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Understanding why and how to develop for the cloud with the Windows Azure platform

Understanding why and how to develop for the cloud with the Windows Azure platform. Eric Nelson ISV Architect Evangelist Microsoft http://bit.ly/ericnel | http:// twitter.com/ericnel http://bit.ly/ukisvfirststop. Agenda. 10:00 Why move applications to "the Cloud "? Eric

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Understanding why and how to develop for the cloud with the Windows Azure platform

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  1. Understanding why and how to develop for the cloud with the Windows Azure platform Eric Nelson ISV Architect Evangelist Microsoft http://bit.ly/ericnel | http://twitter.com/ericnel http://bit.ly/ukisvfirststop

  2. Agenda 10:00 Why move applications to "the Cloud"? Eric 10:30 A-Z of the Windows Azure Platform David 11:00 Break 11:15 Getting Started with Windows Azure Development Eric 12:30 Lunch 13:15 Lap around Windows Azure AppFabricDavid/Steve 14:15 Break 14:30 Lap around SQL Azure Eric 15:20 Windows Azure Platform Roadmap Eric 15:50 Q&A Eric/David 16:00 Close

  3. Assumption • Most of you are pretty new to the Windows Azure Platform • If you are not, check out: • http://bit.ly/azuretrenchesbookvol1

  4. Connect with the team http://bit.ly/ukisvfirststop • Bookmark the team blog to get the latest ISV specific information from the team • http://blogs.msdn.com/ukisvdev • Join the LinkedIn Group to interact with the team and your peers • http://bit.ly/ukisvdevgroup • Follow the team twitter to get late breaking news around events and more • http://twitter.com/ukisvdev • Tell us what you are up to with technology to help shape how we help and unlock benefits • http://bit.ly/ukmprhome

  5. Meet the team • Developer and Platform Evangelism – the “ISV team” • Helping UK “ISVs” use the latest technology from Microsoft

  6. Why move to the cloud? Eric Nelson

  7. Customers are looking for tangible Benefits & real Value

  8. Benefits

  9. Cloud delivers Value

  10. But before we continue… Are these benefits delivered by cloud platforms? Or By products delivered as SaaS?

  11. Cast your mind back to 2007…Software as A Service From http://www.slideshare.net/SmartManQ8/saas-1597107

  12. The right questions to ask “Why move to the cloud” is better phrased as two questions: Why move from on-premise deployment to SaaS? and Which technology should I write my SaaS on top of?


  14. Usage View “Growing Fast“ “On and Off “ Inactivity Period Compute Compute Average Usage Usage Average Time Time • On and off workloads (e.g. batch job) • Over provisioned capacity is wasted • Time to market can be cumbersome • Successful services needs to grow/scale • Keeping up with growth is big IT challenge • Complex lead time for deployment “Unpredictable Bursting“ “Predictable Bursting“ Compute Compute Average Usage Average Usage Time Time • Services with micro seasonality trends • Peaks due to periodic increased demand • IT complexity and wasted capacity • Unexpected/unplanned peak in demand • Sudden spike impacts performance • Can’t over provision for extreme cases

  15. Or is it also about this? “I want to try something now“ “Departmental“ Machines Machines Time Time • Need to quickly provision new machines for a temporary period of time • Need to quickly provision new machines for a departmental solution “Just store data in the Cloud“ “Extend to the Cloud“ • With all processing elsewhere • Extend existing applications “Migrate existing applications“ “New hybrid services“ • Benefits of reduced operational costs • On-premise and Cloud aka S+S

  16. Horizontal View • Mult-tier High Performance Web Apps • Data Collaboration and Sharing • Departmental Applications • “Burst” HPC Applications • Web Extensions for Vertical LOB Apps • Move Access database or SQLExpress on premise and managed by the business unit to the cloud It is data consolidation, collaboration, BI in the cloud, and syndication at scale using OData, SQL Azure, and Windows Azure storage. Azure DataMarket to target government departments for public data. • This is HPC front end, job scheduler on premises, massively parallel compute nodes in cloud. This is creation of web presence, marketing campaigns, events, M&A that can scale out and in, and can be transient or short lived. This is a hybrid scenario where the back-end mission critical business logic stays on premise, the front end is in the cloud

  17. Industry View • Retail • Financial Services • Media and Telecoms • Public Sector High performance calculations with scale: pension calculations, insurance quotation, risk management Bringing new products to market • Content and multi channel distribution at scale • Content: Movies, Music, Personal Storage, Apps, SDK(s) and Firmware. • High volume transactions for telecom scenarios Migrating eCommerce web sites to cloud Product catalogue and content (images, videos and text) for basic browsing and marketing Basket management and Checkout API for multi-channel Moving public data to cloud Transparent government Develop API(s) in the cloud; pull, store, cache and serve data in the cloud

  18. Business View

  19. Which version of the cloud?

  20. Types of Cloud Services (On-Premises) Infrastructure (as a Service) Platform (as a Service) Software (as a Service) Applications Applications Applications Applications You manage Data Data Data Data You manage Runtime Runtime Runtime Runtime Middleware Middleware Middleware Middleware Other Manages You manage Other Manages O/S O/S O/S O/S Virtualization Virtualization Virtualization Virtualization Other Manages Servers Servers Servers Servers Storage Storage Storage Storage Networking Networking Networking Networking

  21. Making the move to the cloud

  22. Evaluating Your Apps for the Cloud Questions to Consider Application State Application Scale App Dependencies Latency Requirements Data Sensitivity Some Easy Cases SLA Requirements • e.g., web site sharing public data Regulation & Compliance Often, Forklift Approach Will Not Work • Careful decomposition needed

  23. Questions to Consider

  24. And there is the “none TechnicaL” Stuff Source: Gartner at Windows Azure Platform Global Summit

  25. A “typical” Adoption Cycle • What is cloud? What is my strategy? • Do I need IaaS, PaaS or SaaS? • Go for public or private cloud? • Which provider?  ? the journey Microsoft is trying to help companies with… Understand Why Cool is not good enough Pick an Opportunity Pick a Provider Sell Value not Platform Trust in Microsoft Prove a Point Confidence in Provider/Technology Migrate an App Deliver Value Support a Customer Establish Relationship Do More

  26. Summary

  27. Summary • Many scenarios make sense for the cloud – it is not just about elastic computing • Many clouds to choose from • Microsoft believe PaaS is the right one • Many things to consider when making the move

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