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DCG as a Resist Material

D. PADIYAR J. PADIYAR. DCG as a Resist Material. Advantages High Efficiency Bragg Selectivity Ease of Development Disadvantages Data not accessible for mass production. Characteristics of a Volume Hologram. Advantages High Efficiency Bragg Selectivity Ease of Development

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DCG as a Resist Material

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  1. D. PADIYAR J. PADIYAR DCG as a Resist Material

  2. Advantages High Efficiency Bragg Selectivity Ease of Development Disadvantages Data not accessible for mass production Characteristics of a Volume Hologram

  3. Advantages High Efficiency Bragg Selectivity Ease of Development Disadvantages Low Efficiency Specialized developing solutions Characteristics of a Surface Hologram

  4. Characteristics: High efficiency Mass replicable Volume effects Higher structural rigidity Proposed new Surface Hologram

  5. E_vol = sin2(pnd/lcosf) where n = index modulation d = emulsion thickness l = recording wavelength f = reconstruction angle E_surf = J12((4 p/l)(n-1)(dr)(OR)/I) where J1 = Bessel function of the first order l = recording wavelength n = index of photoresist dr = differential etch rate I = Reconstruction intensity O = Object intensity R = Reference intensity

  6. Deep Groove Efficiency

  7. Develop a formula for hard DCG Maximize the etch rate while minimizing penetration speed. Strategy for creating surface profiles in DCG

  8. Measurement against theory Casting SEM pictures Electro-plating Anomalous effects How will we know ?

  9. Chart of Theoretical volume grating

  10. Comparison standard dcgvs resist

  11. Dcgsurface gratings

  12. DCgvs casting

  13. Resist vs casting of dcg

  14. Sem photo of surface dcg

  15. Anomolous effects

  16. Sensitivity at lower wavelengths • Higher resolution • Mass-producible volume holograms • Development in just water • More Environmentally friendly than resist • Cheaper to produce and ship Advantages of surface dcg

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