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Atlantic water transports to the Arctic and their impact on sea ice. C. Herbaut , M.-N. Houssais, A.-C. Blaizot a nd S. Close LOCEAN, UPMC. Atlantic Water pathways in the Arctic. Polyakov et al., 2012. Barents Sea. Sea ice extent. Surface circulation.
Atlantic water transports to the Arctic and their impact on seaice C. Herbaut, M.-N. Houssais, A.-C. Blaizot and S. Close LOCEAN, UPMC
Atlantic Water pathways in the Arctic Polyakov et al., 2012
Barents Sea Sea ice extent Surface circulation
Winter SeaIce Concentration (SSMR - SSM-I) Northern mode and Eastern mode SIC standard deviation (1979-2011) Seaice area R= 0.38 Northern Mode Eastern Mode
Regression of the SIC on Northern and Eastern modes Eastern Mode Index Northern Mode Index
ORCA025 Arctic-Atlantic configuration ERA-I forcing (1979-2011) Lag 0 Seaice production Wind stress Northern Mode Northerlywinds Eastern Mode Easterlywinds
Ocean impact on the Northern mode Climatology Correlation BSO heat transport on Northern Mode Regression on the Northern mode Lag 0 Ouflow Inflow Net
Reemergence of the AW temperature anomalies Regression of temperature at 110 meters on the northern mode at lag -1 year Lag -1 year Correlation BSO heat content on Northern Mode Oceanheat content Divergence of heat transport Surface heat flux
Impact of the SST anomalies on the atmosphere (and SIC) ? Regression of winter SLP on October SST Regression of OND SST on the Northern Mode
FramStrait Temperature Model Observations Fram Strait Longitude Longitude
Atlantic Water proprerties in FramStrait in winter (JFM) Eof1 temperature38% Eof1 Velocity 34% Eof1 heat transport 48% PC1s Temperature Velocity Heat transport Correlation: Velocity – Heat transport = 0.88 Temperature - Heat transport = 0.50
Atlantic Water circulation Regression on PC1 of velocity at FramStrait Currents at 230 meters JFM SLP DJF • Cyclonic circulation over the NordicSeas + ArcticOcean • Arctic Oscillation
Regression the current at 230 meters on PC2 of velocity in the WSC localized circulation in the Barents Sea
Atlantic Water temperature (230 m) Regression on PC1 of temperature in FramStrait Lag -1 year Lag 0 • Temperature anomalies over the Barents Sea + FramStrait Branch
Constant passive tracer sources : • BSO • FramStrait (0-800 m) Distribution of passive tracers at 230 meters FramStraitBranch Barents SeaBranch 2008
Variability of the Atlantic Water Interannualvariability at Kola Section Model Observations Seasonalvariability if the framStrait Branch Northof Svalbard off Laptev Sea
Vertical distribution of passive tracers and temperature FramStraitBranch Barents SeaBranch Off Laptev Sea 2008 • Core of the FSB tracer coïncides with the temperature maximum • Maximum of the BSB tracer along the coast
Hovmoeller of Temperaturealong the slope of the Eurasien Basin • Propagation of twostrongwarmingevents • Strongdecrease of temperature and tracer east of St Anna Trough
Off Laptev Sea West of St Anna Trough FSB Tracer BSB Tracer Temperature Correlation: 0.78 Correlation: -0.78 Correlation: 0.48 Variability of the temperature in the core of the Atlantic branchlinkedwith the variability of the exchange between the Barents and FramStrait Branches.
Impact of the temperaturevariability in the FSB on seaiceproperties Climatologicalseaicemelt in winter (cm/d) Regression of the seaicemelt in winter on PC1 of T in FramStrait • Hints of influence north of the Barents Sea
Next • Analyse the covariability of the AW branches in FS and BS • Diagnose ocean vertical heat fluxes and their impact on seaice • Analyse the atmospheric modes linked to seaice/SST variability • Otherseasons …
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7 2007-2013), under grant agreement n.308299 NACLIM www.naclim.eu