, L’,LA, LES” FOR: 1. Talking about nouns in a general sense. I like pizza. J’aime LA pizza. I like tennis. J’aime LE tennis. 2. Talking about repeated days: Saturdays, I play soccer. Le samedi, je joue au foot. 3. BUT: Saturday, I am studying under the tree in my garden! Samedi, j’étudie sous l’arbre dans mon jardin.
Practice! Do you use Un, Une, Des, or Le, L’, La, Les? Or PAS de??? 1. J’ai ___ livre. 2. Je n’ai pas ___ livre. 3. Il y a ___ livres ici. 4. J’aime ___ livres. 5. C’est ___livre. 6. Ce n’est pas __livre. 7. Il n’y a pas ___ livres ici. 8. Où sont ___ livres? (the)
Answers • 1. un • 2. de • 3. des • 4. les • 5. un • 6. un **** Être used! • 7. de • 8. les • Now go to page 153! STUDY!