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Letters on Application

Letters on Application. 申请信. Practical English Writings 实用应用文写作. 丛日珍. I . Introduction ( 概述 ). 申请信的类型: 求职信(毕业求职,简历) 申请就业 、 申请调动工作 、 辞职、 报考国外大学 ······ 等信函。 其格式与普通书信格式一样,需有事由标题、信头日期、信内地址(封内地址)、称呼、正文、结尾客套语(敬语)、签名等栏目。. 注意问题. 求职信中,写信人必须将自己的详细地址、电话号码写在日期之上方,以便对方与你联系。 称呼要得当。

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Letters on Application

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  1. Letters on Application 申请信

  2. Practical English Writings实用应用文写作 丛日珍

  3. I.Introduction (概述) 申请信的类型: • 求职信(毕业求职,简历) • 申请就业 、 • 申请调动工作 、 • 辞职、 • 报考国外大学 • ······ 等信函。 其格式与普通书信格式一样,需有事由标题、信头日期、信内地址(封内地址)、称呼、正文、结尾客套语(敬语)、签名等栏目。

  4. 注意问题 • 求职信中,写信人必须将自己的详细地址、电话号码写在日期之上方,以便对方与你联系。 • 称呼要得当。 • 申请信要简单明了,常分开场白(opener)、正文(body)和结尾(close)三个部分。开场白不用客套话,应开门见山,说明你的写信原因、兴趣等。

  5. 注意问题 • 如系求职信,正文应强调自己的学历和工作经历。如系申请其他事项,应着重说明理由。 • 如系求职信,结尾段应表示希望参加面试;如系申请其他事项,结尾应提请关注和早日办理。 • 结尾敬语之前常加上“I would appreciate your early reply.”(如蒙早日赐复,则不胜感激)之类的客套话。

  6. II.各种类型的申请信 1.求职信 (Applications for Job) 2.申请调动工作 ( Applications for Transferring Post ) 3.申请辞职 (Application for Resignation) 4.申请报考国外大学 (Applications for Going to College and University Abroad ) 5.申请去国外大学攻读硕士学位 (Applications for Going to University Abroad to Pursue Master’s Degree )

  7. II.各种类型的申请信 6.申请奖学金和助学金 (Applications for Scholarships or Assistantship ) 7.申请护照和签证 (Applications for Passport and Visa ) 8.申请转换签证 (Applications for Changing Passport and Visa ) 9.申请出国进修 (Applications for Advanced Studies Abroad ) 10. 申请做访问学者 (Application for Being Visiting Learner ) 11.申请参加学术会议 (Applications for Taking Part in Academic Meeting )

  8. 1.求职信(Applications for Job) 1)求职信的结构(Layout ): • 信头 (Heading ),写信人的单位名称、地址、电话号码、传真、邮编及写信日期;信头的目的是使收信人一看便知求职信来自何处,何时写的,便于招聘单位给你回信。日期的写法中,12个月除May, June, July三个词因不足5个字母不可缩写外,其余均有缩写形式。

  9. 1.求职信(Applications for Job) 1)求职信的结构(Layout ): • 信内地址(Inside Address)收信人的姓名、地址、职位,必须准确、具体。一般写在信头下面空一、两行处,写在信纸的左边,定格写。 a.写给某个单位的个人 Mr. Allen Smith Yun Qing Oil Company 207 Huai Hai Road Shanghai 200000

  10. 1.求职信(Applications for Job) b.写给某单位不知名的负责人: The Manager Uni’Tech Electronics Corporation 216 Dahua Road Jinjiang ,Guangdong 519032 C.写给某个单位的人事部门: Personnel Department Shumei Textiles Industries 6 Nanchang Street Wuxi ,Jiangsu 214001

  11. 1.求职信(Applications for Job) 1)求职信的结构(Layout ): • 称呼(Salutation) • 不相识的男士/女士 Dear Sir/Sirs(复),Gentlemen(美式英语) Dear Madam • 相识的男士/女士 Dear Mr. Sun: Dear Mrs. Shen: Dear Miss Gao: • 不知道收信人的姓名,用 To Whom It May Concern(敬启者)

  12. 1.求职信(Applications for Job) 1)求职信的结构(Layout ): • 正文(Body of Letter) • 结尾客套语(Complimentary Close) • 签名(Signature) 亲笔签名,没有亲笔签名的文件、单据、信函场被认为不是写信人本意的表现,如果求职信是打印的话,务必要在结束语和打印好的姓名之间所空的二、三行处,亲笔署名。如果是女性,最好在打印的姓名前注明,以便对方在回信时称呼。 Sincerely, (signature) Ms.Shu Qin

  13. 1.求职信(Applications for Job) 1)求职信的结构(Layout ): • 附件(Enclosures) 寄发英语求职信时,求职者需要随函附寄一些个人资料,如个人建立或自传、学位证书、毕业证书、身份证的复印件等,这些个人资料统称附件。两件以上Enclosures,缩写Encls. 顶格写在署名下的间隔一行处,如 Enclosure: A resume Encl.: A photocopy of ID card Enc.: A list of publications

  14. 毕业求职样例 (Application for a Position of Stockbroker ) The Senior Class 2 Dept.of World Economics University of International Business and Economics Beijing 100013 May5.2003 Personnel Department South Securities Agency Shuiyin Road ,Guangzhou 510500 Gentlemen, Your advertisement for stockbrokers in “China daily” of May 2 has interested me very much. I feel I can fill one of the vacancies you have. I’m twenty-two years of age and female. I will graduate in July. My specialty at college is none other than securities business. I have gained some practical experience in brokerage in recent two years acting as a part-time broker for Beijing Commodities Futures Exchange. At College ,I have participated in a lot of activities both at the collegiate level and the department level. I have attended a large number of symposia and conferences on the business of stockbroking. I am young and energetic and maintain good interpersonal relations. I mention these because I know my line of work is a demanding one and I am willing to show that I can face up to any challenge placed before me. Should this application meet with your favorable consideration, I will do my utmost to satisfy the confidence you may response in me. I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Faithfully yours, Li Mei Encls: (1) My resume (2) My academic record (3) 2 recent photos

  15. The Senior Class 2 Dept.of World Economics University of International Business and Economics Beijing 100013 May5.2003 Personnel Department South Securities Agency Shuiyin Road ,Guangzhou 510500 Gentlemen, Your advertisement for stockbrokers in “China daily” of May 2 has interested me very much. I feel I can fill one of the vacancies you have. I’m twenty-two years of age and female. I will graduate in July. My specialty at college is none other than securities business. I have gained some practical experience in brokerage in recent two years acting as a part-time broker for Beijing Commodities Futures Exchange. At College ,I have participated in a lot of activities both at the collegiate level and the department level. I have attended a large number of symposia and conferences on the business of stockbroking. I am young and energetic and maintain good interpersonal relations. I mention these because I know my line of work is a demanding one and I am willing to show that I can face up to any challenge placed before me. Should this application meet with your favorable consideration, I will do my utmost to satisfy the confidence you may response in me. I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Faithfully yours, Li Mei

  16. 3)简历 (Resume)样例1 PERSONAL DATA Name: Liu Ping Sex: Male Date of birth:20 April,1979 Place of birth: Beijing Marital Status: Unmarried Nationality: Chinese Home address: 32 Heping Rd Zhongguancun Beijing,100031 Tel:010-60587436 EDUCATION &EXPERIENCE Oct.2001-present: Employee at Beijing Huafeng Stock Co. Ltd (Department Manager since Dec.2002) Nov.2001-Sept.2003: Part-time student at Beijing Foreign Trade College(diploma in Business Administration ,2003) Sept.1997-June 2001: Undergraduate in the Economics Department of Hebei University(BA in Economics ,2001) Sept. 1994-June 1997: Upper secondary student at Beijing Jiangshan Middle School Sept.1991-June 1994:Lower secondary student at Beijing No.14 Middle School

  17. AWARDS: Third prize in University Public Speaking Competition, 2000. Second prize in University English Competition, 2001. SPECIAL INTEREST: Computer programming REFERENCES: Mr. Gao Hong (General Manager of the Beijing Huafeng Stock Co. Ltd) 23 Heping menwai Beijing,100009 Tel(010)608977465 Mrs. Lin Bing (Dean of the Economics Department of Hebei University) 45 Changjiang Avenue Shijiazhuang Tel:(0311)59687746

  18. 4)简历样例2: Wang Cheng 32 Shenliao Road Shenyang , Liaoning 100056 024-3778689 Career Objective Computer Department Manager Employment 1997-Present Shensoft Company , Shenyang, Liaoning Manager of Development Department .Supervise team of 10 software development specialist. .Undertake software development projects for industrial and commercial organization .Train staff members and service technicians .Originated and Implemented disaster prevention and recovery plan .Optimized staff structure and responsibilities resulting in annual salary saving in excess of yuan100,000

  19. .Increased profit by 15%and 27% in 1998 and 1999 over that of 1997 1994-1997 Beijing Overseas Construction Corporation, Beijing Assistant Manger, Computer Department .Promoted from an ordinary programmer .Established an efficient MIB .Computerized some construction operations .Assisted Manager in day-to-day admistration Education 1991-1994 Xidian University ,Xi’an Shanxi ME in Computer Engineering .Awarded scholarship each school year .Received Excellent Graduation Thesis Prize 1987-1991 Xi’an Jiaotong University , Xi,an, Shanxi BE in Bridge Construction Personal Hobbies: football (player and spectator);reading Affiliations: Computer Society of Shenyang

  20. 5).申请就业 Applications for Job 0731-4488969 May2, 2002 Gentlemen, Could you use a dependable assistant for the coming summer? Presently I am enrolled in the M.A. program(communication) at the City University of New York . This semester is going to terminate around the middle of June . To obtain more practical experience and earn part of my education expenses, I plan to find a job for the coming summer from June 20 to September 20. I have had a working permit from the immigration office. Before I came to the states, I had worked as an executive secretary with a trading company for one year and three months and as a clerk for the Bank of China Shanghai Branch for one year and nine months . My curriculum vitae are herewith enclosed. I can type 40wpm,take shorthand, act as a receptionist, do editing and proofreading, and above all, I can work hard with efficiency and patience. May I come in to see you at your convenience? Very truly yours, Miss Mary Lee Encl. Job Resume 1

  21. 5).申请就业 Commonly-used sentences: • I wish to apply for the position of Business Secretary advertised in today’s Modern Business(newspaper) • I should esteem it a great favor if you could give me an opportunity to try to serve you in the position. • I learnt that the position of cashier (secretary ,typist) in your firm is about to become vacant, and I should like to make an application for it.

  22. 2.申请调动工作 Applications for Transferring Post 105 Wuyi Road, Changsha , Hunan April 2,2002 The Management, Travellers’ Agency Dear Sirs, Having learning that you need a few more English –Chinese interpreters and guides in view of the fast growing volume of tourism in Hunan , I venture to submit this application for the post as interpreter/guide. I am at present a salesman at the department store where I have been working for nearly 6 years. With a fairy good command of English and a sound background of modern Chinese , I believe you will find me competent for the job if I be transferred to work in your Bureau. My leadership ,fully aware of my being more useful as an interpreter/guide than a salesman, has consented to have me transferred should you find it desirable. Herewith I enclose a testimonial form the corporation attesting to my character and abilities . I shall appreciate it if you will grant me an interview at your earliest convenience. Thank you in anticipation. Yours sincerely, Ding Xiaoling Enclosures: My resume (I sheet ) and testimonial.

  23. 2.申请调动工作 Applications for Transferring Post Commonly-used sentences(常用句型): • I am writing to request a transfer to laboratory B1.There are two principal reasons for this request. • However, my new position offers considerably more scope and responsibility than my present one.

  24. 3.申请辞职Application for Resignation Dear Mr. Knittle, It is with mixed feelings that I submit my resignation as Regional Sales Manager for our company. Because of the confidence you have shown in my ability to take on new assignments, my eleven years with the company have been a time of growth and challenge. But as you know , for some time I have wanted to gain additional experience in other areas of marketing. I now have that opportunity and will be leaving the company on March 15th. I appreciate the support and encouragement you have given me during the years we have worked together. Sincerely yours,

  25. 3.申请辞职Application for Resignation Commonly-used sentences: 1. It is with mixed feelings that I submit my resignation as Regional Sales Manager for our company. Because of the confidence you have shown in my ability to take on new assignments, my eleven years with the company have been a time of growth and challenge. 2. I appreciate the support and encouragement you have given me during the years we have worked together. 3.This letter is to notify you that I will be resigning my position with the company on June 20,two weeks from today. 4. I am writing , therefore ,to give you the appropriate four weeks’ notice to terminate my employment with the Company on 27 October.

  26. 4.申请报考国外大学Applications for Going to College and University Abroad Dear sirs, I am a student in the third grade of No.One Senior Middle School of Changsha , Hunan , China. I am planning to apply for admission to Smith College in the fall of 2000. Please send me a catalogue, application form, and information about your entrance requirement, and inform me the examination dates. Very truly yours, (signature)

  27. 5.申请去国外大学攻读硕士学位(1)Applications for Going to University Abroad to Pursue Master’s Degree Dear sir: This is to ask you that you send me the application form for the Graduate School and any other pertinent information that feel important to me . I am interested in working towards an M.A. degree in the field of Library Science. In June of 2000, I will graduate from Beijing Normal University with a B.A. in Library Science . I am very interested in going abroad to obtain an advanced degree. Library Science had always interested me. My main emphasis has been on the study of the Management of the Libraries. As an undergraduate, I manage to get fairly high grades. I shall graduate at the top of my class. I have also participated in the preparation of several papers which were written by my faculty advisor, Dr. Li. In addition, I feel that I have a good command of the English language which will enable me to pursue my studies without having much trouble with a language barrier. Sincerely yours,

  28. 5.申请去国外大学攻读硕士学位(2)Applications for Going to University Abroad to Pursue Master’s Degree The Registrar of Admissions The Graduate School The …University USA Dear Ms. Alice: I am very interested in pursuing a graduate degree at the department of Computer Science of your university. The intended date of entrance is fall, 2000. In my undergraduate college, My Overall GPA belongs to upper 10 percents among 30 students. My GRE and TOEFL scores are 2150 and 620 respectively. Would you please send catalogue and application form to the following address? P.O.Box 315 …University Beijing ,100000 China, People’s Republic Your assistance is highly appreciated. Yours sincerely,

  29. 6.申请奖学金和助学金Applications for Scholarships or Assistantship Dear sirs: I am pleased to learn of my admission to two-year program of studies leading to degree of M.S. in pharmacy . Indeed ,I have dreamed of this opportunity since completing my undergraduate study. In order to reduce the financial responsibility of my parents, I earnestly hope to obtain some kind of financial aid in the form of teaching or research assistantship. Would you kindly consider this request and advise me as to the possibilities? Should further information be required , please let me know at your earliest convenience. I look forward to hearing good news from you. Sincerely yours,

  30. 6.申请奖学金和助学金Applications for Scholarships or Assistantship Commonly-used sentences: 1. As I know very little about teaching assistantships and research assistantships in your university , I should be much obliged if you would let me know the requirements for applying for such aid. 2. In order to reduce the financial responsibility of my parents, I earnestly hope to obtain some kind of financial aid in the form of teaching or research assistantship.

  31. 7.申请护照和签证Applications for Passport and Visa Dear sir, We enclose the completed application form for an entry visa to enable Mr. Zhang Lin, the Export Manager of this Corporation, to visit Australia. Mr. Zhang will be leaving Beijing on 4th August for a business tour of Austria , subject to the issue of the visa. He proposes to arrive in Sydney on 7th August and to stay for about fourteen days, then he will leave for Shanghai. His address in Sydney will be the Holiday Inn. The purpose of Mr. Zhang’s visit to Australia is to gain information about the latest development in agri-business in order to explore possibilities of increasing trade between our two countries . Our Corporation would guarantee Mr. Zhang’s financial security during his stay in Australia and payment of all expenses he may incur.

  32. 7.申请护照和签证Applications for Passport and Visa We enclose the following supporting documents. • Mr. Zhang’s passport • A cheque for the visa fee. • A registered ,stamped ,addressed envelop for return of the passport. • A copy of our Corporation’s catalogue for your reference. Should you require any further information ,if you will let me know , I shall be happy to supply it. Yours faithfully, Commonly-used sentences: 1. I understand that a visa is necessary and shall be glad if you will send me an application form, with details of your visa requirements.

  33. 8.申请转换签证Applications for Changing Passport and Visa American Embassy to China: Dear Ms. Gupta: This is to request a change of my destination for my trip to the United States. My visa for attending NJIT has been approved. Unfortunately, I received I-20 from another University. Since my preferred interest is computer science, I would like to change my passport and visa and go to this University. Here I enclosed the I – 20 form issued by this university. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Yours Sincerely, Liu Ying

  34. 9.申请出国进修Applications for Advanced Studies Abroad Dear Sirs, I should like to enter your university to take such courses as Teaching Methodology, applied linguistics and Comparative Literature. I was born in 1975. in 1994, I was enrolled in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature of Huanan University. During my five academic years, I made good grades on all courses. After my graduation from huanan University in 1999, I found my interests tending more and more towards language teaching. Now I have passed an examination sponsored by the Ministry of a Government scholarship which will enable me to pursue further studies in your country. A Transcript of Records of all the subjects I completed at huanan University and three letters of recommendation offered by three of my professors will be sent to you directly by the University. I hope a letter of admission will be issued to me in due course. Yours faithfully,

  35. 9.申请出国进修Applications for Advanced Studies Abroad Commonly-used sentences: 1. It is the height of my ambition to further my studies in the field of electronics/computer science in your university. 2. I should like to enter your university to take such courses as Teaching Methodology , Applied Linguistics and Comparative Literature.

  36. 10. 申请做访问学者Application for Being Visiting Learner Dears sirs, I am writing to you to apply for admittance to your University as a visiting scholar. I hope it would be possible for me to take some training courses and work in your laboratory. I believe that with your help I would make progress in my career. Our government will provide me with all the living expense. Enclosed please find letters of recommendation, which, I hope , will meet your satisfaction. Thanking you very much in anticipation and looking forward to your reply. Encls: Two letters of recommendation One application from Yours faithfully, Commonly-used sentences: 1. I am writing to you about the possibility of a (senior)visiting scholar’s appointment in your department next fall. If given the chance, I’ll do my best to meet your requirements

  37. 11.申请参加学术会议Applications for Taking Part in Academic Meeting Dear Dr.Gamborg: Thank you very much for your kind letter of June 8,1998 regarding the meeting of the WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Food Hygiene(Food Microbiology) to be held October 10-16 in Geneva. I should like to tell you that I would be very happy to participate in the October meeting, if my membership is finally approved by WHO and FAO. Just before I received your letter, I heard from Mr.Zhang, Chief of the Section of Food Hygiene ,the Ministry of Health and Welfare, that he was taking steps to arrange my participation in the committee. Sincerely yours, Commonly-used sentences: 1.I should like to tell you that I would be very happy to participate in the October meeting, if my membership is finally approved by WHO and FAO.

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