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Tuition & Fee Proposal and FY 2009 Budget

Tuition & Fee Proposal and FY 2009 Budget . Presentation to UTSA Staff Council June 26, 2008 Janet Parker, Associate Vice President, Financial Affairs. Tuition & Fee Proposal. Proposal to UT Board of Regents for rate approval was due January 2008

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Tuition & Fee Proposal and FY 2009 Budget

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  1. Tuition & Fee ProposalandFY 2009 Budget Presentation to UTSA Staff Council June 26, 2008 Janet Parker, Associate Vice President, Financial Affairs

  2. Tuition & Fee Proposal • Proposal to UT Board of Regents for rate approval was due January 2008 • Covers 2 Academic Years beginning Fall 2008 and Fall 2009 • Proposal followed U. T. System Guidelines • Principles - open & collaborative, comprehensive, strategic, transparent and frugal. • Board of Regents set a 4.95% cap • UTSA requested cap exception

  3. Tuition & Fee Proposal Pricing Strategy • Maximize designated tuition revenue • Limit increases to college and course fees • Allowed only those mandatory fee changes if initiated by student referenda with one exception: • Student health center fee – more traditional students have different expectations for service

  4. Student Life Referenda & Initiatives Campus life enhancements -important linkage to student success • University Center III Expansion endorsed in Spring ‘03 • Covers debt service, maintenance & operations • Athletics fee increase approved by vote in Fall ‘07 • Strengthens existing NCAA Div. I programs • New Transportationfee – student initiative approved to • Reduce the cost of most student parking permits • Relieve parking congestion with additional shuttles from remote lots and service frequency

  5. UTSA’s Enrollment Growth • Growth continues to create funding demands • Steady increase in full time, more ‘traditional’ students +472 full-time students over previous year • Additional course sections are required to meet demand • +3,355 in five years

  6. Total Academic Costs Approved by Board of Regents Request to exceed the 4.95% cap to increase fees supported by student referenda • UTSA students will pay $32 more than the total amount if capped

  7. Critical Budget Issues • Funding per FTE Student – Reliance on Designated Tuition • Enrollment increased by 60% but state funding per FTE Student is lowest in the UT System

  8. State Appropriation as a % of Total Revenue has Declined

  9. Critical Budget Issues • Faculty & Staff Resources to meet workload demands of our growth & research mission • Student to Faculty Ratio of 22.3:1 is one of the highest in the state • Reliance on part time faculty 3. Space Deficit • Deficit of 811,809 assignable square feet of Educational and General Space - to meet the average for 4 year TX public institutions, we would need to add 12 x 205,00 GSF buildings (or 4 just to eliminate the deficit and meet current needs – not growth.)

  10. FY 2009 Budget September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2009 Resources • Tuition Revenues • Incremental changes due to rate increase • Incremental changes due to enrollment impacts: increase in headcount, average unit load, mix of UG to GR; paying non-resident students • Net of Bad debt, waivers, and other unfunded liabilities • Internal Reallocations – not new funding • Take away $ from one area and give to another • Fee Revenues • Restricted Revenues – Grants & contracts; gifts and federal/state financial aid

  11. FY 2009 Budget September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2009 Educational & General Budget Resources • Tuition Revenues = $6.3 M • All from designated tuition! • Net of Bad debt, waivers, and other unfunded liabilities • Texas Tomorrow prepaid tuition program increased costs +$270,000 • Internal Reallocations = $3M • $1.2M in Prior Year revenue held in Reserves • $1.5M in Benefit Savings/overfunding • $0.3M in Performance Contract Debt retirement No new State Appropriations in 2nd Year of Biennium

  12. FY 2009 Budget September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2009 E&GRequirements • Mandatory Cost Increases • Ed Code required financial aid set asides • New facility openings (E&G space) • Debt Service cost increases over budget • Salary & Wages • 3% Merit Awards for Faculty & Staff • Faculty Promotions for Tenure/Rank changes; Staff Equity • Associated Benefit costs unfunded by state • Strategic Initiatives • New Faculty for enrollment growth • New Staff • Other initiatives E&G = Educational & General

  13. FY 2009 Budget September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2009 E&G Net Expenditure Increases Mandatory Cost Increases • Ed Code required financial aid set asides $ 1,176,329 • New facility openings (E&G space) 655,334 • Debt Service cost increases over budget 159,225 • Bad Debt / Texas Tomorrow Underfunding 290,000 Salary & Wages • 3% Merit Awards for Faculty & Staff $3,140,000 • Faculty Promotions for Tenure/Rank changes; Staff Equity 380,000 Strategic Initiatives • New Faculty $2,000,000 • New Staff 973,863 • Other initiatives: Master Graduate Instructors Program 295,000 Outreach & Student Recruitment 37,762 Capital Campaign 60,000 Reserves 146,931 TOTAL$9,314,444 E&G = Educational & General

  14. FY 2009 Operating Budget All Revenue Sources - $421,560,213

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