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MULTIMEDIA LANGUAGE LAB NEW HORIZONS PART III. A Visual Report Reflecting Exciting and Expanding Lab Usage January - May 1998 Janice B. Paulsen, Multimedia Language Lab Interim Director. Introducing French 461 with PowerPoint slides:. German 302 video-conferencing with QuickCams & CUSeeMe:.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MULTIMEDIA LANGUAGE LAB NEW HORIZONS PART III A Visual Report Reflecting Exciting and Expanding Lab Usage January - May 1998 Janice B. Paulsen, Multimedia Language Lab Interim Director

  2. Introducing French 461 with PowerPoint slides:

  3. German 302 video-conferencing with QuickCams & CUSeeMe:

  4. Working hard on varied Spring ‘98 MMLL assignments:

  5. Helping process 221 compositions with MSWord French proofing tools:

  6. Using the Divace Audio/Video Board bookmark capabilityto help ….

  7. … students pronounce, transcribe, and perform Russian songs!

  8. MMLL working at capacity - a frequent occurrence this year ...

  9. … with two lab demo/hands-on sessions running simultaneously:

  10. using Système-D in the front to improve French 221 writing skills,

  11. … and word processing in the back with the new Japanese EGWord!

  12. Working in pairs learning to use this all-Japanese word processor:

  13. Needing all MACs including the new laptop and every available chair!

  14. Teaming up to teach students how to best use the MMLLab tools:

  15. Readying student PPT slides for a Spanish 498 culmination project:

  16. Capturing memories of Japanese...

  17. …100 and 200, with our new MMLLab Digital camera:

  18. MDLG 410 project demonstrating the use of the subjunctive:

  19. …with PowerPoint slides, sound...

  20. …and DIVACE bookmarks to help fill in the missing subjunctive verbs:

  21. Selecting Nuevos Destinos interactive software for Spanish 305

  22. ...and JSL interactive materials for Japanese 100 and 200 next fall!

  23. Performing a Russian song for the MLL Awards fête and this movie:

  24. Helping make it all possible, the MMLL Lab Assistants!

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