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VBA (continued). DSC340 Mike Pangburn. C onsider a quite different example. You need to compute someone’s exact age. The math is actually somewhat complicated and we don’t have time/energy/experience to figure it out, so we perform a Google search on VBA code and calculating someone’s age.
VBA (continued) DSC340 Mike Pangburn
Consider a quite different example • You need to compute someone’s exact age. • The math is actually somewhat complicated and we don’t have time/energy/experience to figure it out, so we perform a Google search on VBA code and calculating someone’s age. • Here’s what I found…
VBA age calculator from WWW ‘ Determines time in Years (Y), Months (M), and Days (D) between Date1 and Date2 Dim Temp1 As Date Temp1 = DateSerial(Year(Date2), Month(Date1), Day(Date1)) Y = Year(Date2) - Year(Date1) + (Temp1 > Date2) M = Month(Date2) - Month(Date1) - (12 * (Temp1 > Date2)) D = Day(Date2) - Day(Date1) If D < 0 Then M = M - 1 D = Day(DateSerial(Year(Date2), Month(Date2) + 1, 0)) + D + 1 End If
Store Y, M, D info in an object • I’d like a “date object” to store the 3 date parts (Y, M, and D) • There is no such built-in object type (i.e., a “class”) in VBA • So, I can create one, which I decided to call timeInYMD
Using my new class • Assuming I have used the WWW code I found to calculate Y, M, and D, I want to create an object from my new class • Here is what that code would look like in VBA syntax Dim result As timeInYMD‘ declares the new variable named result Set result = New timeInYMD‘ sets the var. equal to a new timeInYMD object result.Years = Y result.Months = M result.Days = D
My complete Age() function Function Age(Date1 As Date, Date2 As Date) As timeInYMD Dim Y, M, D As Integer Dim Temp1 As Date ' Math/code found on WWW Google search Temp1 = DateSerial(Year(Date2), Month(Date1), Day(Date1)) Y = Year(Date2) - Year(Date1) + (Temp1 > Date2) M = Month(Date2) - Month(Date1) - (12 * (Temp1 > Date2)) D = Day(Date2) - Day(Date1) If D < 0 Then M = M - 1 D = Day(DateSerial(Year(Date2), Month(Date2) + 1, 0)) + D + 1 End If ' End of found code computing age in Y, M, D Dim result As timeInYMD Set result = New timeInYMD result.Years = Y result.Months = M result.Days = D Set Age = result End Function
How do we get the user’s DOB? • We could get the user’s DOB (date of birth) by having it typed into a worksheet cell • Let’s see how we can do it with a dialog box • Again, we can do a Google WWW search to find some example VBA code for an input box window. Here’s what I found: Dim DOB As Date DOB = InputBox(Prompt:="Your DOB please", Title:="ENTER DOB",Default:="01/01/2001")
Once we have their DOB, call Age() • After the user types their DOB into the dialog box, we compute their age via our Age() function, which returns a timeInYMD object • So we can hold that result in our program using a timeInYMD object variable Dim yourAge As timeInYMD Set yourAge = Age(DOB, Date)
Report info to user in a MsgBox • This code will report the results back to the user Dim messageStart As String messageStart = "That would suggest you are " & yourAge.Years& " years, " & yourAge.Months & " months, and ” & yourAge.Days & " days old." MsgBoxmessageStart, vbInformation, "Age Calculator"
My complete subroutine Sub ProcessUserDOB() Dim DOB As Date DOB = InputBox(Prompt:="Your DOB please (e.g., 01/15/1988)",Title:="ENTER YOUR DOB", Default:="01/01/2001") Dim yourAge As timeInYMD Set yourAge = Age(DOB, Date) Dim messageStart As String messageStart = "That would suggest you are " & yourAge.Years & " years, " & yourAge.Months & " months, and ” & yourAge.Days& " days old.” MsgBoxmessageStart, vbInformation, "Age Calculator” End Sub
Let’s call another sub to give voting/drinking info. • Let’s write another sub() • We will call it at the bottom of the prior sub by adding the line: Call ReportDrinkingVotingStatus(yourAge) • This new sub will take the person’s age and determine: • Is the person of legal drinking age? • Is the person of legal voting age?
Figuring out the voting/drinking Qs • Is the age eligible for voting or drinking? Dim canDrink, canVote As Boolean If yourAge.Years >= 21 Then canDrink = True Else: canDrink = False End If If yourAge.Years >= 18 Then canVote = True Else: canVote = False End If
Report the results using a MsgBox If canDrink And canVote Then messageEnd = “Good news, that would mean you can drink and vote." Else: If canVote Then messageEnd = " You can't drink, but you can vote." Else: messageEnd = " Bummer, you can't drink or vote." End If End If MsgBoxmessageEnd, vbInformation, "Age Calculator"
The complete voting/drinking sub Sub ReportDrinkingVotingStatus(yourAge As timeInYMD) Dim messageEnd As String Dim canDrink, canVote As Boolean If yourAge.Years >= 21 Then canDrink = True Else: canDrink = False End If If yourAge.Years >= 18 Then canVote = True Else: canVote = False End If If canDrink And canVote Then messageEnd = " Good news, that would mean you can drink and vote." Else: If canVote Then messageEnd = " You can't drink, but you can vote." Else: messageEnd = " Bummer, you can't drink or vote." End If End If MsgBoxmessageEnd, vbInformation, "Age Calculator" End Sub