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Hydrocarbons and Volatile Substances. Hydrocarbons contain aliphatic and aromatic compounds. Common hydrocarbons Gasoline Naphtha Mineral seal oil Kerosene Benzene Toluene Halogenated hydrocarbons Carbon tetrachloride. Hydrocarbons and Volatile Substances.
Hydrocarbons contain aliphatic and aromatic compounds. • Common hydrocarbons • Gasoline • Naphtha • Mineral seal oil • Kerosene • Benzene • Toluene • Halogenated hydrocarbons • Carbon tetrachloride Hydrocarbons and Volatile Substances
The primary concern with hydrocarbon ingestion is the risk of aspiration. The risk is related to both viscosity and volatility. Low viscosity and high volatility increase risk of aspiration. Sniffers and huffers are at risk for dysrhythmias.
Pulmonary-cough, SOB, pneumonia CNS-CNS depression and permanent CNS damage GI-N/V and hepatotoxicity Treatment-Gastric decontamination may be considered with heavy metals or pesticides or large ingestions. Admit with xray evidence of aspiration. complications
Alkali—liquefaction necrosis • Acid-coagulation necrosis • Ingestion-airway management-esophageal perf. (most common complication) • Signs of esophageal perf- call surgery. • Pleuritic pain • Mediastinal air-Hammans crunch (crunching heart sound) • Subcutaneous air • Free air on x ray Caustic ingestions
All ingestions of alkali or acid ingestion should have endoscopy • Button battery ingestion • If in esophagus-emergent removal • If in stomach-make sure it passes in 4-7 days • Removal if still in stomach in 48 hrs
ABC’s Morphine for pain Dilute solidalkali ingestions with milk or water Emesis and lavage are containdicated as well as charcoal and cathartics. Management
Rapidly acting lethal poison used in production of plastics, solvents, pesticides, metal polishing, and electroplating and leather industry. CNS effects-H/A, dizziness, seizures and coma Cardiovascular-hypertension, tachycardia and dysrhythmias early then hypotension, badycardia, CV collapse late cyanide
Plumonary=dyspnea and tachypnea early with pulmonary edema and apnea late GI-burning oral mucosa, N/V, GI irriation Labs will show anion gap metabolic acidosis Venous oxygen sat will be elevated
Cyanide antidote kit • Amyl nitrite ampule • 10cc 3% sodium nitrite • 50cc or 25 % sodium thiosulfate • Cyanokit-chelator of cyanide. Dose is 5 gm that can be repeated. Treatment