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A Specification Language and a Verification Engine for Reliable Reactive System Development. Tevfik Bultan Department of Computer Science University of California, Santa Barbara bultan@cs.ucsb.edu http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~bultan/ http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~bultan/composite/.
A Specification Language and a Verification Engine for Reliable Reactive System Development Tevfik Bultan Department of Computer Science University of California, Santa Barbara bultan@cs.ucsb.edu http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~bultan/ http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~bultan/composite/
Towards Verifiable Specification Languages Tevfik Bultan Department of Computer Science University of California, Santa Barbara bultan@cs.ucsb.edu http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~bultan/ http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~bultan/composite/
Action Language Verifier Composite Symbolic Library A Set of Tools for Specification and Verification of Reactive Systems Action Language specification Action Language Parser Omega Library CUDD Package Code Generator Verified code
Applications • Safety-critical system specifications • SCR (tabular), Statecharts (hierarchical state machines) specifications [Bultan, Gerber, League ISSTA98, TOSEM00] • Concurrent programs • Synthesizing verified monitor classes from specifications [Yavuz-Kahveci, Bultan] • Protocol verification • Verification of parameterized cache coherence protocols using counting abstraction [Delzanno, Bultan CP01] • Verification of workflow specifications • Verification of acyclic decision flows [Fu, Bultan, Hull, Su]
Composite Model Checking • Can model checking be extended to verification of specifications with arithmetic constraints? • [Bultan, Gerber, Pugh CAV97, TOPLAS99] Using Presburger (linear) arithmetic constraints for model checking infinite state systems • Problem: Most specifications have a combination of integer, boolean and enumerated variables • [Bultan, Gerber, League ISSTA98, TOSEM00] Composite model checking: • Model checking with type-specific symbolic representations • Uses Presburger arithmetic constraints and BDDs together
Composite Symbolic Library[Yavuz-Kahveci, Tuncer, Bultan TACAS01] • A symbolic manipulator that can handle boolean and integer variables (linear arithmetic constraints) • Built on top of other symbolic manipulators • Omega Library [Pugh et al.]: a Presburger arithmetic formula manipulator (based on polyhedral representations) • CUDD package [Somenzi et al.]: a Boolean logic formula manipulator (a BDD package) • Uses a disjunctive representation to combine arithmetic constraints with BDDs • Uses an object oriented design • Every symbolic representation is derived from an abstract class • We wrote wrappers around Omega Library and CUDD package • Can be extended to other variable types if a symbolic representation is provided for them
Action Language[Bultan ICSE00] [Bultan, Yavuz-Kahveci ASE01] • Initial goal • To develop an input specification language for our composite model checker • Broader perspective • Develop a low level specification language for model checking • The language should be able to “handle” different high level specification languages
Outline • Specification Language: Action Language • Synchronous vs. asynchronous composition • Translating hierarchical and tabular specifications to Action Language • Verification Engine • Constraint-based verification • Composite Symbolic Library • Applications • Synthesizing verified monitor classes • Verification of parameterized cache coherence protocols • Verification of workflow specifications • Related, Current and Future Work
Model Checking View • Every reactive system • safety-critical software specification, • cache coherence protocol, • mutual exclusion algorithm, etc. is represented as a transition system: • S : The set of states • I S : The set of initial states • R S S: The transition relation
Model Checking View • Properties of reactive systems are expressed in temporal logics • Invariant(p) : is true in a state if property p is true in every state reachable from that state • Also known as AG • Eventually(p) : is true in a state if property p is true at some state on every execution path from that state • Also known as AF
Action Language • A state based language • Actions correspond to state changes • States correspond to valuations of variables • Integer (possibly unbounded), boolean and enumerated variables • Parameterized constants (verified for every possible value of the constant) • Transition relation is defined using actions • Atomic actions: Predicates on current and next state variables • Action composition: • synchronous (&) or asynchronous (|) • Modular • Modules can have submodules • Modules are defined as synchronous and asynchronous compositions of its actions and submodules
Actions in Action Language • Atomic actions: Predicates on current and next state variables • Current state variables: reading, nr, busy • Next state variables: reading’, nr’, busy’ • Logical operators: not (!) and (&&) or (||) • Equality: = (for all variable types) • Linear arithmetic: <, >, >=, <=, +, * (by a constant) • An atomic action: !reading and !busy and nr’=nr+1 and reading’
An Action Language Specification module main() integer nr; boolean busy; restrict: nr>=0; initial: nr=0 and !busy; module Reader() boolean reading; initial: !reading; rEnter: !reading and !busy and nr’=nr+1 and reading’; rExit: reading and !reading’ and nr’=nr-1; Reader: rEnter | rExit; endmodule module Writer() boolean writing; initial: !writing; wEnter: !writing and nr=0 and !busy and busy’ and writing’; wExit: writing and !writing’ and !busy’; Writer: wEnter | wExit; endmodule main: Reader() | Reader() | Writer() | Writer(); spec: invariant([busy => nr=0]) endmodule
S :Cartesian product of variable domains defines the set of states A Closer Look I : Predicates defining the initial states module main() integer nr; boolean busy; restrict: nr>=0; initial: nr=0 and !busy; module Reader() boolean reading; initial: !reading; rEnter: !reading and !busy and nr’=nr+1 and reading’; rExit: reading and !reading’ and nr’=nr-1; Reader: rEnter | rExit; endmodule module Writer() ... endmodule main: Reader() | Reader() | Writer() | Writer(); spec: invariant([busy => nr=0]) endmodule R : Atomic actions of the Reader R : Transition relation of Reader defined as asynchronous composition of its atomic actions R : Transition relation of main defined as asynchronous composition of two Reader and two Writer processes
Asynchronous Composition • Asynchronous composition is equivalent to disjunction if composed actions have the same next state variables a1: i > 0 and i’ = i + 1; a2: i <= 0 and i’ = i – 1; a3: a1 | a2 is equivalent to a3: (i > 0 and i’ = i + 1) or (i <= 0 and i’ = i – 1);
Asynchronous Composition • Asynchronous composition preserves values of variables which are not explicitly updated a1 : i > j and i’ = j; a2 : i <= j and j’ = i; a3 : a1 | a2; is equivalent to a3 : (i > j and i’ = j) and j’ = j or (i <= j and j’ = i) and i’ = i
Synchronous Composition • Synchronous composition is equivalent to conjunction if two actions do not disable each other a1: i’ = i + 1; a2: j’ = j + 1; a3: a1 & a2; is equivalent to a3: i’ = i + 1 and j’ = j + 1;
Synchronous Composition • A disabled action does not block synchronous composition a1: i < max and i’ = i + 1; a2: j < max and j’ = j + 1; a3: a1 & a2; is equivalent to a3: (i < max and i’ = i + 1 or i >= max & i’ = i) and (j < max & j’ = j + 1 or j >= max & j’ = j);
Statecharts[Harel 87] • Hierarchical state machines • States can be combined to form superstates • OR decomposition of a superstate • The system can be in only one of the OR states at any given time • AND decomposition of a superstate • The system has to be in both AND states at the same time • Transitions • Transitions between states
Statecharts to Action Language • Statecharts transitions (arcs) correspond to actions • OR states correspond to enumerated variables and they define the state space • Transitions (actions) of OR states are combined using asynchronous composition • Transitions (actions) of AND states are combined using synchronous composition
Statecharts to Action Language Alarm module main() enumerated Alarm {Shut, Op}; enumerated Mode {On, Off}; enumerated Vol {1, 2}; initial: Alarm=Shut and Mode=Off and Vol=1; t1: Alarm=Shut and Alarm’=Op and Mode’=On and Vol’=1; t2: Alarm=Shut and Alarm’=Op and Mode’=Off and Vol’=1; t3: Alarm=Op and Alarm’=Shut; t4: Alarm=Op and Mode=On and Mode’=Off; t5: Alarm=Op and Mode=Off and Mode’=On; ... main: t1 | t2 | t3 | (t4 | t5) & (t6 | t7); endmodule Shut t1 t2 Op t3 Mode Vol On 1 t4 t5 t6 t7 Off 2 Preserves the structure of the Statecharts specification
SCR[Courtois and Parnas 93], [Heitmeyer et al. 96] • Tabular specifications • Mode transition tables • Condition tables • Event tables • Events • @T(c) = c c’ • In action language: !c and c’ • @T(c) WHEN d = c c’ d • In action language: !c and c’ and d
SCR to Action Language • Each row in an SCR table corresponds to an action • The transition relation of a table is defined by asynchronous composition of actions that correspond to its rows • The transition relation of the whole system is defined by synchronous composition of transition relations of tables
SCR to Action Language module main() enumerated Heater {On, Off}; enumerated AC {On, Off}; integer temp; parameterized integer low, high; initial: low<=temp<=high and Heater=AC=Off; r1: !(temp<low) and temp’<low and Heater=Off and Heater’=On; r2: !(temp>=low) and temp’>=low and Heater=On and Heater’=Off; t_heat: r1 | r2; ... main: t_heat & t_AC; endmodule Heater AC
Outline • Model Checking • Specification Language: Action Language • Synchronous vs. asynchronous composition • Translating hierarchical and tabular specifications to Action Language • Verification Engine • Constraint-based verification • Composite Symbolic Library • Applications • Synthesizing verified monitor classes • Verification of parameterized cache coherence protocols • Verification of workflow specifications • Related, Current and Future Work
Model Checking Given a program and a temporal propertyp: • Either show that all the initial states satisfy the temporal propertyp • set of initial states truth set of p • Or find an initial state which does not satisfy the propertyp • a state set of initial states truth set of p
Temporal Properties Fixpoints backwardImage of p Backward fixpoint Initial states • • • p initial states that violate Invariant(p) states that can reach p i.e., states that violate Invariant(p) Invariant(p) Forward fixpoint Initial states • • • p reachable states that violate p forward image of initial states reachable states of the system
Symbolic Model Checking • Represent sets of states and the transition relation as Boolean logic formulas • Forward and backward fixpoints can be computed by iteratively manipulating these formulas • Forward, backward image: Existential variable elimination • Conjunction (intersection), disjunction (union) and negation (set difference), and equivalence check • Use an efficient data structure for manipulation of Boolean logic formulas • BDDs
BDDs • Efficient representation for boolean functions • Disjunction, conjunction complexity: at most quadratic • Negation complexity: constant • Equivalence checking complexity: constant or linear • Image computation complexity: can be exponential
Constraint-Based Verification • Can we use linear arithmetic constraints as a symbolic representation? • Required functionality • Disjunction, conjunction, negation, equivalence checking, existential variable elimination • Advantages: • Arithmetic constraints can represent infinite sets • Heuristics based on arithmetic constraints can be used to accelerate fixpoint computations • Widening, loop-closures
Linear Arithmetic Constraints • Can be used to represent sets of valuations of unbounded integers • Linear integer arithmetic formulas can be stored as a set of polyhedra where each cklis a linear equality or inequality constraint and each is a polyhedron
Linear Arithmetic Constraints • Disjunction complexity: linear • Conjunction complexity: quadratic • Negation complexity: can be exponential • Because of the disjunctive representation • Equivalence checking complexity: can be exponential • Uses existential variable elimination • Image computation complexity: can be exponential • Uses existential variable elimination
A Linear Arithmetic Constraint Manipulator • Omega Library [Pugh et al.] • Manipulates Presburger arithmetic formulas: First order theory of integers without multiplication • Equality and inequality constraints are not enough: Divisibility constraints are also needed • Existential variable elimination in Omega Library: Extension of Fourier-Motzkin variable elimination to integers • Eliminating one variable from a conjunction of constraints may double the number of constraints • Integer variables complicate the problem even further
Fourier-Motzkin Variable Elimination • Given two constraints bz and az we have a abz b • We can eliminate z as: z . a abz b if and only if a b • Every upper and lower bound pair can generate a separate constraint, the number of constraints can double for each eliminated variable real shadow
Integers are More Complicated • If z is integer z . a abz b if a + (a - 1)(b - 1) b • Remaining solutions can be characterized using periodicity constraints in the following form: z . + i = bz dark shadow
Consider the constraints: y . 03y – x 7 1 x – 2y 5 We get the following bounds for y: 2x 6y 6y 2x + 14 3x - 15 6y 6y 3x - 3 When we combine 2 lower bounds with 2 upper bounds we get four constraints: 0 14 , 3 x,x 29 , 0 12 Result is: 3 x 29
y x – 5 2y 2y x – 1 x 3y 3y x + 7 3 29 x dark shadow real shadow
How about Using BDDs for Encoding Arithmetic Constraints? • Arithmetic constraints on bounded integer variables can be represented using BDDs • Use a binary encoding • represent integer x as x0x1x2... xk • where x0, x1, x2, ... , xk are binary variables • You have to be careful about the variable ordering!
Arithmetic Constraints on Bounded Integer Variables • BDDs and constraint representations are both applicable • Which one is better?
smv: SMV smv+co: SMV with William Chan’s interleaved variable ordering omc: Our model checker built on Omega Library AG(!(pc1=cs && pc2=cs)) Intel Pentium PC (500MHz, 128MByte main memory)
AG(cinchair>=cleave && bavail>=bbusy>=bdone && cinchair<=bavail && bbusy<=cinchair && cleave<=bdone)
AG(produced-consumed= size-available && 0<=available<=size)
Arithmetic Constraints vs. BDDs • Constraint based verification can be more efficient than BDDs for integers with large domains • BDD-based verification is more robust • Constraint based approach does not scale well when there are boolean or enumerated variables in the specification • Constraint based verification can be used to automatically verify infinite state systems • cannot be done using BDDs • Price of infinity • CTL model checking becomes undecidable
Conservative Approximations • Compute a lower ( p ) or an upper ( p+ ) approximation to the truth set of the property ( p ) • Model checker can give three answers: p p I p p I “The property is satisfied” “I don’t know” sates which violate the property I p p+ p “The property is false and here is a counter-example”
Computing Upper and Lower Bounds • Approximate fixpoint computations • Widening: To compute upper bound for least-fixpoints • We use a generalization of the polyhedra widening operator by Cousot and Halbwachs • Collapsing (dual of widening): To compute lower bound for greatest-fixpoints • Truncated fixpoints: To compute lower bounds for least-fixpoints and upper bounds for greatest fixpoints • Loop-closures • Compute transitive closure of self-loops • Can easily handle simple loops which increment or decrement a counter
Is There a Better Way? • Each symbolic representation has its own deficiencies • BDD’s cannot represent infinite sets • Linear arithmetic constraint representations are expensive to manipulate • Mapping boolean variables to integers does not scale • Eliminating boolean variables by partitioning the state-space does not scale
Composite Model Checking • Each variable type is mapped to a symbolic representation type • Map boolean and enumerated types to BDD representation • Map integer type to arithmetic constraint representation • Use a disjunctive representation to combine symbolic representations • Each disjunct is a conjunction of formulas represented by different symbolic representations
Composite Formulas Composite formula (CF): CF ::=CF CF | CFCF | CF | BF | IF Boolean Formula (BF) BF ::=BFBF | BFBF | BF | Termbool Termbool ::= idbool | true | false Integer Formula (IF) IF ::= IFIF | IFIF | IF | TermintRopTermint Termint ::= TermintAopTermint | Termint | idint | constantint where Rop denotes relational operators (=, , > , <, , ), Aop denotes arithmetic operators (+,-, and * with a constant)