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Science Objectives, Observables, and Magnetic Data Product Teams

The Helioseismic & Magnetic Imager – Magnetic Investigations. HMI Data Processing. HINODE Spectropolarimetric Magnetic Field Inverted with HMI-like Algorithm by S. Tomczyk & J. Borrero (HAO) The three panels show Inclination, Azimuth & Magnetic Field Strength as observed May 7, 2007.

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Science Objectives, Observables, and Magnetic Data Product Teams

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  1. The Helioseismic & Magnetic Imager – Magnetic Investigations HMI Data Processing HINODE Spectropolarimetric Magnetic Field Inverted with HMI-like Algorithm by S. Tomczyk & J. Borrero (HAO) The three panels show Inclination, Azimuth & Magnetic Field Strength as observed May 7, 2007 Data Product HMI Data Internal rotation Ω(r,Θ) (0<r<R) Spherical Harmonic Time series To l=1000 Heliographic Doppler velocity maps Filtergrams J.Todd Hoeksema for the HMI Magnetic Team Mode frequencies And splitting 0 180 -180 180 0 3097 Internal sound speed, cs(r,Θ) (0<r<R) Full-disk velocity, v(r,Θ,Φ), And sound speed, cs(r,Θ,Φ), Maps (0-30Mm) Local wave frequency shifts Ring diagrams Doppler Velocity Carrington synoptic v and cs maps (0-30Mm) Time-distance Cross-covariance function Tracked Tiles Of Dopplergrams Wave travel times High-resolution v and cs maps (0-30Mm) ABSTRACT The HMI investigation will study the origin of solar variability and will characterize and understand the Sun’s interior and the various components of magnetic activity. Teams are forming to address the principle scientific goals of the mission. These topics, outlined in the HMI Science Plan (http://hmi.stanford.edu/doc/Science_Plan/HMI_Science_Plan.pdf) encompass a broad range of science that will be enabled by HMI magnetic field observations. The Co-I team desperately needs your participation to take full advantage of the opportunities provided. Polarized filtergrams around the Fe I spectral line at 617.3 nm made with the HMI tunable narrow band filter enable determination of all three components of the vector photospheric magnetic field in half arc second pixels with a cadence of five minutes at all times. Development of pipeline processing modules to produce the full menu of data products is currently underway. The final data products are presently being defined. Some STANDARD products will be computed at all times, others will be produced On DEMAND or during times of special interest. Some data products requiring intensive processing will only be produced On REQUEST when resources allow. Egression and Ingression maps Wave phase shift maps Deep-focus v and cs maps (0-200Mm) HMI Science Analysis Plan – Magnetic Topics Far-side activity index Stokes I,V Line-of-sight Magnetograms Level-1 HMI Data Line-of-Sight Magnetic Field Maps Filtergrams Stokes I,Q,U,V Full-disk 10-min Averaged maps Vector Magnetograms Fast algorithm Vector Magnetic Field Maps Magnetic Data Products HMI Sun Testing- Early Images AKosovichev 1-1A Tachocline Vector Magnetograms Inversion algorithm Coronal magnetic Field Extrapolations Tracked Tiles AKosovichev 2-1C Meridional Circulation Tracked full-disk 1-hour averaged Continuum maps Coronal and Solar wind models Continuum Brightness Solar limb parameters AKosovichev 3-1B Differential Rotation Magnetic Observables Line-of-Sight Magnetic Field Maps Brightness Images Brightness feature maps JBeck 4-1D Near-Surface Shear Layer HMI Data Analysis Pipeline THoeksema EBenevolenskaya, TBai 5-2A Activity Complexes, Cycle Line-of-sight Magnetograms THoeksema 6-2B Active Regions Vector Magnetic Field Maps 7-2C Sunspots TBai YLiu 8-2D Irradiance Variations RBush THoeksema, JSchou, HAO YLiu 9-3A Magnetic Shear LM, KHayashi 10-3B Flare/CME Mag. Config Coronal Magnetic Field Extrapolations (non MHD) YLiu, LM 11-3C Flux Emergence KHayashi, LM 12-3D Magnetic Carpet+Heating Vector Magnetograms YLiu, Schrijver Schrijver, YLiu 13-4A Coronal Energetics AIA]1 KHayashi YLiu, JSchou, *HAO 14-4B Large-scale B, Ph+Cor Surface Plasma Flows KHayashi 15-4C Solar Wind + Evol, Struct PScherrer JBeck, YLiu, 16-5A Far-side Activity Evolution TBai 17-5B Predicting A-R Emergence XPZhao 18-5C IMF Bs Events Continuum Brightness Coronal and Solar wind Properties ?? 19 Topology Structure over AR RBush, JSchou EBenevolenskay XPZhao, KHayashi 20 B-Polar, Large/Small Int HMI Vector Field Pipeline & Products Increase s/n: • Standard HMI resolution • Rebinned data (retains temporal resolution) • Averaged data (retains spatial resolution) • Vector magnetic field in active regions: • In heliographic coordinates • In image coordinates Magnetic Observables HMI Data Filtergrams • Full disk vector magnetic field: • In image coordinates • In spherical coordinates Stokes I, Q, U, and V; Vector Magnetograms (|B|, inclination, azimuth, …) Vector Magnetic Field Maps • Synoptic maps of vector field • (B_r, B_theta, B_phi): • Standard synoptic charts; • Synoptic frames; • Daily update synoptic maps. Field Inversion Calibration and Correction of Filtergrams 180 Degree Ambiguity Solver • Fast (potential or lfff); • Slower but better. First Dopplergram First Magnetogram VECTOR MAGNETIC MAPS “Ambiguous” Observables SYNOPTIC PRODUCTS Full disk vector field maps (standard) (full resolution, 10-minute cadence) Synoptic frame (standard) (in a cadence of 1-day) Magnetograms (standard) (full disk, full resolution, 10-minute cadence?) Full disk vector field maps (standard) (full resolution, 6-hour cadence) Daily update Synoptic map (standard) (in a cadence of 1-day) Vector magnetic field maps in AR patches (standard) (in heliographic coord., full res., 6-hour cadence) Magnetograms (standard) (full disk, full resolution, 1-hour average) Synoptic map (standard) 1-hour average vector magnetic field maps (standard) (full disk, full resolution, 6-hour cadence) Synoptic frame (on-demand) (in a cadence of 30-minute) Magnetograms (on-request) (AR patches, full resolution, 2-minute cadence) Vector magnetic field maps (on-demand) (full disk, full resolution, 30-minute cadence) Synoptic frame (on-demand) (in a cadence of 30-minute) Vector magnetic field maps (on-demand) (AR patches, full resolution, 30-minute cadence) Magnetograms (on-request) (full disk, full resolution, 2-minute cadence) Daily update Synoptic map (on-demand) (in a cadence of 30-minute) Vector magnetic field maps (on-request) (full disk, full resolution, 2-minute cadence) Synoptic frame (on-request) (in a cadence of 2-minute) Stokes I, Q, U and V (on-request). Vector magnetic field maps (on-request) (AR patches, full resolution, 2-minute cadence) Daily update Synoptic map (on-request) (in a cadence of 2-minute) • Science Objectives, Observables, and Magnetic Data Product Teams • Preliminary Magnetic Topic Group Affiliations • (Please Sign Up!!) • Observables • Line-of-sight magnetograms – THoeksema, JSchou, HAO, KD Leka • Vector magnetograms – YLiu, JSchou, HAO, SCouvidat, KD Leka • Continuum Brightness – RBush?, JSchou, NHurlburt, TBerger, PBoerner, JKuhn • Magnetic Data Products • Line of sight magnetic maps – THoeksema, EBenevolenskaya, TBai • Vector field maps – YLiu, THoeksema, EBenevolenskaya, ANorton, KD Leka, Blites, BBSO-JJing, VYurchyshyn • Coronal field extrapolations [AIA] – YLiu, KSchrijver, XPZhao, KHayashi, LM-MCheung • Coronal & Solar Wind – XPZhao, KHayashi, THoeksema, SAIC-Linker • Surface Plasma Flows – JBeck, YLiu, KHayashi, EBenevolenskaya, TBai, BWelsh, STWu, RShine, BDePontieu, TBerger, SAIC-Linker • Science Objectives • 1-1A – Tachocline - AKosovichev • 2-1C – Meridional Circulation - AKosovichev • 3-1B – Differential Rotation - AKosovichev • 4-1D – Near-surface Shear Layer - JBeck • 5-2A – Activity Complexes – EBenevolenskaya, TBai, THoeksema, KHayashi, NHurlburt, VGaizauskus, JHarvey • 6-2B – Active Regions – THoeksema, EBenevolenskaya, TBai, KHayashi, NHurlburt • 7-2C – Sunspots – TBai, THoeksema, EBenevolenskaya, NHurlburt • 8-2D – Irradiance Variations – RBush, TBerger, PBoerner • 9-3A – Magnetic Shear – YLiu, JBeck, KHayashi, AKosovichev, BBSO-VYurchyshyn • 10-3B – Flare/CME Magnetic Config – KHayashi, LM?, YLiu, XPZhao, TBai, AKosovichev, UC-B,BBSO-HWang • 11-3C – Flux Emergence – YLiu, JBeck, EBenevolenskaya, LHayashi, LM, BLites, KD Leka, BBSO-HWang • 12-3D – Mag. Carpet & Heating [AIA#1] – KHayashi, KSchrijver, JBeck, EBenevolenskaya • 13-4A – Coronal Energetics [AIA] – KSchrijver, YLiu, EBenevolenskaya, XPZhao, KHayashi, KD Leka, MCheung, UC-B,BBSO HWang • 14-4B – Large-scale B – Ph. + Cor. - KHayashi, THoeksema, EBenevolenskaya, XPZhao • 15-4C – Solar Wind – Evol. + Struct. - KHayashi, THoeksema, XPZhao, MWSO, CISM, LM-SFuselier, SAIC-ZMikic • 16-5A – Far-side Activity – PScherrer, CLindsey, DBraun, SAIC • 17-5B – Predicting AR Emergence - TBai • 18-5C – IMF Bs Events – XPZhao, YLiu, KHayashi, BBSO-VYurchyshyn, Hu, HINODE, LM-SFuselier, SAIC-ZMikic • 19 – Magnetic Topology – YLiu, MSU-DLongcope, Barnes, SAIC-Titov • 20 – Polar & Multi-scale Field – EBenevolenskaya, THoeksema

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